Jaguar Monthly
Month of December 2024 - for our Clifton Park Families!
Three weeks of learning until our winter break!
Our Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st graders are working hard to learn early literacy skills - which means LANGUAGE. We work hard to provide a language-rich, engaging environment so that their foundational skills are strong. You can help by encouraging your child to speak in complete sentences - saying "Will you tie my shoe, please?", for example, instead of just holding their foot out for you to guess what they want. It is wonderful to hear our very youngest students using sentences to communicate; make it a challenge at home!
With all of that in mind, please help us by continuing to send them to school each morning around 7:00 ready to eat a good breakfast in the classroom and learn. Consistent attendance at school is so critical to students' academic development. We will have some fun dress-up days (see pic below) to make it more fun to get up and get dressed - make sure to join in the fun!
Thank you for helping our teachers to get their fall conferences held. We are nearly finished! If you have not met with your child's teacher, please reach out to her by email at: firstname.lastname@killeenisd.org to schedule a date and time before the Christmas holiday.
We look forward to a fun-filled month of December!
Penguin Patch
3rd Grade can't wait to perform for you...come through BACK DOORS on Monday!
December Character Trait - Responsibility
Own your thoughts, words, and actions
Character Lunch: This month it will be WEDNESDAY, December 18th.
December CKH Parent Newsletter
December at a Glance:
December 16: 3rd Grade Choir concert, please use BACKDOORS.
December 18: Character lunch
Dec. 20: last day of semester; EARLY OUT at 1:00 - report cards will go home in January.
On the horizon:
First Semester A/AB/B Honor Roll Ceremony (invitations will be sent home in mid-Jan), Jan. 22, 2025
MATH NIGHT, January 23, 2025
Clifton Park Elementary
Email: cliftonpark@killeenisd.org
Website: https://schools.killeenisd.org/Page/21
Location: 2200 South 2nd Street, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: 2543361580
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CliftonParkElementary/