Fort High's Weekly Bulletin
February 23, 2024
Upcoming Events
February 27 - School Council Meeting
February 28 - Pink Shirt Day
February 28 - Exam catch up day
February 29 - YES we have a 29th this year :)
March 1 - Professional Development Day - No School
March 4-5 - Grad Photo Re-Takes
Fort High Academics
We are so incredibly proud of our students and teachers at FHS!! Keep up the hard work!!
** Acceptable = Passing Diploma Exam
EIPS Annual Education Results Report
Every year, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) publishes an Annual Education Results Report, which outlines the Division’s Four-Year Education Plan, opportunities for growth and how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes. Read through this year’s EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2022-23 and discover how EIPS fosters learning environments for all students to learn, grow and thrive—and why it matters.
March Spotlight: cultivating high-quality learning environments and experiences
· Power of Kindness: Creates welcoming, inclusive, respectful, and safe learning environments in schools
· Building Blocks: How effective planning, management and infrastructure is supporting learning
· Raising the bar: Evidence-based practices that are enhancing teaching and learning in EIPS
EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26
EIPS Three-Year Capital Plan: 2024-27
Pink Shirt Day - February 28
Exam Catch Up Day - February 28
We are excited to offer exam catch up after school, three Wednesday's a month. The first Wednesday each month is reserved for Staff Meetings, where there will be no exams running. Please be sure your children have arranged transportation should they write past bus departure at 3:20 p.m. and please remind them to bring supplies to complete the exam (e.g. calculator, pencil etc.)
It is expected that students communicate with their teachers to make arrangements.
Graduation Photo Retakes - March 4 and 5, 2024
Re-takes for Graduation Photos are March 4 (10:00-3:00) and March 5 (9:00-3:00) in the library. Please visit their website at edgeimaging.ca
Select FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS at the top of the page
Scroll down to START BOOKING NOW
For RETAKES select GRADE 12 GRAD RETAKES, which will avoid another sitting fee.
For NEW BOOKINGS select ELITE SITTING and pay their sitting fee to proceed.
Even if you do not intend to purchase photos, please make an appointment to have your photo for the Fort High composite.
Bookings are now open!
Our Leadership class is back at it with a brand-new group of students this semester. February came on quick, but the class was able to plan a variety of activities for Valentines Day including a scavenger hunt, free cookies and “crush for your crush” can deliveries! A few students also started to organize a food bank drive for the local food bank which is pitting class against class to see who can collect the most (so far Mme. Orchard’s class is winning).
The class is also getting geared up to go volunteer in the community and are busy planning our second annual “Fort Night” event – Stay Tuned!
Counsellor Corner
Semester 2 is underway! Timetable changes have all been completed and students are eager to take on some new learning subjects. The Success Coaches, Ms. Peddle and Mr. Vandermeulen, are reviewing all Grade 12 students graduation credentials and meeting with students to ensure they are ready for grad and beyond. Ms. Haines, Student Counsellor, and myself will be meeting with the Grade 11 students and review their courses as they prepare to move into their Grade 12 year.
Post Secondary Info Nights
Concordia University of Edmonton - March 7 5:00 - 7:30 (Register)
Kings University - March 16 - All Day (Register)
NAIT (Register) - Science and Tech - February 28 - 5:30 - 8:00
- Health and Life Scienes - March 9 - 8:30 - 1:30 pm
- Skilled Trades - March 16 - 9:00 - 2:00 PM
Norquest - March 16 - 10:00 - 2:00 (Register)
U of Alberta - March 7 - 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Healthful Tip:
Every now and again, have a gadget-free day. Put down your phone, switch off your TV and spend the day in nature, or reading, or catching up with friends in person.
Support Numbers
Alberta’s Mental Health Help Line
Alberta’s Children and Mental Health Crisis/Mobile Response Team
Crisis Contact Numbers for Strathcona County
Fort Saskatchewan Community Mental Health Supports and Services
Hope for Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples: 1-855-242-3310
SRO in the Know
Did you know, we have a School Resource Officer? Constable Mowbray regularly attends Fort High, creating positive interactions with our students and staff.
Constable Mowbray is a great resource in our school community, providing answers to many questions and keeping us safe.
Watch for our new SRO in the Know section in the Weekly Newsletter.
FHS Clubs
GSA - Wednesdays at lunch in room 53 (Mr. Putnam’s room). Come check out our safe space and bring an ally if you want!
Magic the Gathering Club - Thursdays at lunch in the Art room.
Student Opportunity Board (click to follow link)
We have posted a number of new opportunities including:
-Dual Credit semester 2.
-2 RAP positions at Pembina Pipeline (Redwater) for February (Millwright and Electrician)
Opportunities for girls in trades (A Careers Camp, Careers information session, and three Women Building Futures opportunities).
Thursday, March 7, 2024 | 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
See the opportunities that await! Create a big future at our small campus. This event will be in person on campus as well as live-streamed.
- Grade 11 students can apply now for Fall 2025 through our Jump Start program.
- Grade 12 students who have already applied.
- Grade 12 students who are undecided; applications are open for Fall 2024 until June 30, Winter 2025 applications now open.
- Family, supporters, counsellors, and anyone interested in finding out more about CUE!
- Application fee will be waived – Admission Advisors will be on hand to assist with the online application (fee waived for domestic students only)
- Registration Advisors will also be on hand to assist Fall 2024 admitted students with registration in courses.
- Faculty presentations from the Deans and in-person booth fair; live stream link will be emailed ahead of time and available on our event webpage: https://concordia.ab.ca/infonight
- Campus tours!
- Students who sign up will receive an application code by email to apply for free!
PLUS, new this year:
- Students who pre-register AND attend will be entered to win a FREE CUE hoodie!