WBMS Friday Notes!
September 6, 2024
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Greetings WBMS families,
I hope you had a great long weekend! I definitely enjoyed having some additional time to get moved into my new office over the weekend. It really helped me feel ready to go when arriving to WBMS on Tuesday to greet our fantastic teachers and staff.
This short week for students was spent reading the novel which was chosen to correlate with each grade level’s service-learning initiative. I had the opportunity to speak with many students during their lunch breaks and each student I spoke with told me they were really enjoying the novel they were reading, and the activities and discussions around it. This is a unique opportunity that WBMS students have to learn more about different peoples’ situations and circumstances throughout the world and be mindful of ways to help those who are in need. I am so proud of the work the students and staff are doing in this regard.
I am sure that student safety is on your mind this week as it is on ours. Our school administrative team is taking additional time to collaborate and reflect on our current safety procedures and processes. We practice drills often so our staff and students feel comfortable with the expectations of how to react in various safety scenarios. We will be taking additional measures to ensure our procedures and expectations are repeated and demonstrated regularly to ensure staff and students are well trained on how to respond in the event of an emergency.
Please be mindful of the attendance verification requirements listed below in this newsletter which are specific to our 6th and 7th grade students.
Thank you for your continued support of the amazing school! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Kind regards,
Julie Morris
Principal, Webb Bridge Middle School
Dates to Remember!
- Sept 10 - 6th Grade Dance
- Sept 11- Picture Day
- Sept 25-Sept 27 - 7th Grade JA Field Trip
- Sept 27 - 8th Grade Band Night @ AHS
Assessment Calendars
Have a question about what tests or quizzes your student has coming up? Check out the Assessment Calendar!
Teachers place all major assessments on these calendars:
6th Grade Assessment Calendar Link
6th Grade Welcome Dance - September 10th
Dear 6th Grade Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to announce that the 6th Grade Welcome Dance will be held on Tuesday, September 10th, from 4:15 to 6:00 p.m. in the school gym. This is a wonderful opportunity for our 6th graders to celebrate the start of the school year and connect with their peers.
Important Details:
- Date & Time: Tuesday, September 10th, 4:15 – 6:00 p.m.
- Location: Webb Bridge Middle School Gym
- Chaperones: 6th grade teachers
- Cost: $5 admission. Pizza, drinks, candy, and additional concessions will be available for purchase (cash only), ranging from $1-$2.
Registration & Payment:
Please complete the permission form and payment by Monday, September 9th, at 5:00 p.m. to secure your child’s attendance.
Additional Guidelines:
- Only currently enrolled Webb Bridge Middle School students may attend. Students who are absent or suspended on the day of the dance will not be permitted to attend.
- Students will be escorted to the dance and dismissed to collect their belongings afterward. Please ensure prompt pick-up at 6:15 p.m.
- Students must arrive by 4:15 p.m. Late entry will only be allowed with prior administrative approval.
- Early check-out is permitted only with signed permission from a parent/guardian.
- Students must remain in designated areas during the dance and are expected to follow all school rules and exhibit respectful behavior.
We look forward to a fun and safe event for our students. Thank you for your cooperation and support in making this dance a success.
Picture Day is Sept 11
Pictures will be taken during connections classes on Sept. 11. Pictures can be ordered online here using our Picture Day ID EVTVRJRHJ or with the ordering form handed out during curriculum night. If you need an ordering form please have your student request one from their Compass teacher. Retake Day is October 23, all retakes will be taken in the morning. Still have questions? Contact seletskyn@fultonschools.org
Thank You to CATS for 9/11 Flag Memorial
Thank you to CATS, a mother/daughter volunteer organization, for the 9/11 flag memorial on our campus. For more information about CATS please go to catsalpharetta.org.
Residency Verification for 6th and 7th graders
Prior to the start of the new school year, parents of students entering 6th and 7th grades are required to submit two proofs of residency from the school systems’ approved list of verifiable residency documents: one from the approved utility list and one from the approved residency list. Documentation is also needed when there is any address change.
If you have not provided this documentation please upload 2 proofs immediately to the below link.
Below is a reminder of the requirements for Residency verification.
A Message from the School Counselors: Suicide Prevention and Support
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we navigate the school year together, one of our key responsibilities is ensuring the mental well-being of our students. With the growing challenges and pressures faced by middle schoolers, it's crucial that we all stay informed and proactive about suicide prevention.
Understanding the Signs
Adolescence is a time of significant change, and it's not uncommon for students to experience a range of emotions. However, it's important to be aware of signs that may indicate a student is struggling more deeply. Some signs to watch for include:
- Withdrawal: Pulling away from friends, family, and activities they used to enjoy.
- Changes in Behavior: Sudden mood swings, irritability, or changes in sleep and appetite.
- Talk of Death or Self-Harm: Expressions of hopelessness or talking about death, self-harm, or suicide.
- Difficulty in School: A decline in academic performance, frequent absences, or lack of interest in schoolwork.
Creating an Open Dialogue
Creating a supportive environment at home can make a significant difference. Encourage open communication by:
- Being Approachable: Let your child know they can talk to you about anything, and listen without judgment.
- Regular Check-Ins: Make time for regular conversations about their feelings and experiences.
- Validating Their Feelings: Acknowledge their emotions and offer reassurance.
What to Do if You’re Concerned
If you suspect your child is struggling, it's important to seek help. Here’s what you can do:
- Talk to a Professional: Reach out to a school counselor, psychologist, or mental health professional for guidance and support.
- Use Resources: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK) is available 24/7 and can provide immediate support.
- Contact Us: Our school counseling team is here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us for resources, support, or just to talk.
Supporting Each Other
As a community, we have a responsibility to support one another. Here are some ways we can work together:
- Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with the resources available for mental health and suicide prevention.
- Promote Wellness: Encourage healthy habits, such as regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep.
- Be Informed: Attend workshops and seminars on mental health and well-being offered by the school.
Sign of Suicide Lesson
Fulton County Schools takes seriously the personal/social and physical safety of our students. In order to proactively address concerns of depression and child/adolescent suicide, the district is providing faculty suicide prevention training and a student] suicide prevention lesson as part of the Signs of Suicide (SOS) Prevention Program. The SOS program has proven successful at increasing help-seeking by students who are concerned about themselves or a friend. It is the only school-based suicide prevention program selected by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for its National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices that addresses suicide risk and depression, while reducing suicide attempts.
Our SOS program goals are as follows:
· To explain that suicide is a preventable tragedy that often occurs as a result of untreated depression.
· To provide students training in how to identify serious depression and potential risk of suicide in a friend.
· To impress upon students that they can help themselves or a friend by taking the simple step of talking to a responsible adult about their concerns.
WBMS School Counseling Department will be coordinating/delivering the Signs of Suicide Lesson Classes on the following dates: 8th grade on 9/20, 7th grade on 9/24, and 6th grade on 10/2.
If you DO NOT wish for your child to participate in the SOS suicide prevention lesson at school, please complete the enclosed form and return it to your local School Counseling Department via email by 9/13. If we DO NOT hear from you by 9/13, we will assume your child has permission to participate in this program.
Your involvement and vigilance are vital in ensuring the well-being of our students. Together, we can make a positive difference and create a safe, supportive environment for all.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to support both you and your child.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Ramsey (ramseya@fultonschools.org)
Mrs. Clarke (clarkea1@fultonschools.org)
Mrs. Vogel (vogele@fultonschools.org)
8th Grade Field Trip-Nov. 11
First payment due by 9/30
Here’s the direct link to the 8th grade field trip webpage: https://bernhardtj2425impact.my.canva.site/step-by-step-directions-for-trip-registration
International Festival
It is our pleasure to invite everyone to attend our annual International Festival. Webb Bridge Welcomes the World Thursday, November 7th, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. We will gather together to experience the diverse cultures that make up our Webb Bridge family! Displays will include ethnic food, dress, artifacts, pictures, music, games or activities, fun facts, and much more. We hope to see you at the festival!
Please click on this link to fill form to participate. Thank you!
Welcome to Canvas!
Parent/Guardian Canvas Observer Account
Fulton County Schools is proud to launch the Canvas learning management system in middle and high schools for the 2024-25 school year! Canvas is designed to enhance your child's educational experience. With Canvas, parents can stay connected to their child's learning journey. You can access your child's assignments, grades, and course materials all in one place. Additionally, you can communicate directly with teachers and stay informed about upcoming school events and important announcements. Canvas makes it easy to support your child's education from home.
For more information about CANVAS or to set up an account please click here to access step by step instructions on the district website. Instructions are available in multiple languages by clicking on the icon at the bottom right side of the district page.
Or you can click on the PDF below for instructions to set up your account.
Notification to Parents of Screening and Referral Process for Gifted Students
Please review the document below for information regarding screening and referral process for Gifted students.
Media Center Volunteer Orientation
Volunteer Training Orientation on Sept 10 from 10:00am-11:00am
Please join us at the Webb Bridge media center for an orientation on how to volunteer in the media center. Our volunteer coordinator will show you how to sort and shelve the books, how checking books in and out via the computer system works and other ways we can be useful in the media center as volunteers. Once you are trained, you come and go on your own time (during school hours) and any amount of help is appreciated. Please be sure to have filled out the FCS volunteer application prior to coming in.
Register as a Volunteer - Fulton County School System (fultonschools.org)
Register to attend training: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4BADA729A5FC1-50798265-wbmedia#/
Your student completed the i-Ready Diagnostic! Now what?
What is the i-Ready Diagnostic?
The Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that identifies students’ strengths and opportunities for growth.
That information helps determine how to best support their learning. Watch this video to learn more.
How can I access my student’s results?
1. Log in to your student’s i-Ready Dashboard using their district or school’s portal credentials and then click on the i-Ready icon. Please use ClassLink to access the icon.
2. Click on the For Families dropdown and select the For Families report.
3. Enter your District’s Report Code 1TT7PS
For more information and support, visit the i-Ready Family Center: Understanding Diagnostic Results
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support of your student’s learning.
Student Success Skills Inventory
The Student Success Skills Inventory is used to measure student growth across Student Success Skill standards as a result of Rethink Ed lessons. Students will complete the 15-20 item pre-inventory between August 26, 2024 - September 13, 2024. The post-inventory will take place between April 14, 2025 - April 25, 2025. It takes about 15 minutes to complete. The inventory is pushed out to students using the Illuminate platform. Parents can choose to opt their student out of the inventory. To opt out, parents must submit a written request to opt out to the school principal.
Please click on the Parent Packet below for more information.
Follow us in Instagram! @webb_bridgems
AHS Jr. League Basketball Tryouts
Basketball Tryouts!!
Sunday, September 15th and 22nd
6th Grade-1:00-2:30
7th/8th Grade-2:30-4:00
Sunday, September 22nd-4:30-6:00
Tuesday, September 24th-6:30-8:00
Tryouts will be held at the Alpharetta High School Gym
Register at www.jlbballtryouts.net
REVISED- WBMS Athletics Tryouts Fall 2024
7th and 8th grade only
Student must be present on first day of tryouts
Tryouts after school 4:00pm – 5:15pm
Soccer (coed)
Sept 9th (1st cut)
Sept 10th (final cut)
Boys and Girls
Boys – Sept 17
Girls – Sept 19
Girls – Oct 7,8
Boys – Oct 10
Boys – Dec 17-18
Girls– Jan 8-9
Girls and Boys – Feb 2025 (TBD)
Turn in all forms through www.Rankone.com
Forms must be submitted before tryouts.
Coach Sell - sell@fultonschools.org
Introducing Summit Onsite School-Based Mental Health
As a parent, you want what is best for your child, but it is not always easy to know what type of support they need. Mental health therapy helps students better understand their personal needs and learn new skills to manage life situations and relationships more effectively. Summit Counseling has partnered with Webb Bridge M.S. to provide support during the school day through our on-site therapist Jessica Gross. Visit our website to learn more about individual and group services. School-Based Mental Health - The Summit Counseling Center
Order your Yearbook Today!
Attention 7th grade Parents!
WBMS needs your help: GALLON CHALLENGE
7th Grade Parents –
This year your children will be learning how to make a positive impact on our local and global communities! In 7th grade we will read the novel A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park and investigate the issues of unequal access to clean water alongside other negative impacts.
There will be multiple opportunities in all content classes and Compass to investigate the issue further, create action plans to help people living in South Sudan who struggle with this problem, reflect on their contributions, and celebrate their successes.
How can you help?
To develop empathy and understanding for women and children who must walk far distances to access clean water in South Sudan, students will carry gallon water jugs on a September “Thirsty Thursday” walk during their PE/Health classes. We are hoping to collect 150 jugs through donations during the month of August.
All water jugs may be dropped off in Mrs. Foil’s classroom (715).
Following this event, the water jugs will be donated to Meals By Grace to help our local community with their water needs.
Click on the QR code below to watch a video to introduce you to the problems of living in an area with little access to clean water.
Thank you for considering!
The 7th grade Service-Learning Team
Did you know?
How to report an absence for your student?
For an absence, please email your child's name, grade, and reason for absence, to kornegayl1@fultonschools.org or hedgerb@fultonschools.org. You may include any doctor's notes in your email or send them in with your child to bring to the front office when they return.
View board policy and WBMS attendance information here- https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/8783
Learn about the Media Center with SWAY
A Media Center Sway is created for each school month (and updated throughout the month) to share information on reading celebrations, reading challenges, maker activities, and special events, so be sure to check for updates each week.
Please click on the image above to enter the Sway.
Clubs and Community Happenings
Clubs begin after Labor Day!
Students can check Jaguar News, our website, Club Bulletin Board and here for more information!
TREX Recycling Challenge
TREX Recycling Challenge!
Last year our WBMS community participated in the Trex Recycling challenge as part of 8th grade student Lillian Walker’s Girl Scout Silver Award. Webb Bridge came in 4th place out of all participating middle schools in the country! In our first year we recycled over 217 pounds of plastic! This year, Lillian’s sister Teresa (8th grade) has taken over this community recycling challenge.
Students and staff are encouraged to bring in single-use plastic items from home to be recycled by the decking manufacturer, Trex (see attached flyer for a list of acceptable items). There are 3 recycling bins placed around the school, where you can place these plastics. Each week volunteers will weigh the collected plastic and transfer it to a local Trex drop-off site. We will compete against schools across the country to see who can collect the most plastic for recycling, and the winning school receives a Trex Bench! We hope this challenge will spread awareness about the harmfulness of single-use plastics on our environment as well as encourage the habit of recycling in our community. We will provide periodic updates on our progress, and we hope to get 100% participation. Let’s get recycling, Jaguars!!
Our school was named a 2022-2023 National PTA School of Excellence!
To earn this designation WBMS had to demonstrate families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success, and that our PTA is a key partner for continuous school improvement. Becoming a National PTA School of Excellence began with the joint commitment of PTA and our phenomenal administrative team to work together to welcome all families, communicate effectively, support student success, speak up for every child, share power and collaborate with the community. Congratulations and a huge thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!
To learn more about this accomplishment or to support our PTA during the Fall Membership Drive, visit wbmspta.org.
Do you know a family in need at WBMS?
Please reach out to our counseling staff so we can find ways to help.
Our Community Cupboard provides emergency necessities for families in our school experiencing hardship.
Please consider making a donation! Our largest need currently is gift cards in any amount to Kroger or Walmart.
You may leave your donations at the Front Office. Please mark them PTA/Community Cupboard. Thank you!
Please help us thank our Community Partners by supporting their place of business!
The Smile Design
Aurora Cineplex
Summit Counseling Center
Jordan Orthodontics
Mibab Orthodontics
Coldwell Banker Realtors- Leslie Hawkins and Tarran Craver
Leslie Hawkins & Tarran Craver
Coldwell Banker Realty | Roswell
601 Houze Way, Suite 800
Roswell, GA 30076
Leslie Cell: 770-851-1489
Tarran Cell: 770-597-9118
LRJ Foundation
Want to volunteer at WBMS?
All volunteers must complete the Fulton County Schools training in order to volunteer at Webb Bridge. We ask that you complete the training 24 hours prior to the day you are volunteering. You will have to present your ID to the front office the first time you sign in as a volunteer. Please register here to complete requirements to volunteer. Volunteers will not have to register again until May 31, 2026.
- There are two "lanes" the pick-up and the exit lane.
- We've extended the carpool lane -Please pull all the way up to the end of the traffic circle to the BLUE SIGN
- It's a "Load and Go" method- once your student is in the car, please carefully merge into the exit lane
Drop Off Times
Morning: Students cannot enter the building before 8:25, unless they are here for a help session/club meeting, students will need to wait outside.
Afternoon: Carpool and walkers are released after the 4:03 Afternoon Announcements.
More information about Carpool and WBMS transportation options- visit our website- https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/23291
FCS Code of Conduct
As we all work together to ensure a safe and nurturing learning environment for our students, it is important that every parent/guardian and student is provided with access to the District’s Student Code of Conduct. · The Code of Conduct can be viewed here:
All students above 10 years of age and their parents or guardians are asked to digitally sign acknowledging receipt of the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook. Many of you took care of this step during Sneak Peek. If you did not sign a paper copy, please use the link How to sign the Code of Conduct to see step-by-step instructions on how to sign for the Code of Conduct in Infinite Campus. Parents and students can digitally sign by using their online portal or the app on their smartphone/device.
Way to go Webb Bridge! GAMLE Middle School to Watch!
Webb Bridge Middle School was featured on the Georgia Association for Middle School Level Education (GAMLE) website. Click on the link below and scroll down to read the feature article "Service-Learning Empowers Students to be the Change They Wish to See" written by our very own Principal, Ms. Williams!
Introducing Classwize
Student COVID Reporting Portal has moved!
Digital Citizenship Information for Families - Please read
Fulton County School is committed to supporting the school-home relationship through providing digital citizenship information from Common Sense Media to our families as well as lessons to our students. Please read and view the material shared to support your child and family in responsible use of digital resources and technology.
6-8 - SEL in Digital Life - Family Conversation Starters Packet.pdf
6-8 - SEL in Digital Life - Family Conversation Starters Packet (SPANISH).pdf
Family Tech Planners (English/Spanish) grouped by ages Family Tech Planners | Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media Parenting in a Digital Age YouTube Playlist
Checking your student out early?
Please send your student in with a note stating the time they will be picked up. All checkout notes must be brought to the front office in the morning. Last time to check out a student is 3:45pm. General dismissal starts at 4:05pm.
Items dropped off for students
To ensure prompt delivery, please make sure you have your child's first and last name on all items dropped off in the front office.
To continue free or reduced price meal benefits for students each household must complete a new application every year. Free and Reduced Meal Benefits will end on September 20, 2023, if the household has not reapplied for SY 2023-2024. If there is an interruption in benefits or the household does not reapply, the household is responsible for payment of meals until the Free and Reduced Application is approved.
To help assure continuation of benefits, the household must complete an online application by September 19nd 2023 at www.fulton.schoollunchapp.com or have a paper application turned in to the school cafeteria manager before September 16th, 2023 or. Be sure to list all the students in the household on the application.
Keep in mind, the application may take up to 10-days to process.
If you have any questions, please call the Fulton County School Nutrition Program – Meal Eligibility Desk at (470)254-2220
New Resource for Fulton County Residents
Connect Fulton is a new resource available to residents for financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost services.
Please click on link for more information http://connectfulton.findhelp.com
Connect Fulton (click for the link) – Families, friends, neighbors, students, etc. can all benefit from this intuitive and easy to use website. Just go to http://connectfulton.findhelp.com and type in your zip code. There are thousands of resources related to just about anything like food, housing, financial assistance, education, childcare, healthcare, etc. There are filters to customize available resources to find the best fit.
On-site Mental Health Partners (click for the link) - WBMS partners with Summit Counseling. If you are interested in Summit Counseling, please reach out to your student’s school counselor.
Fulton County Schools Resources:
• Universal Remote Learning Resources: https://www.fultonschools.org/universalremotelearning
• URL Parent Learning Support: https://www.fultonschools.org/parentlearningsupport
• FoodStop Distribution Points: https://www.fultonschools.org/foodstop
• Coronavirus Updates: https://www.fultonschools.org/coronavirus
• Community Resources: https://www.fultonschools.org/communityresources
• Code of Conduct: https://www.fultonschools.org/codeofconduct