The Family Connector

Superintendent’s Spotlight Message
Dear CCS Community,
I want to express my sincere gratitude to our Columbus City Schools community, parents, and staff members who attended our Community Task Force forums this week. We know these conversations can be difficult and appreciate your engagement and feedback. Your dedication to sharing your perspectives is invaluable, and it helps us navigate these complex decisions with the heart and insight of our district.
Our community’s passion for education is unmatched, and we share in that commitment. We understand that discussions about the realignment of school communities can bring a lot of uncertainty and concern.
Please know that your voices are heard and valued as we work together to find the best path forward for our students. We believe that our students deserve the best learning environments possible—spaces that are functional, inspirational, and conducive to growth.
During these forums, we have had the opportunity to discuss our vision for academic excellence and the need to redesign our learning environments to meet the evolving needs of our community. We aim to expand enriching programs that resonate with our students and support their development in line with the Portrait of a Graduate attributes.
Additionally, we want to ensure that our families have accurate and clear information. We are committed to transparency and open communication. I encourage you to stay informed and involved by visiting our website to view the detailed scenarios presented by the Task Force, watch the full presentations, and share your feedback.
Please click here to watch the video for a detailed explanation of my academic vision and our district plans.
Additionally, visit the Superintendent’s Community Facilities Task Force webpage for answers to frequently asked questions.
We will continue to host community forums and virtual sessions to gather your invaluable feedback. The next forum will be held at Whetstone Recreation Center on May 22, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. Your participation is key in shaping the final recommendations for the Board of Education. QR codes will be available at each forum for easy feedback submission.
Your voices are essential in shaping the final recommendations that will be presented to the Board of Education. Please see below for our community engagement events' upcoming dates and times.
Thank you once again for your continued support and involvement. We are reimagining and redesigning our education system to meet today's challenges and seize tomorrow's opportunities. Let's work together to create the future our children deserve.
Dr. Angela Chapman
Superintendent/CEO, Columbus City Schools
Columbus City Schools: District at a Glance
Columbus City Schools (CCS) is Ohio’s largest school district, serving a diverse student population of 45,327 across 113 schools. The district employs over 9,000 teachers and staff dedicated to providing high-quality education.
Mission and Vision
- Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community.
- Vision: A world-class model of public education that prepares all students to be Portrait-ready graduates and reach their full potential.
Student Diversity
- American Indian or Alaskan Native: 133 students
- Asian or Pacific Islander: 1,366 students
- Black, Non-Hispanic: 23,617 students
- Hispanic: 7,547 students
- Multiracial: 3,526 students
- White, Non-Hispanic: 9,139 students
Academic Excellence: Five district high schools are ranked in the top 500 in Ohio:
- Columbus International High School (467)
- Whetstone High School (456)
- Fort Hayes Arts and Academics High School (378)
- Centennial High School (202)
- Columbus Alternative High School (22)
Staff and Teaching Experience
- Teachers with a Master's Degree: 67%
- Teaching Experience:
- 0-4 years: 34%
- 4-10 years: 13.3%
- 10+ years: 52.7%
- Student to Teacher Ratio: 22:1
- Average Age of Buildings: 45 years
- Oldest Building Built: 1895
- Newest Facility Completed: 2017
- Total Facilities Space: 8.3 million square feet
- Number of Buildings Over 50 Years Old: 54
- Number of Buildings Over 80 Years Old: 9
Strategic Priorities
- Whole-Child Focused: Designing and implementing a holistic curriculum.
- Equitable Opportunities for All: Ensuring equitable outcomes for all students and employees.
- Strong Learning Communities in Every Region: Strengthening high-quality, interdependent learning communities.
- Authentic Engagement: Actively engaging all stakeholders to foster trust and support.
Portrait of a Graduate Attributes
- Adaptability: Agile in thoughts and actions, responding productively to feedback.
- Communication: Effective in expressing thoughts and ideas, active listening.
- Creativity: Imaginative and innovative, exploring original ideas.
- Critical Thinking: Analyzing and applying evidence-based reasoning.
- Global Empathy: Valuing diverse cultures and perspectives, promoting equity.
- Technology: Leveraging technology responsibly and effectively.
Board of Education
- President: Christina Vera
- Vice President: Dr. Tina D. Pierce
- Members: Jennifer Adair, Eric S. Brown, Michael Cole, Sarah Ingles, Brandon Simmons, Ramona R. Reyes
- Superintendent/CEO: Dr. Angela Chapman
Contact Information
- Address: Columbus City Schools, 270 East State St., Columbus, Ohio 43215
- Phone: (614) 365.5000
- Website: ccsoh.us
Superintendents Community Facilities Task Force Timeline
The Superintendent's Community Facilities Task Force, established under Board Policy 7105, is a collaborative effort. We value your input and aim to ensure our facilities align with the evolving needs of our community and educational goals. Together, we are reimagining our approach to education and using facilities to boost students' academic outcomes and lead them to success.
Task Force timeline:
September 2023: We began with a Statement of Facts.
February 2024: Task Force Work began earnestly, dissecting and deliberating every aspect of our facilities' usage and condition.
May 2024: The Task Force presented its preliminary recommendations. Throughout the month of May, robust engagement opportunities will be conducted, including in-person and virtual community engagement forums, gallery walks, and various interactive activities.
In June 2024: We will present our facility recommendations to the Board of Education.
By August 2025: Implementation of our findings and recommendations will commence.
On Tuesday, May 7, the Task Force presented initial recommendations on potential school closures and consolidations during the Columbus Board of Education meeting. We know this news can be challenging, but these changes aim to provide more opportunities for our students by enhancing learning experiences, support, and access to programs.
We are realigning our learning communities to:
- Enhance student enrichment and meet community needs.
- Redesign learning spaces for future-focused education.
- Maximize resources for robust academic and extracurricular programs.
- Create optimal learning environments aligned with our Portrait of a Graduate attributes.
These preliminary recommendations are a starting point for discussion. We invite you to view our website's detailed scenarios and full presentation at www.ccsoh.us. On May 16, we began hosting community forums and virtual sessions to gather your feedback. See below for dates and times.
SAVE THE DATE! Join us on June 1, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. for a special Radio One Town Hall broadcast live on Power 107.5/106.3 and Magic 95.5. Call in to ask your questions live.
Your feedback is crucial in shaping the final recommendations for the Board of Education. Thank you for your support as we work together to build a stronger Columbus by investing in our education system.