Andrews Elementary
Parent Information 2024-2025
Elyse Daly
Corinne Dias
Assistant Principal
Leigh Anne Hickman
Office Manager
Andrea Kieser
Julianne Sherbert
7:00-7:25 a.m. - The east gym entrance of the building opens at 7:00 am. Students who arrive during this time frame will be supervised in the gym. Please do not leave students unattended before the gym doors open. This includes students sitting by the school's front doors before they open at 7:25 am. If you want to avoid traffic, dropping off in the east carpool lane between 7:00 and 7:25 a.m. will save you time.
7:25-7:40 a.m. - Andrews safety patrol and staff will be in place to greet students by 7:25 each
morning at the front entrance and gym entrance of the school.
Arrival Reminders:
- Always form a single line of traffic along the curb
- Students should exit the car at the curb (not the street side)
- Reduce speed, cross at crosswalks only and refrain from cell phone usage.
- Pull all the way down before letting students out of your vehicle. Do not stop in front of the doors to let your child out. This keeps traffic moving and allows for students to all enter in a timely manner.
- Remember that if you are utilizing the east carpool drop-off you can only turn right when leaving. DO NOT TURN LEFT OR GO STRAIGHT. If you are using the front carpool for drop-off you can only turn left.
- After 7:25 am, it is recommended that if you live on the east side of Andrews to utilize the east drop-off in the morning. Likewise, if you live on the west side of Andrews you should utilize the front carpool after 7:25 am.
- Do not park in the front parking lot and walk your child across.
2:25 pm - Deadline for notification to the front office of after-school change in plans. We have limited help in the office, and we may not be able to get the message to your child before dismissal time if you call too late.
**If your child is going home a different way than usual, we must have a note from a parent or guardian. If a note is not received, students will be sent home following their normal routine. Teachers will make every effort to check their messages throughout the day, but oftentimes, they are unable to do so until their planning time or at the end of the day. Consequently, it is necessary to send a note with your child explaining any transportation changes.**
2:30 p.m - Latest a student will be called to the front office for early pickup.
3:00 pm - Students will be dismissed to their designated areas.
Dismissal Reminders:
- Dismissal tags are required to pick up your child in carpool, walker, or if your child has a sibling meeting them before walking home. Tags will be given by your child's homeroom teacher.
- Kinder and 5th Grade carpool students are picked up in the front of the school.
- Students in carpool for Grades 1-4 are picked up in the back of the school.
- The oldest sibling will go to the youngest (i.e. If you have a Kindergarten student and 4th grade student you will pick up children in the FRONT carpool. If you have a 2nd grader and a 5th grader you will pick up in the BACK carpool lane.)
- Front carpool is LEFT TURN ONLY at dismissal.
Rainy Day Dismissal Procedures:
At 2:40 pm there will be a determination of whether Rainy Day Dismissal Procedures will be called. If Rainy Day Dismissal is called the following will take place:
- Message posted on Andrews Facebook Page that Rainy Day Dismissal is taking place.
- Posters put on the walker dismissal doors that Rainy Day Dismissal is taking place.
- ALL walkers will be held with carpool students in their grade level designated areas for carpool.
- Students will be held with carpool students until all cars in the carpool lane have cleared.
- Once all carpool cars are cleared, any remaining walkers will be released to walk home.
- Parents DO NOT need to call the front office for a change of dismissal from a walker to carpool if a Rainy Day Dismissal is called.
- Rainy Day Dismissal will be called for heavy rain, lightning and/or hail.
- Scheduling appointments outside of school hours if possible.
- Planning family vacations on district holidays (including our new fall break)
- Arriving on time to school - students are expected to be in their seats by 7:40 am. They are tardy if they arrive after 7:40 am. You will need to walk your child(ren) into the school to sign them in if they are tardy.
- Getting your child to bed on time.
We are setting a challenge for our students to be present every day for the first month of school. If they are here every day for the first month they will get a certificate and recognition at the first spirit assembly in October!
If your child is absent from school, there are two actions you will need to take.
1. Call the Andrews Childsafe Line
Please call the Andrews Childsafe Line (available 24 hours a day) before 8:00 a.m. the day of
the absence. The purpose of calling the Childsafe Line is so that school staff can account for
all students each and every day. The number is 469-752-3900. Press the menu item 3 to leave
the message. On the recorder, leave your child’s name, grade, homeroom teacher and the
specific reason for his/her absence. Calling the Childsafe Line does not take the place of
turning in a note to excuse an absence.
2. Upload a note to Skyward to notify the front office of the absence
If your child is absent, a note explaining the absence needs to be uploaded to Skyward by 9:00 am of the day of absence. Doctor's notes, religious holiday notes, or any other documentation for an unexcused absence must be uploaded within three day of child's return to school in Skyward. Emails or handwritten notes will no longer be accepted. All absence notes must be uploaded to Skyward. After seven (7) cumulative excused absences, a doctor’s note shall be required to excuse any further absences. Please schedule family vacations according to Plano ISD’s calendar. It is important that your child be in school every day to benefit from optimal learning opportunities. Thanks in advance for your support.
- A doctor's note is required for illnesses that last 5 or more consecutive days
- Make up work will be given to the student when they return. If they are absence 3 consecutive days for an illness, you can request work. Students taking planned absences will not be given missed work before the absence.
- Elementary students will be counted absent after 9:00 am.
All doors remain locked during the day. When visiting the campus during school hours, please
approach the front entrance, push the entrance button to inform the office of your destination, and
then proceed directly to the school office. A staff member will enter all visitors into the Raptor
System; a driver’s license is needed to complete this process. Then, a personalized name badge is
issued and required to be worn by all visitors while on campus. The badge tells students and staff
that you are signed in and authorized to be inside the school. Please do not be offended if a staff
member requests that you sign in and wear a badge while visiting. This policy exists for the safety of all students and staff. The first day of school is the only exception to this district policy.
If you are volunteering or visiting the school for an hour or more, you will need to park in the east parking lot. The limited spaces in front of the school should be left for quick pick up or drop off of students.
Unless you have a handicap sticker, do not park in the handicap spots. Obey all traffic signs
posted on the school campus. For the safety of your family, please use crosswalks when crossing
the street. Additionally, please do not park in the carpool lane.
We understand how important birthdays are to children, and each grade level has a special way that they honor each student on his/her birthday. It is not required, or expected, for parents to send birthday treats or party favors to school. However, if parents choose to send something, please know that non-edible items, such as a pencil or party favor, are preferred.
In the event that parents choose to send an edible birthday treat, please ensure that it meets the
following criteria:
- Store-bought
- Individually wrapped
- Still sealed in the original store packaging (food cannot have been opened, handled or re-packaged after purchase)
Please be aware that any food that does not meet all of these criteria will not be distributed. Thank
you in advance for your help, as we strive to maintain the safest environment possible for all of our
Andrews Eagles!
We strongly value open lines of communication between school and home. You will receive three separate pieces of communication each week.
- Monday - PTA Newsletter
- Tuesday - Grade Level Newsletter (shares only grade level information and curriculum)
- Friday - Andrews Newsletter (shares a weekly message from the Principal and all school updates or information)
Emails will be sent to the email addresses on file in Skyward. Please ensure that you have opted into both email and text messaging to receive school updates.
The school day begins at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. For your convenience, students may enter
the building through the gym at 7:00 a.m., where a staff member is on duty to supervise the
students. At 7:25 a.m., students may go to their classrooms. For the safety of your child, please do
not drop your child off before 7:00 a.m.
When the tardy bell rings at 7:40, students should be in their seats and ready to learn. Any student
entering the building after the 7:40 a.m. bell must stop in the office and receive a tardy slip to be
admitted to class. Students who are dropped off after the doors close should be accompanied by their parent into the school and signed in at the front office.
Forgotten Items
Bringing forgotten items from home (such as water bottle, jackets, homework, projects, etc.) is strongly discouraged. Students who anticipate an item drop-off are often worried or focused on this instead of the instruction during classroom time. Additionally, this can cause a safety concern as students are sent to retrieve items from bins. Let this be a learning lesson for students. Beginning September 3, no forgotten items brought to the school will be stored in the front bins. The bins will be removed and no longer located in the front foyer.
After dismissal, if your child has forgotten an item, (book, jacket, homework assignment, etc.) building access is available until 3:15 PM. For the safety and security of PASAR students, only PASAR pick up will be admitted after 3:15 PM.
Lunch Drop-off
As of March 2023, new lunch drop-off procedures were implemented. Parents who choose to drop-off a lunch for their child should do so by 11:00 am. Lunches should be left on the carts outside of the building's front doors on the shelf corresponding to the child's grade level and marked with their name. The carts will be brought in at 11:00 am and taken to the cafeteria for students to take their lunches. Lunches brought after the carts have been moved inside will not be taken by the front office. Students without a lunch will be able to purchase one through the cafeteria line.
**Please note, per Plano ISD Policy floral arrangements, singing telegrams, balloons, third party food deliveries, etc. will not be delivered to students during the school day. If parents wish to speak to their child's teacher during the day, they should call the school office and/or teacher's voice mail. The teacher will return the call as soon as possible. POLICIES GKC(LEGAL/LOCAL/REGULATION/EXHIBIT), BBE(LOCAL).
Parents are allowed to each lunch with their child once per semester. You must sign up via the Sign Up Genius linked on the Friday Andrews Newsletter. We ask that parents limit their visits to special occasions so children can use this time to socialize with their peers and all parents can have an opportunity to visit. No lunch visitors will be allowed until after Labor Day to allow students an opportunity to learn their grade level lunch procedures.
Additional information regarding lunch visitors can be found in the information section of the Sign Up Genius.
Each staff member has a voice mailbox and email. Teachers will make every effort to check their
messages throughout the day, but oftentimes, they are unable to do so until their designated planning time or at the end of the day. If you need to reach your child's teacher during the day, utilize their email or direct phone line. Phone calls to the office will be directed to the staff member's voice mailbox. Please note that phone calls and emails may not be returned for 24 hours.
Both prescription and over-the-counter medicines must be in an original, labeled bottle and must be
accompanied by a PISD medication request form obtained in the clinic. Dosage and time should be
included with nonprescription drug containers. Parents must bring medications to the nurse for
safekeeping. Medications (including cough drops) may not be kept in lockers, desks or lunch bags.
Welcome to Andrews Elementary! I am glad that you are here. Every year I receive many important
questions regarding whether a student should stay home from school due to illness. Click here for a few tips you can follow to be sure you make the right decision.
Andrews Elementary highlights student achievement in a variety of ways:
- Student Shout-outs - Students receive a "Shout-out" written by a staff member and read over the morning announcements tied to our monthly character trait.
- Mystery Eagle - Award given to one student in each class during the nine-weeks assemblies for students who demonstrate traits of a lifelong learner, good friend and live out our Andrew Guiding Principles.
- Golden Eagle - Awarded bi-weekly to the grade level that best follows the expectations in one of our chosen common areas.
- Eagle Bucks - Students earn Eagle Bucks for doing the right thing around campus and can be redeemed in their teacher's store for prizes or privileges.
Plano ISD participates in the federal meal program, which provides free and reduced-price meals to students who qualify. Students will start the year off based on their 2023-2024 eligibility. If families are eligible to continue to receive this service during the 2024-2025 school year, you must reapply.
Families who may qualify should complete a federal meal application for free or reduced-price
meals, available through Parent Portal or via the website at www.pisd.edu/mealprogram. Click the
green SchoolCafé button to begin.
Families who already have a SchoolCafé account can sign in to complete the meal application.
Families who do not have an account can create a new one by selecting that option on the
SchoolCafé page. View this SchoolCafe information video for instruction on how to complete the
Applications will be processed within 10 business days. Eligibility notification letters will be sent via
email. If you have not received the letter in your inbox, please check your junk and spam folders
Students will have a rotation schedule for Art, Music and PE with a color group. Your child's AMPEd schedule is available to you through Skyward. Please remember:
- Students must wear closed-toe shoes to PE - tennis shoes are recommended.
- It is recommended you have shorts and/or leggings under dresses and skirts.
- Students are welcome to bring water bottles but must have a lid and labeled with name and grade level. (WATER ONLY)
- Students are responsible for all items brought to PE. Any unclaimed items can be found in the lost and found.
- Choir will be after school for 4th and 5th grade students and information will come from Ms. Riordan at the start of school.
Students will have an opportunity to eat snack during the day at their classroom's designated time. Please keep in mind that during snack time, teachers will continue teaching lessons and students will continue working on activities. Snacks are OPTIONAL and will NOT be provided.
- Keep it simple! Something that can be opened independently and does not require utensils.
- Keep it neat! Stick to finger foods that won't ruin a book, papers, or the carpet if spilled.
- Keep it allergy friendly. Please be mindful that students have food sensitivities and allergies.
- Stick to water. Water bottles are comed all day in the classroom and can be used during snack. Flavored water, juice or other drinks cannot be in the classroom.
- A good snack might be crackers, pretzels or goldfish.
Students are expected to be in the building and in their seats by 7:40 a.m. If a student is not in the building when the bell rings, that student is counted tardy. We recommend getting students to school by 7:25 A.M. This gives students enough time to get to their classrooms and get ready for the day. Excessive tardies/absences will be considered a truancy issue and can dramatically affect student learning.
Students will be issued a Chromebook to use while at school. Chromebooks must remain at school and cannot be brought home.
Teachers use GoGuardian to monitor student technology use.
The student and parent/guardian will be charged for damage or loss of their issued device.
The best way to be part of the success here at Andrews is to be involved with your child’s education
and to volunteer any time that you can give to the school through the PTA. Many volunteer activities
can be done at home and at different hours based on work schedules.
All volunteers will need to create an account and complete an application, online orientation and
criminal history check through the Plano ISD volunteer management system, VOLY, to be eligible for
district/school volunteer opportunities. Please visit plano.voly.org to create a volunteer account and begin this process. These items will need to be completed by volunteers each school year. Please note that the application and background check consent can be completed on any device; however, the volunteer orientation requires a laptop or desktop and cannot be completed on a mobile device.
An email will be sent to the volunteer applicant communicating the status of their application and
criminal history search within 3-5 business days of completing these steps. Volunteer approval
status can also be viewed by logging into your account. Volunteers will need to complete the online
orientation as well to be eligible to volunteer.
Once approved, you will be able to sign up for volunteer opportunities directly through the VOLY
platform at plano.voly.org. Volunteers should be sure to select all of the schools they are interested
in volunteering with when asked on their application in order to be eligible for volunteer
opportunities at all of their schools of interest. These school selections can also be changed by
logging into your account at any time.
Seesaw - Parents/Guardians can use the Seesaw App to be actively involved in their child's learning. For example, families can see their child's progress, communicate with the teacher to receive class information/announcements, "like" their child's work, receive all-campus information, and more! Click this link for step-by-step instructions on how to download and create your account. Teachers will invite parents to their classes during the school year.
- Twitter- www.twitter.com/AndrewsEagles
- Facebook- www.facebook.com/andrewseagles
Skyward - https://portal.pisd.edu/idp/AuthnEngine#/authn- Skyward Family Access is the new system for families to be given direct access to student information such as grades/attendance. Skyward serves as the primary resource for all of the services provided online to our parents. This site gives you direct access into your child's classroom information, registration to your child's campus eNews, district-wide information and links to other often used services. You need your child’s school ID number to register.
Grade Level Websites - Each grade level has a website where you can access specific grade level information including curriculum information, upcoming events, and other helpful information!
- ➡ Kindergarten- www.tinyurl.com/andrewskindergarten
- ➡ 1st Grade- www.tinyurl.com/andrewsfirstgrade
- ➡ 2nd Grade- www.tinyurl.com/andrewssecondgrade
- ➡ 3rd Grade- www.tinyurl.com/andrewsthirdgrade
- ➡ 4th Grade- www.tinyurl.com/andrewsfourthgrade
- ➡ 5th Grade- www.tinyurl.com/andrewsfifthgrade
Andrews PTA Facebook - www.facebook.com/AndrewsPTA - You will be able to be in the know about events, see pictures of the great times being had, and learn about the Andrews PTA.
Follow Andrews PTA on Twitter - www.twitter.com/AndrewsPTA - The Andrews PTA would love for you to follow Andrews PTA on Twitter under the name @AndrewsPTA. This tool is used for quick reminders and up-to-the minute information.
Andrews PTA Website www.andrewspta.org - The Andrews PTA distributes event and activity
information via email, giving families the option to receive a weekly email regarding upcoming events and activities. The website will also provide up-to-date information and forms for membership, spirit wear, yearbook orders, PTA board member contact information, etc.
Download the Plano ISD App!
Did you know that Plano ISD has an app for smartphones?
On the app you can:
- View student grades and attendance
- Access school and staff info
- View news stories
- Receive important alerts
- View calendar info
- Access PISD's tipline
More information can be found at: https://www.pisd.edu/mobileapp
Visit the Google Play or Apple App Store to download it today!
District Text Message Updates
Plano ISD is implementing a text messaging option to provide our community with more ways to receive school and district information. Opt in today by texting “Y” to 67587.
If you don’t opt in manually, and the district has a cell phone number for you, you will receive a text message from Plano ISD in the coming days inviting you to opt in. The message will read:
“Plano Independent School District messages. Reply Y to confirm, HELP 4 info. Msg&data rates may apply. Msg freq varies. schoolmessenger.com/tm”
You must reply to this text message with “Y” to opt in to continue receiving text messages from the district. For more information, please visit the Text Opt in webpage.
Helpful Links
To unsubscribe from Andrews eNews or change your email address, please go to: http://elist.pisd.edu/ If you are getting eNews because you use Parent Portal, please go to: https://parentviewer.pisd.edu/ to revise your subscription