Welcome Back to WHS for 2022-2023
The "Official" Back to School Letter from Dave Danielski
Dear WHS Families,
The WHS School Theme for this year is:
"Hammerschmidt Leading with Heart!"
Welcome back for the 2022-2023 School Year at Hammerschmidt!
I spent a lot of time in early summer reflecting about what we are all about here at Hammerschmidt. I also thought a lot about our needs as a school community moving forward. It seemed clear to me that our focus on "leadership" needed to remain intact. This remains important as we have seen the benefit of giving our students shared leadership opportunities and a voice in collaborative decision making.
It also seemed extremely important to have a focus on social emotional learning and relationships as we continue to find ourselves in a wider context of political division and coming off two years of instability due to COVID. During last year's WHS Spring Musical, one song really spoke to me with relevance:
"What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone"
A theme is born. . .
1:1 Technology Information:
District 44 School Calendar
Welcome WHS KINDERGARTEN (High School Senior Graduating Class of 2035)
Below your find some information specific to our Kdg. program this school year.
Kindergarten Student Visitation Session
Kindergarten Information:
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The first three days are half days for Kindergarteners.
- On Wednesday 8/24, Thursday 8/25, and Friday 8/26, Kdg. students will attend from 8:35 a.m. until 11:40 a.m.
- During the afternoons on these days Kdg. teachers will be meeting one- on -one with students to do ESGI (Educational Software for Guiding Instruction) assessments. You will sign up for your child's appointment at the Kindergarten Student Visitation Session on Thursday, August 18th.
- The first full-day for Kdg. students will be on Monday, August 29rd.
KINDERGARTEN PARENTS.... CLICK HERE ... for more specific information!
Welcome New Hammerschmidt Staff Members for 2022-2023
We have several staffing changes for the new year. Meet our new WHS team members:
Teacher Assignments
On Wednesday, August 17th, an email will be sent to WHS families notifying you when class placement assignments will be accessible in Skyward. Directions on exactly how to do this will also be provided.
(Kindergarten teacher assignments will be finalized during the first two weeks of school.)
Classroom Teacher Updates for 2022-2023
School Supply Drop Off Opportunity/ WHS PTA Popsicle Social!!!
- Last Name A- K, Tuesday 8/23 from 12:00- 12:30 p.m.
- Last Name L- Z, Tuesday, 8/23 from 12:30- 1:00 p.m.
Please note that these supply drop off opportunities are entirely OPTIONAL. There is NOT an expectation that all students will need or want to drop off their supplies in advance, and there is NOT the expectation that parents need to take off of work in order to participate.
PTA Popsicle Socials: Kindergarten: Thursday 8/18 | 1:30-2:30 PM Grades 1-5: Tuesday 8/23 | 12:30-1:30 PM
Our WHS PTA is hosting a "Popsicle Social" in conjunction with our Supply Drop Off opportunity. This will take place on our WHS playground. Come enjoy a cool treat and socialize with our Hammerschmidt School community! This is a great opportunity to learn more about the PTA!
Upcoming Dates to Note:
Wednesday 8/17-
- Teacher/ Class Assignments will be accessible by logging into Skyward
Thursday 8/18-
- Kindergarten Family Visitation :1:00- 2:00 p.m.
- KDG Popsicle Social: 1:30- 2:30 p.m
Tuesday, 8/23
- Supply drop-off opportunity for families with last names A- K. 12:00- 12:30 p.m.
- Supply drop-off opportunity for families with last names L- Z. 12:30- 1:00 p.m.
- WHS PTA Popsicle Social: 12:30- 1:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 8/24
- First Day of School!
- Full-day for Gr. 1-5
- Half-day (11:40 dismissal) for Kindergarten ONLY.
- 1:1 Kdg. assessment appointment in the PM.
Thursday 8/25 & Friday 8/26
- Full day of School for grades 1-5
- Half-day (11:40 dismissal) for Kindergarten ONLY.
- 1:1 Kdg. assessment appointment in the PM.
Are you interested in being a Hammerschmidt Lunch/Recess Supervisor? If so, APPLY ONLINE! Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Danielski with any questions! Become a part of our WHS or D44 team! Click here to learn more!
Back to School Pool Party
The PTA is hosting a back to school pool party on Saturday, Aug 13th from 7-9pm at Paradise Bay. Make a splash into the new school year! Come out and meet WHS families for an evening of fun! This is a free event, sponsored by the WHS PTA for Hammerschmidt families.
PTA Back to School Food Fest
WHS PTA Food Truck Fest: Wednesday 8/31| 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Please join us for the WHS Food Fest on Wednesday, Aug. 31st from 5pm-7pm at Hammerschmidt Elementary School. We are super excited to announce that the Glenbard East Rams marching band will be playing for your enjoyment while you grab a bite to eat, make some soaps, and meet other WHS parents!
The line up so far includes:
- Extract Juicery / El Famous Burrito
- Serna Grill
- The Donut Experiment
- Soapy Roads of Lombard - Make & Take natural soaps table/tent “A night of good clean yummy fun!”
WHS PTA Coffee Talk: Friday 9/2 | 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Come learn what the WHS PTA is all about and sign up become a member while enjoying a cup of coffee and a doughnut! We will be meeting in the APR, right after drop-off. Come and connect with other Hammerschmidt families and discuss the wonderful events planned for this year! You belong in WHS PTA!
School Picture Day: Wednesday 9/7
Mark your calendars! School Picture Day is September 7, 2022. You can order pictures now on mylifetouch.com. Picture Day ID: EVTZ9R788H
PTA "Dine Outs"WHS Dine Outs: Wednesday 9/7
Exciting new and well-loved local restaurants have signed up for WHS Dine Outs this year!!!! They will occur on the 1st WEDNESDAY of each month. Mention WHS PTA when you dine in/order out from the restaurant of the month, and we will get a percentage of the total sales back to the PTA! Win-win situation since you won't have to decide what to do for dinner and the PTA will earn money towards our great programs! We will start the year out with our 1st dine out on September 7th at El Famous Burrito located at 256 West Roosevelt in Lombard! https://www.elfamousburrito.net/
Join the WHS PTA!
Join the WHS PTA!
You belong in WHS PTA. Parents, grandparents, teachers, relatives, and friends of the family are ALL welcome to join!
Become a Member. Donate. Advocate. Volunteer. Be a Resource.
Your membership, donation and involvement help support the many amazing programs the WHS PTA offers throughout the school year. Joining WHS PTA is a great opportunity to meet new people and build meaningful relationships, get to know our school’s teachers and staff in a fun, low-stakes environment and connect to important school and community resources that benefit/support your child.
Did you know you can Subscribe to the digital PTA and school calendar? Visit Events and then click subscribe. You can choose iCal, outlook or Google calendar and it will automatically add the events to your calendar.
Join the WHS PTA Facebook Page so you will always have the most up-to-date information for all the PTA events happening throughout the school year.
David J. Danielski, Wm. Hammerschmidt School Principal
Email: ddanielski@sd44.org
Location: Wm Hammerschmidt Elementary School, Hammerschmidt Avenue, Lombard, IL, United States
Phone: 630-827-4207
Twitter: @ddanielski