Hardy Elementary Newsletter
October 5, 2024
Curriculum Night
We've had a great first month of school at Hardy. Students and staff are settling into routines and diving into curriculum. During classroom visits, I see that students are engaged and learning. We are looking forward to seeing families at Curriculum Night on Wednesday, October 9th, 6-8 p.m. Teachers are getting presentations ready and displaying student work on the bulletin boards. Teachers will run two presentations in classrooms. You may attend either session in your child's classroom. You will have the opportunity to visit our specialist teachers, learning specialists, and related service providers. Additionally, we will gather in the gym for a welcome from Peggy Tstatoulis (Assistant Principal), Becky Gibree (PTO President), and myself (Gretchen Saunders/Principal). Please, note that this is not intended for individual student conferences. Conferences will take place at a later date.
Classroom Session 1 - 6:15-6:35
Welcome and Staff Introductions (Gym) - 6:45-7:15
Classroom Session 2 - 7:25-7:45
Picture Day
Tuesday, October 8th
Picture Day is Tuesday, October 8th. Your child should have brought home information on picture day. Please, reach out to your child's teacher or Ms. Bellerose, if you did not receive a flyer about Picture Day.
Harvest Fest
The wonderful Hardy PTO organized a successful Harvest Fest today. Families purchased Wilson Farm pumpkins, mums, cider and donuts with proceeds supporting the Hardy PTO. If you missed Harvest Fest, you may use the posted QR codes to purchase a pumpkin, using Venmo or Paypal.
All School Meeting
We had our first All School Meeting of the Year on Friday afternoon. This meeting served as our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Launch for the School Year. Our Hardy School values are Safe, Kind, and Responsible. This assembly highlighted being SAFE at the Hardy School. Ms. Ribeiro's fifth grade students organized and led the assembly with the support of our Assistant Principal, Ms. Tsatsoulis. The Hardy Husky made an appearance and students participated in the Hardy Cheer. You can learn more about PBIS here.
Hardy School Contact Information
Principal: Gretchen Saunders - gsaunders@arlington.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal: Peggy Tsatsoulis - ptsatsoulis@arlington.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant: Mary Bellerose -mbellerose@arlington.k12.ma.us
Main Office Number - 781-316-3783
Label Everything!
We highly recommend labeling all of your child's belongings, especially sweatshirts, water bottles, hats, backpacks, and lunch boxes.