Kawerau Pūtauaki School
Newsletter 26th February 2021
Please make sure arrangements have been made for your child.
A form has been sent home. If your child has not returned the notice, they will be supervised at school, and whānau are required to collect them at 2:40pm
Goal Setting Conferences
Thank you to the whānau who have already booked in a time to talk to your child's teacher.
There is still time to make an appointment:
Follow this link: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/book/step1?z=11J9yz
Use the event code: s2vp5
Hinemoa Water Safety Programme
We have identified potential leaders at our school, and as a part of our leadership programme we have the privilege of being invited to take part in the Hinemoa Water Safety Program by the Te Waiariki Purea Trust. This programme is a 5 day programme. Four days next week and one the following Monday. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to try new things and be challenged in new ways. Unfortunately we were limited to only 20 places. We know that we have lots more than 20 leaders here, and will be repeating the programme later in the year for our other leaders.
The programme is as follows:
Monday 1st - Lake Okareka, intro day and water activities
Tuesday 2nd - Lake Okareka, water safety, sit-on-tops, waka, and jumping off cliffs.
Wednesday 3rd - Ohau Channel, moving water safety.
Thursday 4th - Kaituna River (Troutpool), cliff jumping, river swimming safety, and practice.
Monday 8th - Beach day, Ohope.
There is no cost for this programme. Thanks to Te Waiariki Purea Trust for their sponsorship.
Board of Trustees
Over the next few newsletters, we will be introducing our board to our school whānau.
Contact Us
Email: office@putauaki.school.nz
Website: https://www.putauaki.school.nz/
Location: 87-89 Fenton Mill Road, Kawerau 3127, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-323 7093
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KawerauPutauakiSchool/