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The Cooper PAWS
Please "PAWS" with us for an update from Cooper School
September 22, 2024
Purposeful playtime has this crew working hard!
Diving into the new Amplify CKLA Program!
Friends enjoying snack at our new table. Thank you PTA!!!
Student & Staff Wellness
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 by honoring and celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. During this month and throughout the year, we share the history, heritage, and accomplishments of Hispanic and Latino Americans past and present. Our Cooper Community will be honoring the generations of Hispanic and Latino Americans who have positively influenced our nation and society by creating an interactive display board in our school, exploring resources together, and engaging in research projects.
CHPS has partnered with Care Solace to provide free Mental Health Supports to our students, staff, and families. The Care Solace team can quickly connect you to verified providers in our community. Click Here to connect with a care provider or contact your school counselor for more information.
Purpose & Passion
Visit from Jiji the Penguin
This week Jiji the Penguin stopped by Cooper School to build enthusiasm around our ST MATH Kick-Off Week! All Cooper Students are encouraged to help Jiji get through his grade-level journey by completing 10-15min. of ST Math Puzzles each day! Please encourage your child to login at home as well as in school!
mClass Math Benchmark Assessment
This school year, students at Cooper will participate in a field study for a new Math Benchmark Assessment. Our district currently uses mClass to administer the DIBELS reading assessment, and the new product would provide teachers with insight into students' math skills as they related to the standards. The assessments will not be used for any purpose other than providing teachers with more information about your child's understanding of grade-level math concepts. These assessments will not be used for grading or placement of students. If you would like your child to opt out of the assessment, please review the opt-out letter linked here: Opt-out English, Opt-out Spanish, and submit your opt-out request by September 27, 2024.
Connecting Beyond the Classroom
For access to ALL THINGS PTA, be sure to visit the J. F. Cooper PTA website
Our PTA creates a beautiful yearbook each year for students in all grade-levels, which is available for purchase. Photos are collected from school events to fill the book with joyous memories of their year at Cooper. This year, the book will be created throughout the school year rather than at the end of the year.
By the end of month, any photos you would like to share from school events will need to be uploaded to the TreeRing website by logging in, using the code: 1014806030344299, and clicking the 'Content' tab, or by emailing the photos to yearbook@jfcooperpta.org. All Back to School photos for September events are due by September 30, 2024.
District & Community Information
All families should be receiving the broadcast messages including CHPS Weekly, periodic district notices and reminders, and the CHPS Summer Postcard. If you are not receiving the district emails from the sender, Public Information - publicinfo@chclc.org, please check your spam/junk folder and add this email to your Safe Senders List.
Please save the date for the ST Math Virtual Family WorkshopS!
- Tuesday, October 8 (10 am and 6 pm)
- Thursday, October 10 (10 am and 6 pm)
- Wednesday, October 16 (10 am and 6 pm)
Registration will open the week of October 1st.
Calling All Golf Lovers!
Join us individually or as a team for our "Champions for Children Golf Outing"
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Pennsauken Country Club!
Click here for details: cherryhilleducationfoundation.com
Informational Items
Important Dates
Link to the full Cooper Family Calendar
Hispanic Heritage Month (Begins 9/15)
9/25: PTA General Membership Meeting (6:15pm); Volunteer Training (7:30pm)
9/27: PTA Pretzel Day
9/30: District Amplify CKLA Workshop for Parents/Guardians (9am-11am and 6pm-8pm)
9/30: Yearbook Photos Due from September Events
Italian-American Heritage Month
10/3 & 10/4: School Closed (Rosh Hashanah)
10/7-10/11: Week of Respect and Fire Prevention Week
10/7: Cherry Hill Fire Department Visit
10/19: PTA Trunk or Treat (3:00pm-5:00pm)
10/20: Rain date for Trunk or Treat
10/23-10/30: Red Ribbon Week
10/23: Barclay Farmstead Trip (Guglielmucci/Cutler)
10/24: Barclay Farmstead Trip (Mrs. Walsh)
10/31: Fall Fun Fest (Non-Halloween Themed Event) 9:30am-11:30am
10/31: Halloween Parade (2:15pm)
11/1: School Closed- Teacher In-Service
James Fenimore Cooper School
Email: ebartolome@chclc.org
Website: cooper.chclc.org
Location: 1960 Greentree Road, Cherry Hill, NJ, USA
Phone: (856) 424-4554
Facebook: facebook.com/JFCooperES
X(Twitter): @JFCooperES