Cedar Crest Intermediate
August 4, 2023
Friday, August 11, 2023
Message from Mrs. Williams
CCI Families,
We have successfully completed our first three days of the school year, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the start of our journey together.
These initial days have been filled with energy, excitement, and a strong sense of community. It has been a joy to see familiar faces and new ones as well, as our students reconnect with friends and engage with their new classmates. The enthusiasm in the classrooms and corridors is contagious, and it reminds us why we are so passionate about education.
Our dedicated teachers and staff have been working diligently to create a positive and enriching learning environment. The first few days have focused on building routines, establishing expectations, and fostering a sense of belonging. As we move forward, we will continue to provide your children with opportunities to grow!
Communication between home and school is vital, and I encourage you to reach out with any questions, concerns, or feedback you may have. We are committed to working in partnership to ensure the success and well-being of every student. Additionally, I encourage each family to sign up for our Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO). This is a great way to get involved. Our first meeting is September 11 at 6:00 PM.
Let's continue to work together to make this school year a memorable and rewarding experience for our students. Thank you for entrusting us with their education. Here's to a fantastic year ahead!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out! cassie.williams@sedubois.k12.in.us
Mrs. Williams
Bus Information
For information about your child's bus route, please contact Dr. Jamie Pund. Please call 812-817-0900 extension 5 for the Superintendent's office or email jamie.pund@sedubois.k12.in.us.
Need Help with Harmony? Click the button below.
Ranger Choir
Volunteer Information
Online Safety
School Calendar
8/15: Released Time Begins
9/8: Grandparent’s Day
9/28: School Pictures
10/3: P/T Conferences 4-7:30
10/5: P/T Conferences 4-7:30
10/13: End of Qtr 1/Good Choices Celebration
10/27: Trivia Night 6-8:30
12/21: End of Qtr 2/Good Choices Celebration
2/29: CCI Fine Arts Night 6:00 PM
3/8: End of Qtr 3/Good Choices Celebration
5/7: Last Day of Release Time
5/10: 6th-Grade Dance (7:30-9:30)
5/17: Field Day
5/22: Awards Ceremony (8:00); Slide Show; 1:00 Good Choices Celebration
5/23: Last Day of School
Ranger Readers
CCI Readers have created read aloud stories for younger Rangers! If you have littles, CHECK THEM OUT! Click HERE!