Rankin School Procedures
~Arrival, Recess, Lunch, Dismissal Videos and Handouts
Entire Typical School Day Video (morning to afternoon drop-off)
Click the image to view the ENTIRE video including arrival, recess, lunch and dismissal procedures. *note our arrival for parent drop-off for non-bussers has changed "slightly" - click HERE to view the new "updated" parent drop-off video.
Arrival/Drop-Off & Breakfast
Click the image to view on how students arrive in the morning whether they are a breakfast-eater (head to the cafeteria doors) or a non-breakfast eater (already ate at home and can go to the playground).
Morning Bell-Entering School
Click the image to view how students enter the building after the morning start bell.
Click the image to view how we walk to the commons, eat lunch and go to either recess or back to class.
Dismissal for Parent Pick-Up Students
Click the image if your guardian is picking you up.
Dismissal for Bussers
Click the image if you ride a bus.
Dismissal for Bikers/Walkers
Click the image if you ride a bike or walk home from school.