September 28, 2024

Hello, Longwood Families!
🎒 WIN Groups Begin Next Week!
We are thrilled to kick off WIN Groups next week. WIN stands for "What I Need". This time in our schedule is designed to provide personalized support and enrichment for our all students. Each student will have the opportunity to work in small groups to focus on core content areas where they need the most support or challenge.
🚨 ALICE Drill Next Week
In our continued efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, we will conduct our first ALICE drill next week. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. The purpose of this drill is to help students and staff be prepared in the unlikely event of an emergency. As with all drills, practice will be led in calm and supportive way.
🎓 Future Ready Friday - Dress for Success!
Next Friday, we will celebrate Future Ready Friday! This is a special day where students are encouraged to wear clothing that represents a college or career of their choice. Whether it’s a favorite college T-shirt or dressing up as their dream career, we want to inspire our students to think about their futures and the many possibilities ahead!
- 🌨️ Please make sure your child comes to school with a nut-free snack, water bottle and appropriate attire for the changing weather. We receive many generous donations from our community partners of new jackets, coats, and gloves. Please call the main office if we can assist your family (630)428-6789
- 📸 It's not too late to Order School Pictures! Pictures can be ordered > HERE
We appreciate your continued support and partnership. We look forward to a fantastic end of September and an outstanding October!
Thank you for being a part of our Pride!
A Message from PTA President, Mr. Tim Skrivin:
Join us for our October 8th meeting at 7pm. We will discuss and plan for Fall Fest. A speaker from D204 will join us to talk about the school referendum on the November ballot.
Upcoming Events
Oct 8th: Next monthly PTA Meeting on Oct. 8th at 7pm
Oct 25th: SAVE THE DATE: Fall Fest will be on Oct 25th 🍂🎃
After School Club - Tae Kwon Do
Join Longwood's IPEF Team!
SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER Breakfast/Lunch: Menus
Tue, 10/1: ALICE Drill
Wed, 10/2: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Fri, 10/4: Future Ready Friday - Represent a career or college/university!
Tue, 10/8: PTA Meeting - 7:00pm
Mon, 10/14: No School - Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
Fri, 10/25: End of Quarter 1
Fri, 10/25: PTA Fall Fest
Mon, 11/4: No School - Institute Day
Tue, 11/5: No School - Election Day
Thu, 11/7: Picture Retakes
Fri, 11/8: Future Ready Friday - Represent a career or college/university!
Thu, 11/21: Family Conferences 4-8:00pm
Mon, 11/25: Family Conferences 8:00am-8:00pm
Tue, 11/26 - Fri, 11/28: No School - Thanksgiving Break
🍎 Previous Updates 🦁
- 9.22.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.14.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.7.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.3.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.31.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.25.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.24.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.17.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.14.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.5.24 Summer Scoop