St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 4 | WEEK 0 I 4 October 2024
Welcome back everyone!
Welcome back to the new school term! I hope you all managed to enjoy the change in routine and were able to relax and spend some time with family and friends. A reminder that it is a Pupil Free Day on Monday the 7th October for both staff and students.
Congratulations again to Mrs Murphy and our Year 6 Creative Edge team winning the state championship last term! This competition provides selected students with highly motivating challenges that develop their critical and creative thinking skills. Such an outstanding achievement indeed!
I was lucky enough to head to Exmouth and Coral Bay for the holidays – a long drive, but an awesome way to unwind and spend time together with the family. While I appreciate it isn’t for everyone, for me there is definitely something incredibly rejuvenating about camping, fishing, and just being in nature – away from the shops and away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
I feel so grateful for the break and despite the very busy nature of Term 4, am excited about all Term 4 has in store!
We are particularly mindful of how special this time of year is for all our graduating Year 6 students as they move towards the final weeks of their primary school journey. We are so proud of all the different ways that they have contributed to our school over the years, especially the way they have embraced their leadership responsibilities, setting a good example to younger students and showing ever increasing maturity, kindness and confidence. With the support of our Year 6 parents, staff and the leadership team, I feel confident that our Year 6’s will finish off the year happily, gratefully, responsibly and successfully.
We are also aware that for a number of Year 6 families this will be their final term here at St Bernadette’s. While it is always sad saying goodbye to families who have helped to shape our community in so many special ways, we hope this final term will give them all an opportunity to reflect on the many happy times spent with their children, other families and staff over the years and we look forward to thanking you and wishing you well.
We look forward to all the significant events that will celebrate our Year 6 students in coming weeks, and I thank all those staff members, P&F helpers, families and others, who will so generously donate their time and talent to help plan and organise these wonderful opportunities for our students.
Once again, I would like to share my sincere gratitude for the ongoing support and encouragement we receive from parents and carers throughout the year. Supporting your children’s learning and working together to sustain respectful relationships, will always be priority goals here at St Bernadette’s, requiring daily awareness and daily effort. While problems and concerns will arise from time to time, when we continue to partner together in a spirit of good will, trust and openness, the opportunity for successful outcomes for all, increases tenfold!
While I love spending time with my kids, there is no doubt that being a parent can be hard work – especially on the school holidays! As you send your children back to school, we hope the term ahead is as smooth and stress-free as it can possibly be.
Take care everyone and looking forward to seeing you soon!
Disabled parking spots
Please be considerate to those in our community who hold an ACROD permit and do not park in the Disabled Parking bays in front of the school or the church.
These bays are used by people who need this facility and find it very difficult when they are unable to park there.
Culture Club
The Mission Captains, Pippa and Alicia are excited to be bringing back Culture Club again in Term 4. All students are invited to come along. We will be starting on Wednesday, week 2 in the Indonesian room. We are jet setting off to France for our session, bonjour!!
Fun Facts / Cultural Craft / Story Telling
Online absentee forms
Please do not use our online absentee forms to send messages to teachers, this is for attendance notifications only. Should you wish to contact a teacher, please email admin@stbernadettes.wa.edu.au.
Basketball Program Years 2 - 6: LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER
We are so excited to have Ricky Grace Basketball back at Bernie's in Term 4!
Classes will run on Wednesday mornings, 7.45 - 8.35am. This is a very popular program and spaces are limited. Please register your child as per below as soon as possible to secure a spot: www.gracebasketball.com.au
First day of Term 4 - TUESDAY 8 OCTOBER
Year 6 Excursion - Thursday 10 October
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Website: https://stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stbernadettescps/