EMS Newsletter
December 4, 2022
Letter from the Principal
Dear EMS Families & Community,
I hope that your family and loved ones enjoyed a fun and healthy week away and returned to school rejuvenated last week. It was a well-deserved break for students and staff alike. Only two and a half weeks remain until the next break, but they are busy ones! Please check out the announcements below for information about the December PTO meeting and our annual Title I Information Session this coming week, and our winter concert series that starts next week.
There is also important information in this letter regarding signing up to receive or provide support over the Winter Break. Schools are in a unique position to provide assistance to families as colder weather and higher energy and food costs set in, but we rely on our community to provide donations of winter clothing, gift cards and monetary gifts. Thank you in advance for your support of this mission.
As we count down to the winter break, our music programs will be busy rehearsing for their upcoming concerts, and most classrooms will be working to wrap up units, projects and assessments. It can be a stressful time, so please check in with your student and their grades in Schoology to check that they end 2022 strong. Conferences are behind us, but teachers are always available should you have questions about your child’s assignments, grades, or how you can best support their learning at home.
In partnership,
Sabrina Westdijk
EMS Principal
Please note: Wednesday, 12/7 is a half day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am and there is no afterschool programming on this day.
EngageEMS Meeting on 12/6 @ 6pm
The next EngageEMS (PTO) Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6 from 6-7pm. This will be an in-person meeting in the EMS Library, but families will also be able to join remotely via this link.
Title 1 Update - Information Session on 12/6 @ 7pm
Districtwide, Title I funds support:
Multilingual Liaisons and Multilingual Liaison Coordinator
Summer programs
Homeless students
Personalized Learning Specialist - embedded PD, grades 6-12
Technical and leadership team support for developing CIPs
Online tools for reading assessment, digital student portfolios, math, informational articles
BSD Coordinator of the Office of Engagement
Parent Engagement materials (at each school)
At EMS, Title 1 funds support:
A Math Interventionist position
A portion of our Food Science Coordinator position, which spreads across several schools.
To learn more about Title I in our district and EMS, please attend our upcoming Title 1 Information Session on Tuesday, December 6 at 7pm (immediately following the EngageEMS meeting). The meeting will be hosted in the EMS Library, but can also be joined remotely via this link.
Support over December Break (December 23rd-January 2nd)
The Student Support Team is beginning to collect donations for winter/holiday support for families. Donations will be provided to families that request it prior to December break and into the winter months. We will have a short donation window this year so please be mindful of the timeline. Thank you to those of you who were able to make a donation over the November break. Every little bit helps!
To receive support over the December break, please complete this form by December 16th.
To give support over the December break, please complete this form by December 16th. Click here to view frequently asked questions from donors.
Please contact Taylor Ostapczuk at tostapcz@bsdvt.org or call her at (802) 864-8486 ext. 41012 with any questions. Thank you so much. We are so appreciative of our Edmunds community.
Winter Clothing Drive
We are collecting clean, gently used winter clothing for students. We are looking specifically for boots, jackets, snowpants, mittens/gloves, and hats. Please deliver any donations to the front office. Thank you!
Unified Sports!
The Edmunds Unified Sports Team started practicing this week. Congratulations to all team members for being selected. Our first event is bowling where we will be taking the team to SpareTime on Thursdays to showcase their bowling skills. Be on the alert for a scrimmage/match and if you see any team members around the building be sure to wish them good luck!!
-The Coaches (Ellsworth, Kuhn, Simon, Taylor, Collins, and G.)