Our mission at Lansing Public Schools is to provide all students with the scholastic, technical, social, and life-long learning skills essential for academic, occupational, and personal success as productive citizens.
I am very excited to begin my second year in Lansing. Thank you to everyone for making me feel welcome in the schools and the community. We have several new initiatives this year, including the new Lansing Lions Center for students in grades K-8 who benefit from an alternative education setting. In addition, we have started a virtual school that students can access within and outside of our district boundaries.
We are proud of the great work our students and staff continue to produce in the form of assessment results. We are above the state average in nearly every category assessed on the Kansas State Assessments and above the state average on our ACT scores. Lansing has a proud tradition of academic excellence, and it is our goal to continue building upon that success.
This year we will continue to focus on improving the financial health of the district, expanding opportunities in the areas of Career and Technical Education, and expanding post secondary options while students are enrolled at Lansing High School. We will be creating a Portrait of a Graduate for Lansing USD 469. We will be seeking help from the community and all stakeholders as we undertake this important task. This process will help us to maintain and enhance our focus as we move into the future.
Marty Kobza
Lansing USD 469
Lansing Intermediate Students Enjoy New Playground Equipment
Students at Lansing Intermediate were excited to play Gaga Ball on their first day back to school. The school purchased the equipment through a Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas City's Healthy Habits for Life grant. It provides an additional way for students to stay active and have fun with their peers. Students also enjoyed the new tetherballs and extra playground balls purchased by the school this summer. It helps that we've had grrr-eat weather this week!
Lansing USD469 is thrilled to announce that we are installing accessible swing at the intermediate school as well. We will be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony when it is completed, so be on the lookout for more information about that event.
Back to School Pictures
It has been a fantastic start to our 2024-2025 school year! Click the link below to see photos of our first few days with students.
Early Childhood Building
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
AM Session: 8:00 am - 11:00 am
PM Session: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Lansing Elementary School
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Lansing Intermediate School
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Lansing Middle School
Office Hours: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:15 am - 3:20 pm
Lansing High School
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:00 am - 3:10 pm
Lansing USD469 will start one hour later each Thursday during the 2024-2025 school year. The only exception will be the first week of school (Thursday, August 15).
Here is some helpful information for our families regarding Late Start Thursdays:
Late Start: Each Thursday, all K-12 students will start school one hour later than usual.
Preschool: This schedule will not affect preschool students.
Purpose: The additional time allows our teachers to collaborate on enhancing the MTSS process, discuss student data, intervention strategies, instructional techniques, common assessments, and set goals for our students.
Transportation: Buses will run one hour later each Thursday.
Childcare: For elementary and intermediate students (grades K-5), free childcare is available through the YMCA for parents needing to drop their students off at 8:00 am. Please contact your child's school for more information on how to sign up.
We're excited for a great year ahead and appreciate your support as we work to provide the best educational experience for our students.
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVC)
As we kick off the new school year, I’m proud to share the progress we've made in refining our Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, or GVC. The GVC is designed to ensure that every student has access to the same rigorous and high-quality curriculum, no matter which classes they take or who their teachers are. This consistency is crucial for helping our students meet and exceed state standards, preparing them for future success.
Our dedicated teachers and staff have worked diligently the last two years to develop this curriculum, making sure it aligns with state requirements while also addressing the diverse needs of our students. With the GVC, families can stay informed about what their students are learning, making it easier to support them and prevent any gaps in their education.
Recreational Reading Continues!
We’re entering our fourth year of recreational reading in Lansing USD469! We are proud to have expanded this initiative during the 2023-2024 school year to include grades 2nd - 8th. D.I.R.T (Daily Independent Reading Time) is a chance for students to continue finding and/or strengthening their love of reading by selecting their own books to get lost within. As you can see below, reading for pleasure just 20 minutes a day will lead to amazing results.
Our goal in Lansing is to get the right book in the right hands of every child and help them acquire the reading skills that will make them a lifelong learner and productive student and citizen.
“No subject of study is more important than reading…all other intellectual powers depend on it.” - Jacques Barzun
Academic Spotlights
For the last year and a half, I have been highlighting the amazing instructional work that our teachers are doing with your students. I call these highlights “Academic Spotlights,” and they showcase the outstanding work our teachers are doing in their classrooms each day.
Early Childhood
Early intervention is critical for children who have developmental delays. Lansing Special Education services provides Early Childhood programs for children ages 3, 4, and 5 (if not eligible for kindergarten) who meet the eligibility requirements for Special Education. Bus transportation can be provided if needed.
Service delivery models for children 3-5 (not kindergarten eligible) include:
2, 3, and 4 day combination special / general education classrooms
Regular education early childhood settings
Community-based early childhood classrooms
Home setting
Related services only
Day care provider home
Combination model (Classroom / Itinerant / Home-based)
Eligibility for services is determined through screening and evaluation for Special Education eligibility.
Kindergarten through 12th grade: Child Find begins with general education interventions, and an individual problem-solving process. If the general education interventions are significant, beyond what could be provided by the general education and requires specially designed instruction, the team would refer the student for an initial evaluation. If you have concerns about your child’s development, contact your school counseling team or school psychologist to discuss. Contact information for staff in all buildings can be found on the district website at
18-21 Year Old Program- LINCS (Learning Independence in Natural Community Settings): The LINCS program is for special education students who have met the credit requirements for graduation, but who have not met the goals on their IEP. In order to be eligible, students would not have graduated from high school and would not have yet received their diploma. The purpose of this program is to assist students with reaching their maximum potential for independence, to educate responsible and productive citizenship, to assist with understanding themselves so as to make empowered and informed decisions regarding their future, and to form collaborative relationships in order to maximize community resources for themselves. If you have questions regarding this program, please call Ascendra Donald at 913-727-1199.
New Lansing USD469 Website and Mobile App!
We are excited to launch our new and mobile app! Our website features all the reasons why Lansing USD469 is such an incredible place to work and learn and houses all of the important information about our district and buildings.
Our new mobile app is everything Lansing 469 , in your pocket. With the new app, you can access documents, events, news updates, and even emergency notifications.
Other Methods of Communication
- Social Media: We will share cancellations through our district Facebook and Twitter accounts (@usd469).
- Email: We will also send an email to all parents (through Skyward) and employees.
- Media: We will air our closing announcements on KMBC TV 9, KCTV 5, WDAF TV 4, KSHB TV 41, KMBZ AM 980, KFKF FM 94.1, KCUR FM 89.3.
Inclement Weather Guidelines
Unless circumstances create health or safety issues, Lansing School District schools will be open on all regularly scheduled school days. However, weather conditions can vary significantly in different neighborhoods and streets. We encourage parents to make attendance decisions for their children based on their specific ability to get to school safely.
If you are concerned about your child's ability to travel to school safely, please exercise your parental discretion to make the best decision for your child. If your contact information has recently changed, please contact your child's school with current information or update your information in Skyward. If you are not notified by the designated channels listed below, you can safely assume your school is open.
Here are some general philosophies regarding school closure decisions:
We will use weather forecasts, radar, personal reconnaissance, and consensus of surrounding districts in the decision-making process.
Safety is our top priority so, when in doubt, we try to err on the side of caution.
We will make the decision on which Inclement Weather Plan we will follow as soon as possible to give families a better chance to plan. We will not comment about the likelihood of cancelling school in advance of the decision.
After the decision, we will sometimes send a follow-up email explaining the factors involved. We will not typically send notices that school will be open as scheduled.
Extreme Temperatures
Cold weather can prevent our diesel buses from operating properly and endanger students.
In preparation for cold weather cancellations, the National Weather Service (NWS) has a very helpful wind chill and frostbite graph, which you can see here:
Special consideration will be given to a predicted wind chill of -15 degrees Fahrenheit at 7:00 am. Please note that this temperature serves as a guideline, and if the temperatures are predicted to rise rapidly as the morning progresses, we may choose to keep the school open. For your convenience, the decision will be made the night before using the 7:00 am. NWS forecast located at this site:
When we are experiencing excessive heat, please note the following:
Water Bottles: All students should carry a water bottle to and from school. Please make sure water bottles are full when students leave home in the morning. Students will be encouraged to fill their bottles throughout the day and before dismissal.
Transportation: Buses are not air-conditioned, so parents may consider picking up their children after school. Please communicate any transportation changes with your child's school building.
Elementary and Intermediate outdoor recess and activities: If the heat index is 91-99, there will be a shortened recess (or inside). If the temperature climbs to 100+, students will have indoor recess.
Sports practices are adjusted in accordance with KSHSAA recommendations.
The decision to cancel school must be made by 6:00 a.m. Conditions may worsen between then and the start of school. If so, we cannot reverse the decision without endangering students because buses and many parents will have already departed. Therefore, if conditions worsen after 6:00 a.m., you will need to use your best judgment as to whether or not to send students to school.
Parents always have the option to excuse an absence due to inclement weather or local road conditions.
Alumni Spotlights
Lansing USD469 is excited to celebrate the achievements and stories of our Lansing USD469 alums. Their accomplishments are a testament to the community and excellent education fostered here in Lansing. By sharing their journey, they'll inspire current students and fellow alums while highlighting our graduates' diverse paths.
If you are a Lansing alum or know someone who is, please consider filling out the form below.
We look forward to showcasing our alums's unique contributions and successes on our district website and social media!
The Lion Pride-Cast
We are excited to share the third season of the Lansing USD469 podcast, "The Lion Pride-Cast," with hosts Miles Azzeh and Sharon Burns.
This bi-weekly podcast features all things related to education and recruitment/retention.
We interview one staff member or student each month, so be sure to subscribe and listen to future episodes.
Lansing USD469 is proud of the progress we have made on our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan that was passed unanimously during the April 2023 board meeting. Thank you to our volunteers made of community members, staff, and students who served on this important committee and provided feedback to form this plan. Thank you also to our Lansing USD469 board members who served on the committee and voted to make it a reality. Click here to learn more about the development of our Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan aims to achieve action steps that ensure our district can meet the needs of its students, staff, and community for years to come.
Our administrators and district leadership staff are excited to start on action items this plan sets forth.
We will be featuring articles that highlight action items within our large goal areas during the 2024-2025 school year. Click on the button below to stay up to date!
Lansing USD469 houses two food pantries, our Lion's Pantry that serves Lansing Middle School, and an all-district pantry located at Lansing Intermediate School and overseen by members of our District Mental Health Team
If you or your family is in need of assistance, please fill out the Google Form below:
District Food Pantry Request Link
Lion's Pantry (LMS)
The Lion's Pantry serves Lansing Middle School families dealing with food insecurity. If you need assistance, please contact Shirley Painton at 913-727-1197.
Free and Reduced Lunches
A student qualifying for free or reduced breakfast or lunch will receive a meal that is consists of:
- one entré choice
- fruit and/or vegetable selections
- milk
Students may choose which items they would like to select or decline each day. However, if a student does not make the required selections that constitute a “student breakfast or lunch”, the total meal cost may be more than the student meal price, as each item will be charged at the a la carte prices.
** Please note that the free & reduced meal program includes one student breakfast and/or lunch only. Purchase of a second meal, extra milk, a milk to drink with a home lunch, bottled water or any a la carte items are an additional cost to you.
Why should your household apply for free/reduced price meals.
- Qualifying for free/reduced meals and completing a consent for disclosure also helps with the following:
Scholarship Applications
Instruction Fees Waived College Application Waivers
ACT Fees Waived TRIO / Upward Bound
SAT Fees Waived
We value transparency and accessibility for our community and encourage all stakeholders to attend monthly Board of Education meetings to stay informed and involved in the decision-making processes of the school district. We encourage and community to attend our school board meetings to stay informed. However, if you are unable to attend in person, we provide a video of all meetings via a YouTube live stream. Click here to access our district YouTube account. Additionally, all meetings are recorded, allowing for easy access to important information discussed.
Lansing USD469 would like to send a huge thank you to our custodial, maintenance and grounds departments for their hard work over the summer months!
To provide students with safe and secure transportation to and from school in a friendly environment that enhances the total learning process.
To accomplish this mission, we will:
- Promote mutual respect and understanding;
- Model courtesy with students, parents, and colleagues;
- Help students to start and end their school day with a smile;
- Greet all who enter our environment with a smile, encouragement, and a happy attitude;
- Develop and improve communications with teachers, staff, parents, and students;
- Ensure that our busses function at the highest possible levels of safety, cleanliness, and comfort for students and drivers;
- Maintain professional conduct and appearance at all times for both students and the public;
- Enhance the publics' perception of the Lansing School District through excellence in transportation;
- Initiate public safety and awareness in and for everyone we serve;
- Promote our team spirit for excellence in all undertakings.
Parents can see their child's bus number and pick-up/drop-off times in Skyward. Check the bussing tab on your Skyward Family Access page to access that information. If you have questions, contact Janine Shields at 913-250-0749.
Lansing USD469 values the contribution our employees make across the district. From our hard-working custodians to our incredible teaching staff, each employee plays a vital role in the success of our students.
We are in the process of looking to expand our USD469 family and have several openings across our district (see list below).
Please visit our Employment Page for a list of all open positions and instructions on how to apply.
Lansing USD469 recently partnered with Morgan Hunter Education to provide substitute teachers for our certified staff. Morgan Hunter Education is a highly respected substitute staffing firm in the Kansas City Metro area. Advantages for substitute teachers include weekly paychecks, professional development, outstanding service, and a flexible and fun work environment. Morgan Hunter Education staff is available Monday thru Friday from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm.
To apply to be a substitute teacher click on the following link to complete an application:
For more information, contact Morgan Hunter Education at 866-923-6433 or email at You can also visit their website at
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents of elementary and secondary school students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with Unified School District 469 are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, disability or any other basis prohibited by state or federal law in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in, its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning Unified School District 469 compliance with the regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act of 2001, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)-, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or reports of specific complaints, or alleged discrimination, is directed to contact Unified School District 469, 200 E. Mary Street, Lansing, Kansas 66043, (913) 727-1100. The Superintendent is designated by the USD 469 Board of Education to coordinate the institution’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title II, Title VI, Title IX, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act of 2001, USERRA, Section 504 or other applicable federal, state or local law. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. Any person may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 268-0550, TDD (877) 521-2172, regarding the institution’s compliance with regulations implementing Title II, Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504. (2/2020)