NOVEMBER 1, 2024

Enrollment/ Re-enrollment is now OPEN!
Complete as soon as you are able!
Please complete your re-enrollment for the 2024 -2025 year, visit 4-Honline to complete this task.
This needs to be done for new and current members (both youth and adults!). Volunteers need to be re-enrolled by November 15!
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the extension staff!
2024 Murray County 4-H Annual Awards Banquet
Sunday, November 24
All Murray County 4-H families are invited to join us for our annual Murray County 4-H Awards Banquet to be held on Sunday, November 24, 2024, starting at 6 p.m.
There will be a meal provided (please click HERE to RSVP) so we can get accurate numbers for plates being made.
Murray County 4-H Youth Livestock committee member application
Murray County 4-H is now accepting applications for youth livestock committee members. Members are encouraged to attend three yearly meetings. Help at the county fair with check-ins, herdsmanship, and other assigned duties. This is a two-year commitment as a youth livestock committee member. Youth must be in 7th grade or older to apply. https://z.umn.edu/MC4Hlivestockcommittee
All youth grades 5 - 8 are invited to join us for the Annual BOO BASH on November 1 from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. at the Murray County 4-H Buidling. Cost is $5 at the door. Please come in costume.
There will be concessions available throughout the evening.
Turkey Bingo
Friday, November 15
Join us Friday, November 15, 2024, at the Murray County 4-H Building for our Annual Community Turkey Bingo Event from 6 - 8 p.m.
This is free and open for all ages to attend! Supper will be provided.
Thank you to Almich's Market for donating the turkeys and the Monogram Foods Loves Kids Foundation for making this event possible!
Now Hiring! Youth Development 4-H Summer Intern
Deadline to apply is November 24, 2024!
We've got a summer intern job opening in the Murray County 4-H program! We're looking for college students interested in hands-on learning about Extension and a passion to see all Minnesota youth thrive!
Learn more and apply at https://z.umn.edu/4hsummerintern
Check out this flyer that contains more details about this role!
After School Adventures Registration is now OPEN
STEM the gateway to endless possibilities!
Our After School Adventures program will be held for MCC and Fulda school districts for youth in grades K - 6. This is open to all youth; they did not need to be members of 4-H to participate in these sessions. Please see the session dates and themes for both school districts:
Murray County Central
- November 12 - The strength of STEM
- December 10 - Elf Ziplining
- January 14 - Snacks or STEM
- February 11 - Same supplies STEAM basket
- March 11 - Size vs STEM
- April 1 - Using STEAM to grow
- November 14 - The strength of STEM
- December 12 - Elf Ziplining
- January 16 - Snacks or STEM
- February 13 - Same supplies STEAM basket
- March 13 - Size vs STEM
- April 3 - Using STEAM to grow
$5/ per session or $30 for all seven sessions - per one youth
Please click HERE to register your kids for this great opportunity!
See flyer below for more details!
Murray County Central After School Adventures - Flyer
Fulda After School Adventures - Flyer
Welcome Kerstin!
We are excited to have you as part of our team!
Kerstin Thoms started as the 4-H Extension educator in Murray and Nobles Counties on Oct. 1. Kerstin is a graduate of South Dakota State University with a bachelor's degree in agricultural leadership with minors in agribusiness/marketing and digital/social media. In addition to Kerstin’s academic background, she worked with ISU Extension in Plymouth County as the county youth coordinator and was a 4-H member in Plymouth County for nine years.
Harvest Time!
Start collecting seeds and gear up for your 2025 4-H Agronomy Project!
Are you ready to take your agronomy project to the next level? Join us for an exciting two-part workshop series designed to help youth in grade 3 and above prepare their seeds for the county fair!
Both sessions run from 7 - 8:30 p.m. on the following dates:
- Monday, Dec. 2
- Monday, Jan. 27
In this hands-on series, you will gather seeds from the fall harvest and learn the step-by-step process to prepare them for display at the county fair. Participants will be guided through everything from proper seed selection and cleaning techniques to tips on creating an award-worthy presentation. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to secure your very own display box for your seeds.
This is a 101-level class geared toward youth looking to complete their agronomy projects with confidence. By the end of the workshop, you’ll be able to set your project aside, knowing it’s ready to impress the judges come summer 2025!
Click HERE to register for this event!
Super Sitters Virtual Series
Registration deadline is November 13
There will be a Super Sitters Virtual Series happening this winter! The goal is for youth to walk away with knowledge to be a Super Sitter Hero!
Dates: November 18, 19, 25, and 26
December 2 and 3
Starting at 5:45 p.m. - 7 p.m. each day (listed above)
Available to youth in grades 4+
There is no cost to attend!
Please visit HERE for more information and to sign-up!
Tasty Tuesdays
Registration is open within 4-H Online!
We suppose it is time for us to take a food journey through the land of 10,000 lakes! Join us as we experience some of Minnesota's popular recipes that will leave your taste buds wanting to try more! These meals will even satisfy the appetites of Paul Bunyan and Babe! You betcha we will also try some tradition treats for those with a sweet tooth! We won't forget the SPAM either...Uff da! Join us from the comfort of your home on Tuesdays from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on the following dates: November 5, 12,19; and December 3.
What came first - the amphibian or the reptile?
Registration is OPEN!
Discover the mysterious world of our old friends as we learn about new ones! Speakers, fun facts and more... Oh my!
Join us from the comfort of your own home from 6:45pm -7:45 pm on the following dates: November 7, 14 and 21 and December 5. Learn more HERE.
Registration is now open! Please register in 4-H Online!
4-H Explorers in Ag
Registration is open!
Embark on a global agriculture adventure with 4-H Explorers in Ag! Join us as we explore the rich agricultural landscapes of Cambodia, Poland, and Canada—right from home! Each week unlocks a new country, where you’ll discover unique farming practices and how agriculture shapes communities worldwide. Guided by the Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors, you’ll learn, engage with guest speakers, and gain a global perspective on food and farming! Starts Nov. 12. This is a free program with take-home materials for youth in grades 6 - 8.
Sign up now for this unforgettable journey!
Photography Day Camp
Register in 4-HOnline by December 5th
Join us at the SE Region Photography Day Camp! Learn about different types of photography, what makes a good photo, how to excel at 4-H photography judging, and get some practice taking pictures. All experience levels are welcome! Bring your own camera/phone if you have one. If not, cameras will be provided. ALL youth in grades 3+ are welcome to attend this FREE event at The Grand in New Ulm (210 North Minnesota St. New Ulm, MN 56073). Contact Sydney Mitchell with questions: mitc1123@umn.edu.
More information: https://z.umn.edu/SEphotodaycamp
4-H Young Writers Club
Kicks off November 4!
Youth in grades 6+ will meet virtually on Mondays from Nov. 4 through Dec. 2 to write together, share their work, and connect with other writers around Minnesota. Staff, volunteers, and guest authors will offer youth encouragement to get words on the page and grow their writing skills.
Activity ideas for your Club!
Need activity ideas for your 4-H club? Check out our Youth Development Curriculum Library for fun, educational lesson and activity resources designed for youth workers, 4-H volunteers, and youth themselves! 86 resources and counting! More content is added every month. Current categories: Animals and livestock, civic engagement and leadership, Cloverbuds (K-2), environment and earth science, expressive arts and communication, family and consumer science, gardening and agriculture, healthy living, icebreakers, games, and reflection activities, including youth of all abilities, independent learning, outdoor adventures, STEM, and themed 4-H club agenda samples. If you have specific content you’d like to see, contact Jessica Russo at pier0239@umn.edu.
Mark your Calendars!
Murray County 4-H 2024 - 2025 Schedule of Events
Please take a moment to download or print the 2024 - 2025 Murray County 4-H calendar.
Ambassador Updates
Become a Murray County 4-H Ambassador!
Join the Murray County 4-H Ambassadors! We meet typically once a month for leadership opportunities, youth engagement, ambassador outings and service projects. Youth grades 8 and up are invited to join the Murray County 4-H Ambassadors. Fill out the attached https://z.umn.edu/MC4HAmbassador24-25 or look for the first meeting in October and join us.
New Volunteers
Welcome Kim & Genna!
Kim Konkol is one of our newest Murray County 4-H volunteer! Kim is a familiar face in Murray County and serves on the Murray County Fair board.
Genna Scripture is one of the club leaders for the Bondin Belfast 4-H Club, along with her husband, Todd. They have four kids that are involved in Murray County 4-H.
Thank you for your willingness to give back!
Kim Hause
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
University of Minnesota Extension, Murray County
📍2848 BROADWAY AVE 📞(507)-836-1144 ✉️hausek@umn.edu
Kerstin Thoms
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
University of Minnesota Extension, Murray County
📍2848 BROADWAY AVE 📞(507)-836-1145
Mallory Vos
Administrative Assistant, Murray County Extension
📍2848 Broadway Ave 📞 507-836-6927 ✉ carl5049@umn.edu
Slayton, MN 56172
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