Saddle Up for Success 2024-2025
December Family Newsletter Part 1: December 2-December 13
Federal Impact Aid Surveys: We are almost at 100%!
Elementary and the Fort Leavenworth School District are heavily impacted with federally connected students. Once a year, Fort Leavenworth USD 207 is required by law to report each federally connected student. The data collected is reported to the USDoE in order to receive federal Impact Aid funding. This reporting determines the amount of funding provided, which is critical for USD 207 to continue to offer the highest quality education and resources for our students and families. The surveys are now live on Skyward and only take about a minute to verify your information (as with most things on Skyward, it is much easier to do on a computer than a phone). Thank you to all the parents who have already completed it. Please try to complete it as soon as possible.
A Message from Principal Johnson
MacArthur Families,
December is here! What does that mean for MacArthur? It means teaching and learning continues, but in a festive way! Consider having your child join in on the "12 Days Until Holiday Break" themed days alongside the staff, joining for the Tree Lighting, or volunteering for classroom parties. Our 5th grade students are set to perform on stage this Thursday and I can't wait! It will be sure to GLOW!
Here's to a delightful December at MacArthur Elementary!
Mrs. Johnson
Important Dates
December 2: Junior Guard Practice @ 3:30
December 9-19: !2 Days Until Holiday Break Begins!
- See details below!
December 4: Site Council Meeting @ 9:00am in the Cafeteria
December 5: 5th Grade Music Program @ 6:00pm in the MacArthur Auditorium
December 5: STUCO Meeting @ 3:30pm
December 6: Food Drive and Toys for Tots service projects end
December 6: Early Release. @ 1:30 for K-5
- Pre- K AM: 10:00am dismissal
- Pre-K PM: 2:20pm dismissal.
December 6: Hearts Apart Tree Lighting @ 4:00pm
- See details below!
December 9: Junior Guard Practice @ 3:30pm
December 19: NO PRE-SCHOOL!
December 19: 1/2 Day of School and end of 2nd Quarter
- Winter Parties will occur this day from 10:15am-11:15.
- Teachers will let families know about their classroom plans and need for volunteers.
- School dismissal for K-5 is 11:30am.
Specials Schedule
December 2: D
December 3: A
December 4: B
December 5: C
December 6: D
December 9: A
December 10: B
December 11: C
December 12: D
December 13: A
Weather and Arrival/Dismissal Reminders and Updates
- Walkways and parking lot areas can be very slippery even with proper treatment. Please take extra precautions when walking on campus.
- Unless you are a family who is walking to school or dropping off a child in Pre-K, the car rider line should be used for drop off and pick up. This will help ease parking constraints for our preschool program.
- Please only use parking spaces. when parking in out lot. Parking in other areas creates unsafe scenarios due to flow of traffic and visibility. Thank you in advance for your help in keeping our students and families safe during arrival and dismissal.
- It's that time of year where snow can pop up at anytime. Please see the PDF attached below reviewing USD 207 inclement weather procedures.
- In the event of extreme downpours or similar weather that may cause a family to change their child's dismissal transportation, please know that we will NOT send walkers home unless a parent is with them. Parents can call the office to change transportation to car rider OR you can just join the car rider line and let staff know who you are picking up. Your child will always be supervised until he or she is picked up from school.
Site Council
The MacArthur Elementary Site Council is up and ready to do great things! Scan or click the QR code for the Site Council Facebook page where you can find important information and ways to sign up for volunteer opportunities.
Please see the minutes below from our November 5th meeting! Our next meeting is set for Wednesday, December 4th at 9:00am in the MacArthur Cafeteria. The goal of this meeting day change is to see if more parents can join.
Fall Picture Re-Take Ordering Information
Fall picture re-take orders have arrived and were sent home with your child!
Character Strong at MacArthur: Building Purposeful People with Empathy
This month, our character focus is gratitude. We will honor students who demonstrate gratitude on a consistent basis at 8:20am on December 13th!
Hearts Apart at USD207
Fort Leavenworth Unified School District 207 offers a wonderful program we refer to as "Hearts Apart." Hearts Apart is designed to help students cope with the deployment of a parent. Your permission is required for your child to participate.
Hearts Apart provides students and families with a sense of community and belonging district wide. This is a great opportunity for spouses and their children to enjoy good food, relax, and enjoy the conversation and company of others. These events help children and their families understand that they are not alone in their experiences.
Sign up for Hearts Apart - Here
Our December event will be attending the Fort Leavenworth Tree Lighting on Friday, Dec. 6th. There is no need for families to RSVP for this event. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions regarding Hearts Apart, please reach out to Michelle Speer, School Social Worker at or Kayla Njoku, MacArthur School Counselor at
K-2 classes receive weekly 15 minute lessons with Mrs. Njoku. The focus is the Little Spot of Feelings by Diane Alber. If you're curious about this, here is a Parent Guide that will provide an overview of what we are learning.
3rd-5th classes receive a monthly 30 minute lesson with Mrs. Njoku. Our focus through September and October was Growing Friendships and Learning about bullying and peer pressure. In November, we focused on Growth Mindset and the Power of Yet. In December, we will be focusing on Empathy.