Rockdale Innovation Center (RIC)
Virtual Learning- How Does it Work? 2021/2022 School Year
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Who qualifies for the full virtual option housed at Rockdale Innovation Center?
Students who successfully completed the virtual program during the previous school year AND do not need access to traditional and extra-curricular classes at the traditional site, and wish to remain in the virtual platform, have been pre-approved. If you would still like to switch back to the traditional site, please call us ASAP. All first-time virtual applicants will be screened individually to determine potential success in the full virtual platform. Your child's most recent principal will be a part of the decision-making process. Your child's performance during Distance Learning opportunities in the past will play a big part in determining if the full virtual option is a good fit for your child and family. Please note: the full virtual option is only available for 1st-12th graders. Final decisions will also be based on available virtual teachers.
How often will my child need to go to the RIC?
At least 1 hour per week, unless otherwise agreed upon by the virtual teacher/director. This time may be spent checking in with your virtual teacher and getting extra help. 1st through 8th graders will also be required to attend RIC in person one day per month. Monthly assessments will be conducted at this time, and they must be done in person. All virtual students will be offered enrichment opportunities at the RIC.
How will attendance be tracked for my child?
Attendance will be based on completion of work. If a student completes assigned work, they will be counted as present. If a child does not complete work, they will be counted as absent. If absences continue to occur, the parent will be referred to Truancy Court.
Can my child attend some classes in the traditional setting and some with the virtual option?
No, if you choose the virtual setting, you are committing to it full-time for the grading period (1st-6th: per quarter; 7th-12th: per semester).
What will my child need to participate in the virtual option?
MPS will provide a personal device for each student. The majority of the curriculum will be accessed online. You will need to have reliable internet access. If you do not, the district will assist in providing you with access.
Who will monitor my child's activity on their school-issued device?
While parents are always strongly encouraged to monitor children's online activity, our IT department has access to everything a student does on a school device. If something is flagged as inappropriate, the RIC director will be notified. RIC virtual educators will also have access to view the amount of time spent on the online curriculum and the daily progress of your student.
Does my child have to use the school-issued device?
We have an iPad for every 1st and 2nd grader and a Chromebook for every 3rd through 12th grader. We are encouraging every student to use the school device, as we can support them if you were to have technical difficulties. However, if you prefer to use your own device, you may do so.
What kinds of enrichment activities will be available to RIC students?
We will have a variety of activities, which will change often. Here are some things planned so far: green room where students can create digital presentations, kitchen/science labs, library check-out, specialized reading/math groups, STEAM labs, Makerspace challenges, collaboration opportunities with other RIC students, social-emotional groups, etc. Technology will be a primary focus at RIC, and we intend to offer activities that will help students prepare for the future.
Will transportation be provided for the time my child is at Rockdale Innovation Center?
No, you would be responsible for all transportation to and from RIC, as well as to and from any extracurricular classes taken at the traditional site.
When can students work on courses?
They will have access to the online curriculum 24/7. You are encouraged to establish a consistent schedule at home.
Will there be a cost for the virtual learning option?
There will not be any additional costs for the virtual option.
Why should I choose the virtual option from MPS as opposed to other online programs?
The educators at RIC will be highly-qualified, certified staff that will be housed at RIC. Not only will you have access to these educators, but your child will also still be an MPS student and have access to all the district offers.
If I want to proceed with choosing the virtual option for my child, what is the next step?
Please feel free to contact Mrs. Berry at the RIC at 918-542-6697. You may also reach her by email at
How Do I Know if Virtual Learning is Right for my Child?
- Be a self-starter!
- Stay focused and manage your time wisely!
- Be willing to reach out to your teacher when you need extra help!
- Communicate with your teacher and parents often about your progress!
What Will I Need to Do to Support my Child's Virtual Learning?
- Develop a good schedule...and stick with it! Whether in the morning or in the evening, set aside time for your child to complete their online curriculum.
- Stay in constant communication with your child's virtual teacher. Make sure all phone numbers and email addresses are up-to-date.
- Encourage your child to reach out to the virtual teacher OFTEN! Keeping those communication lines open is one of the most helpful things you can do.
Rockdale Innovation Center
Location: 2116 Rockdale Boulevard, Miami, OK, USA
Phone: (918) 542-6697