SCA Elementary Newsletter

Registration for the 2025-26 School Year is Here!
Kindergarten Registration Opens February 1st!
Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2025? If so, it’s now time to register for kindergarten. Tomorrow, February 1, at 9:00 am the system will open. To register, simply complete the online registration form at eips.ca/kindergarten.
To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Additional information regarding SCA Elementary’s kindergarten program is available here.
Returning Student Registration for 2025-26
The Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) returning student registration process for 2025-26 takes place February 10-24, 2025. Through the online form, all families will confirm the school and program their child will attend next year or advise the Division if they aren’t returning. For students who want to attend a non-designated school next year, these requests must be submitted through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space.
On February 10, the parent/guardian on file in PowerSchool identified as the Permission Click contact for each pre-kindergarten to Grade 11 student will receive an email through Permission Click with a link to the form.
If your family hasn’t received any Permission Click forms this school year, contact the school office so we can investigate any technical issues before registration season.
All current EIPS students are required to complete the form by Feb. 24, 2025.
Friday, February 14
Each year, as part of our fun Valentine’s Day celebrations, we ask students and staff to go to their closet and pull out their favourite red or pink outfit. We encourage our students to start thinking now about what to wear in just a couple of weeks time.
Basically Babies Collection Drive
On Friday, February 21, SCA Elementary is running a baby care drive to support this worthy cause.
Basically Babies ‘Layettes’ are each assembled with a baby bible and have enough clothing to supply a needy newborn baby throughout his or her first year. The need for more layettes has been increasing. New or gently used clothing up to 24 months as well as other items can be brought to school to help share God's love to these families in our community.
Clothing items needed at this time are snowsuits, jackets, sweaters, pants, shirts, dresses, undershirts, sleepers, hats, mittens, slippers, socks and slippers.
Baby items needed at this time are receiving blankets, warm blankets, storybooks, bibs, towels, baby shampoo (new only), baby lotion (new only) and baby soap (new only).
Donations can be sent with students or dropped off at the school by noon.
The following items CANNOT BE ACCEPTED: baby powder, diapers, bottles, baby formula/food.
A complete list of new or gently used items that Basically Babies accepts can be found here.
Jump Rope for Heart - February 21
The students of SCA Elementary will be literally jumping with heart on Friday, February, 21st.
They will be raising funds for our Annual Heart and Stroke Foundation ‘Jump Rope for Heart’.
Each student will participate and is being asked to bring a loonie or toonie or more to contribute
to this local charity.
If you would like to receive a tax receipt, you can donate online (website linked below)
The minimum donation required to receive a tax receipt is $5.
The students are asked to wear their Eddie the Eagle SCA t-shirts on this day. Comfortable clothes would be in order as well.
It will be a hopping place around here. The jump schedule for grade 1-6 is as follows:
- Period 1 (8:42-9:14) 4A and 5A
- Period 2 (9:14-9:46) 6A and 6C
- Period 3 (9:46-10:18) 4C and 5B
- Period 4 (10:18-11:05) KC
- Period 5 (11:05-11:37) 1A and 2B
- Period 6 (12:20-12:52) 1B and 1C
- Period 7 (12:52-1:24) 2A and 3C
- Period 8 (1:24-1:56) 5C and 6B
- Period 9 (2:11-2:43) 2C and 3B
- Period 10 (2:43-3:15) 3A and 4B
Kindergarten Jump Dates:
- The ECS ‘KA’ class will do their jumping on Wednesday, Feb. 19 (period 4 -10:18-11:05)
- The ECS ‘KB’ class will do their jumping on Thursday, Feb. 20 (period 4 -10:18-11:05)
- The ECS ‘KC’ class will do their jumping on Friday, Feb. 21 (period 4 -10:18-11:05)
- The ECS ‘KD’ class will do their jumping on Tuesday, Feb. 18 (period 4 -10:18-11:05)
The event will unfold in the gym. Each grade will come in at their regular P.ED. period to jump for 25-30 minutes.
Parents are more than welcome to come, participate, and help this year with the event!
The students will have a choice of how they will accomplish their jumping. They may choose to jump individually, in pairs, small groups, jump back and forth over a skipping rope on the floor, or work through stations. Ideas are endless!
What will we raise this year? Can we hit $1000? $1200?
Wednesday, February 26
This special day is dedicated to promoting kindness, empathy, and inclusion while standing against bullying.
On Pink Shirt Day, we encourage all students and staff to wear a pink shirt as a visible symbol of our collective commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for everyone.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to talk to our children about how everyone is made in the image of God and the importance of kindness, respect, and the power of standing up for one another.
We look forward to seeing lots of pink shirts around our school!
All these dates (and more) are listed on our monthly calendar located on our school website here.
- February 5 - Early Dismissal @ 2:15 pm
- February 6 & 7 - ATA Teacher's Convention - NO SCHOOL
- February 12 & 26 - Chip Day
- February 14 - Red/Pink Day
- February 14 - Hot Lunch
- February 17 - Family Day - NO SCHOOL
- February 21 - Jump Rope for Heart
- February 21 - Basically Babies Collection Drive
- February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
- February 26 - Grade 7 Orientation (During school day, for grade 6 students only)
Hot Lunch Dates
February 12 - KA/KC (Deadline February 7)
February 13 - KB/KD (Deadline February 8)
February 14 - Grade 1-6 (Deadline February 9)
Visit Healthy Hunger to place your order!
Interested in volunteering as a hot lunch helper?
There are 2 ways to sign up:
- When you place a hot lunch order through Healthy Hunger, there is an option to sign up as a volunteer when checking out.
- If you have already placed your hot lunch orders for the year and did not sign up through the Healthy Hunger website, please click this link to sign up: Hot Lunch Volunteering (2024-2025)
Chip Day Dates
February 12 - (Grade 1-6)
February 26 - (Grade K-6)
If you did not prepay for chip days for the year, your child can bring a Loonie on chip day to participate.
We are continuing our Book Bingo reading challenge throughout February and into March.
For more information check out our library website here.
There will be one grand prize draw for grade 1-3 and one for grade 4-6 on March 20!
-💕Mrs. Wielinga
Calling all Grandparents!
Are you a past, present, or future grandparent of a student who attends SCA Elementary or Secondary Schools?
We would love your prayer support! An update is emailed out each week of ways you can support our school in prayer. If you are able, we meet once a month to pray for our students.
Please email Pastor Driedger at darren.driedger@eips.ca or phone the school office at 780-449-2787 to get involved.
We meet the first Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm at SCA Elementary. Our next prayer meeting is Thursday, February 13 at 1:00 pm and you are welcome to join!
We want to cover the schools and the children with prayer. Your wisdom and experience is needed for this.
Psalm 71:16 says: “I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign LORD!”
Read the rest of Psalm 71 to discover your mandate as a spiritual grandparent for all of our students.
Yearbooks - Don't Forget to Order!
The deadline for ordering a yearbook is March 31, 2025.
Did you know?
The next municipal election is on Oct. 20, 2025—an important component of this is the election of school trustees. Trustees are elected representatives who are knowledgeable about the communities they serve, and are accountable to students, families, staff and community members of a school division. Once sworn in, these individuals work diligently to promote and advocate for a strong public education system. Learn more
Elementary Kid's Night (K-6)
Date: Friday, February 28, 2025
Time: Doors open at 6:15 PM and pick up at 8:30 PM. Parents or designated guardian needs to check in and check out child so please park and enter doors marked Auditorium.
Cost: $5 per child. Sign up is required.
More information and the sign up details can be found here.
Junior High Youth Group
Grade 6 students are invited to join SPAC Junior High Youth Group!
Wednesday’s at 7:00 pm.
Find out more here.
Reporting Student Absences, Early Pickups and End of Day Changes
Dropping Items Off at School
To enhance building safety and minimize classroom disruptions, we kindly ask that parents dropping off items for their children during the school day do so at the office.
As a friendly reminder, if you’d like to walk your child into school during morning drop-off, please accompany them to the rotunda and allow them to make their way to the classrooms independently.
We appreciate your cooperation and support in helping our school days run smoothly!
Want to Ensure You Never Forget a School Event? Sync to the School Calendar!
Did you know you can sync the monthly school calendar to your own calendar?
- Visit http://scaelementary.ca/about/calendar using the device you would like to sync the calendar to.
- Click on the applicable subscription option at the top of the page and follow the instructions
- Download to iCal
- Add to Google Calendar
- Subscribe to Calendar (Recommended for iPhones, Android, Outlook)
Within seconds, your calendar will contain all SCA Elementary' s important dates including holidays, early dismissal days, school-closure days, planned activities, events and more!
Need to Update Information for a Student, Parent or Emergency Contact?
Have you recently moved or has your contact information changed since the start of the year?
SCA Elementary encourages families to review the information the Division has on file to ensure it’s up to date. Using the Year Round Update available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal, families can review the current information on file for each student—including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, parent and guardian information, emergency contacts, medical details and other related information—and submit any updates needed.
Reviewing and updating the form ensures the school and Division have the most up-to-date information regarding your child.
NOTE: Only submit updates for the changes that have already taken place. If you’re moving later this school year, you’ll submit the necessary updates to your information through the Year Round Update after you’ve moved.
Email Inbox Overflowing? Check Out the School Messenger App!
Did you know there is a School Messenger app (or website) that parents can use?
School Messenger is the program Elk Island Public Schools use to share information directly with families by phone or email.
Emails from the following areas are sent through School Messenger:
- SCA Elementary (except emails sent directly from your child’s teacher)
- EIPS Transportation
- EIPS Central Office
This app can be helpful for parents as it allows you to view all emails sent from the above areas in one location. Parents can also manage their email subscription and contact preferences in regards to these messages.
App Instructions:
- Download the App (available through the App Store or Google Play)
- Sign up by using your PowerSchool Parent Portal email address and the EIPS District Code ‘HXWF’
- Once in the app, all received emails can be viewed under ‘Messages’
- Click the 3-lines in top left corner > Preferences > select Elk Island Public Schools > from this page, you can manage your contact preferences and select how you would like to be notified in different contact scenarios.
Website Instructions: (exactly the same information as the app, just a different way to view it)
- Select ‘Sign up’ in the top right corner. Use your PowerSchool Parent Portal email address and the EIPS District Code ‘HXWF’
- Once logged in, the instructions are the same as using the app (see #3 & 4 above)
For further information or support with issues, please visit: https://www.eips.ca/contact/subscribe
SCA Elementary Parent Facebook Group
Click the link below to check it out!