Bulldog Blast
Principal's Message
Welcome to semester two, Bulldogs!
This weekend, we came together to celebrate the retirement of Coach Troy Hochstetler. Coach Hoch has dedicated the last 30 years to teaching science, coaching sports, and being one of the best graduation coaches I have ever known! Anyone lucky enough to know Coach Hoch will always remember his lasting impact on those around him. Our Bulldog family will miss him immensely, but we are so excited he gets to spend his time fishing, being a grandpa, and driving his wife, Tammy, crazy. Enjoy your retirement, Coach!
Make sure to come see everything ZHS has to offer at our curriculum fair on Thursday, 1/16/25, at 6:00pm in the commons!
As a weekly reminder, Bulldogs Bark!
Bulldogs are:
B - Brave (brave enough to always do what is right, not necessarily easy)
A - Academically Engaged (focused on learning and making progress)
R - Responsible (taking accountability and making good choices)
K - Kind (just be nice!)
Your Proud Principal,
Amanda McCoy, Ed.S.
Bulldog Business 1/13/25
Monday, 1/13/25
o No School for Students - Teacher Planning Day
o SIT Meeting - 1-315 - 10:00am
o Cheer Practice - commons 2:45-5:00pm
o Boys Soccer JV/V away at SLHS - 6:30pm
o Girls soccer V only vs SLHS - 6:30pm (McCoy cover)
Tuesday, 1/14/25
o Admin Meeting - 12:45pm
o ZHS Content PLC Meetings - 1:45pm
o Cheer Practice, Commons – 2:45 - 5:00
o FFA Judging Practice, Room 800 – 1:45 – 2:30
o Boys Basketball JV/V vs WCHS - 6:30pm (Mckinney Cover)
o Girls Basketball JV/V away at WCHS - 6:30pm
Wednesday, 1/15/25
o Dual Enrollment PERT test - 1-314 - 1:45pm
o Cheer Practice, Commons - 2:45 – 5:00
o Girls Soccer V only vs WCHS - 6:30pm (Wasilewski Cover)
o Boys Basketball JV/V vs FHS - 6:30pm (Wasilewski Cover)
o Girls Basketball V only away at FHS - 6:30pm
Thursday, 1/16/25
o Cheer Practice, Commons - 2:45 – 5:00
o Boys Basketball JV/V vs Wildwood - 6:00pm (Yonkof Cover)
o Girls Soccer V only vs Central - 6:30pm (Senior Night, Hardy Cover)
o Curriculum Fair - commons - 6:00pm
Friday, 1/17/25
o ZHS Blood Drive - Gym Parking Lot
o Calendar Meeting 8:15am
o Girls Wrestling away at Kathleen - 2:00pm
o Boys Soccer JV/V away at GHS - 6:00pm
o Girls Soccer V only away at Nature Coast - 7:00pm
o Boys Basketball JV/V away at PHS - 6:00pm
Saturday, 1/18/25
o JROTC - BMW Drill Meet at Brandon
o JROTC - State Rifle Meet at Coral Springs
o JROTC - USF Robotics Meet at USF
Monday, 1/20/25
No School - MLK Holiday
Great Things are Happening at ZHS!
Your Girls Basketball defeated CCHS with a score of 55 - 29!
Your ZHS Boys Soccer team honored their seniors this week!
Your ZHS Girls Basketball came home tournament champions over winter break!