Lone Oak Elementary Newsletter
Fueled by Faith and Family!!!
Please click on the link below to view Summer Athletic camps!
LOES Field Day Monday, May 20th
Field Day Information
Parents do not need to sign in with the office for field day. Parents can go from their vehicle to the field day area. Students may be signed out with their teacher after field day events. Parents or visitors may not enter the building on the side they must go around to the front office to get a visitor badge.
EOY Grade Level Award Ceremonies!!!
All Award ceremonies will take place in the LOES Gym with individual grade level times!
Added information: Students will dismiss from the awards ceremony and go to their classrooms. Students will then need to be signed out in their classroom. Parents will be directed to their student's classrooms in order to sign them out.
Tuesday, May 21st
1st Grade Awards 10:30-11:30
Kinder Awards 12:00-1:00
2nd Grade Awards 1:00-2:00
3rd Grade Awards 2:00-3:00
Thursday, May 23rd
4th Grade Awards 9:30-10:30
5th Grade Awards 10:30-11:30
Second Grade Shoe Tying Club
The Second Grade Shoe Tying Club was a huge success. Almost 100% of the grade know how to tie their shoes! All those that showed Mrs. Gentry they could tie their shoes got ice cream! To make it even more exciting, the whole grade participated in a "speed tying" contest. These students are the top 10 (two from each class) who can tie their shoes the fastest. Next week, they will compete with each other to see who is the ultimate shoe tying champion! These
"top ten super shoe tying champions" will also be given a pizza party next week!
Cadence Mays
Allie Gibson
Teddy Shockley
Riddlee Temple
Jayceon Johnson
Skylar Spradlin
Henry Cooper
Kinsley Ozuna
Kaelee Darter
Aleiram Ceron
Negative balances need to be paid by Thursday, May 23rd
Character Counts!
Book Vending Machine
Earn a -->Coin<-- for Outstanding Behavior:
--> Positive Role Model
-->Positive Attitude
-->Exhibiting Kindness
-->Work Ethic
-->Being Responsible
-->Demonstrating Leadership Qualities
This event will take place during Field Day in front of the LOES!
Car Tag Information/Car Line Information
Car tags are available for new families in the office. One tag per family. Returning families may use their one from last year. If you need to purchase an additional tag they are $5 each.
Reminder: For your child's safety, if you do not have a car tag, you will be asked to come to the office to sign your child out. Please have a photo ID available.
Car Line- Contracted end time for staff is 4:30pm. If you are in the car line at 4:30, your child's name will be called. If you pull into the car line any time after 4:30 you will be asked to pull around to the front of the school to get your child.
***Students cannot be picked up or signed out by anyone who is not listed on the Parent Portal.
Please remember our no change policy for transportation. We want students to experience consistency each day.
As we begin the 2023-2024 school year, all LOISD schools will continue to keep campuses closed during lunch times. We love that we live in a community with parents and family members who are so involved with their students. However, safety is always our number one focus, and space is quickly becoming a concern as well with the growth that our district is experiencing. For this reason, we ask for your help in keeping our kids safe, and keeping the number of visitors in and out of our doors to a minimum. We will continue to have "picnic on the playground" for each grade level this year!
Lunches for the 2023-2024 school year will be $3.25.
- Please put lunch money in an envelope or baggie with student and teacher name.
Social Media
At Lone Oak Independent School District we are dedicated to telling "our story". We need your help! If you have something positive to share on social media about our campus, we would appreciate it! If you have a concern, please call Me/Mrs. Whitehead directly. We want our campus to shine and be celebrated in a positive manner!