Eagle Family Connection #18
January 14-17, 2025

PTO Spirit Night @ Village Inn Thursday & Spirit Day on Friday
Update on 1-16-2025
Hello Wilkesboro families! Thanks for your efforts to get everyone back to school today for a full day. It is a great day at school, and we are so glad to be back together.
We want to remind you that when WCS runs limited bus routes that applies to morning and afternoon routes. We are running limited bus routes today and tomorrow. Thank you for making transportation adjustments. We realize it is an inconvenience, and we hope to be back on a regular schedule soon.
We want to invite you to support our PTO and school by dining at Village Inn. Tonight, Thursday, January 16, is PTO Spirit Night at Village Inn restaurant. You can dine in or take out between 5-8 pm and support our school. All you have to do is mention Wilkesboro Elementary School when ordering for dine in or take out, and a portion of sales will be donated to our school.
Also tomorrow, Friday, January 17 will be WES Spirit Day and January birthday celebrations. These days were originally scheduled for last Friday, so we are making them up. We encourage students to wear their green and gold to show their Eagle pride and participate in a friendly competition to see which class has the most spirit. PTO will reward one lucky class with a special treat!
We also want to let you know that school will be closed next Monday for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr holiday and Tuesday for a teacher workday. These dates have been scheduled all year and are on your original school calendar, but we wanted to remind you.
Also we wanted to share some WCS school calendar changes. WCS has updated our calendar to make February 13 a full school day and February 14 an early dismissal day. This change has been made due to days missed during inclement weather. We have attached an updated school calendar and will share any changes with you as soon as we know.
Thanks for your patience and flexibility in the past few weeks. It's been a lot of stops, starts and waiting in 2025, and we are glad to be back on a regular schedule today. We are grateful for our families, and we hope that you have a great day!
Two Hour Delay and Limited Bus Routes on Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Regular Schedule - Limited Bus Routes
Wilkes County Schools will operate on a regular schedule on 1/16/25 and 1/17/25.
Buses will continue to travel limited bus routes both tomorrow and Friday. Roads not traveled are listed on our website and will be updated daily. Click this link to view current limited bus routes: https://www.wilkescountyschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=438159&type=d&pREC_ID=948795
Remote Learning Day - Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Hello Wilkesboro families!
We hope that you and your family have enjoyed the snow. We miss having you at school. However, due to freezing temperatures and icy road conditions, Tuesday, January 14, 2025 is a remote learning day.
Students will NOT come to school.
Students have assignments to do from home. Please see our Eagle Connection page, our website, or our remote learning page for updated assignments and remote learning details. Scroll down for full details or follow the link to remote learning page: https://secure.smore.com/n/b9j1f
We have tried hard to make this easy for students to work on by themselves, and to keep the assignments simple. We know it is hard, so just encourage your child to do the best they can.
Your child's teacher will be available for optional Zoom meetings at 9:00 am and at 1:00 pm to offer their help and attention. It is not a requirement that your child attend a Zoom session. You can find the link to each teacher's ZOOM by clicking on their pictures on our Eagle Connection page: https://secure.smore.com/n/8gpkr
We must have two-way communication from you or your child to count your child present in attendance today.
Please be on the lookout for a REMIND message or phone call from your child's teacher early in the day. You can reply to that message to check in with the teacher.
You can also call or email your child's teacher to check in.
All K-5 students should follow the remote choice learning boards that are shared below and posted on the website. Your student should turn in the required work assignments from your teacher (within 5 school days) to be counted present for the day. You do not have to print the pages and can record your child's work on any paper.
Our pre-k students have updated remote learning assignments just for pre-k. Please see our remote learning page for full details about what pre-k families should do.
We also have posted the optional SNOW MUCH FUN activities and stories. These are all optional.
Our office will be open after 9:00 am, but there are no after school activities on campus tomorrow. The WCS spelling bee has been postponed until January 28.
Thanks for your help on this remote learning day! Please call the school with any questions.
We hope to see your child back at school soon. Have a great evening!
Remote Learning Assignments for K-5
Looking for the ZOOM link? Scroll down and click on your teacher's page!
Update Your REMIND App for Better Communication
Learn More about Field Trips & Pay Online
Field trips are a special part of school. Field trips allow students to experience new environments, learn in unique places, apply skills learned in the classroom, and connect with the real world. We have planned a full year of field trips for students in every grade, and we look forward to meaningful learning in new places!
We've created a dedicated field trip page to share full information about how to pay.
Join us on REMIND for School Communications
Wilkes County Schools will use REMIND for school communications. REMIND offers translation and two-way messaging with school staff and allows for connections with middle and high school teachers in the same platform.
You can help other family members who may need REMIND access get signed up. There are 3 easy ways to sign up. Once you sign up, you will receive messages and updates from our school. You can edit your own REMIND preferences once you sign up in the app or webpage. NOTE: To receive translated messages, each user must select their preferred language in their Remind user profile.
TEXT TO SIGN UP: You can text @wegrow24 to the number 81010. You will receive a welcome text from Remind. Once you receive this text, you will be connected to our school via your cell number.
SIGN UP ONLINE: Go to https://www.remind.com/join/wegrow24 Choose JOIN and enter your details.
DOWNLOAD THE REMIND APP: The REMIND app is available for iOS and Android users. You can find it in the app store or directly at https://www.remind.com/send_the_app
Once you sign up, it is also important for you to join your child's class. You can JOIN A CLASS in the same way that you join the school REMIND. You will need the class code, which you can find above or at this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YBMjjOHga_t5OCC1puOE-GQw7NRvEm3v7iyOpNnnNDc/edit?usp=sharing
Here a link to more details about how to sign up for REMIND: https://help.remind.com/hc/en-us/articles/203179887-How-do-I-join-a-Remind-class
Thank you for your help using Remind as our communication tool. We prioritize good communication with our families, and we want to be easy to reach anytime you need us. If you need help now, please call our school office at 336-838-4261 or email Beckie Spears at spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Sign Up for School Updates via Text on REMIND
Our Team of Dedicated Educators are Here to Help!
General School Information
Click for Updates from Your Child's Teacher
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Encore Classes
Need Help? Student Services are Here to Help
Need help with student services?
Need help from the school office?
Have questions for the school nurse?
Have questions about your student's information, records or attendance?
Do you questions about your student's information, records or attendance? Our data manager Sydney Nickles is here to help. She is here each day and also works at Moravian Falls Elementary. You can find her at school at 336-838-4261 or on ClassDojo. You can also reach her by email -- Sydney Nickles at nickless@wilkes.k12.nc.us
About Attendance
School starts at 7:50 each day. Students who are participating will be marked PRESENT or ABSENT. If your child is not in school, you will need to send in absence notes the next day and it will be coded as excused or unexcused. Written notes are required and can come directly from the parent/guardian or a medical office. Also note that ClassDojo messages are great for communicating an absence, but they do NOT serve as legal documentation of absences. Please send a written note. Thanks in advance for your help!
After School Care Available
YMCA After School Care Available
You can sign up for the YMCA after school care for the Wilkesboro Elementary site online. Once you are signed up, please communicate with your teacher to let them know your plans.
Also, this year the YMCA classroom will be in building 2. Please park in our back parking lot beside the MEGA Toy playground when coming to pick up your children. Thank you!
Volunteers Needed
We Need Volunteers!
We welcome volunteers to help with school events. WCS uses Volunteer Tracker to help organize this process, and we use Sign Up Genius (shared via email and ClassDojo) to make signing up easy and convenient. To get signed up, follow steps below.
1. Go to www.wilkescountyschools.org
2. Go to the PARENTS tab at the top (or VOLUNTEER at the bottom).
3. Click on VOLUNTEERS.
5. Go to the green NEW REGISTRATION and follow instructions from there.
Level 1 volunteers can help in many ways. Level 1 volunteers can sign up to help with book fairs, school events, class parties and projects, Field Day, Fall Festival, and proctoring for tests.
Level 2 volunteers can do all level 1 tasks but can also help chaperone field trips and work more closely with students in small groups. Level 2 volunteers can also sign up for classroom tutoring and assistance, reading buddy program, tutoring, leading after school activities, and chaperoning school events field trips.
We ask that all parents/guardians who plan to attend field trips sign up to be Level 2 volunteers at the start of the year. It takes a few weeks to verify volunteers, and signing up early will make sure that you are approved in time for this year’s events and field trips.
Car Line Helpers Needed!
We are looking for friend, positive people to help on morning carline. If you're interested, please complete this form and we will be in touch. Thanks for considering this volunteer opportunity!
Fill out the form below to sign up.
Our Student Handbook
Email your jokes (or questions or concerns) to Mrs. Spears!
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Phone: 336-838-4261
Wilkesboro Elementary School
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: (336) 838-4261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilkesboroelementary/
Twitter: @WilkesboroElem1