Mahaffey Happenings
January 2025
Charla Wilson
Lisa Schrock
Dr. Heather Lord
Ms. Frances Ditta is covering Grade Levels: EC, PreK, Kinder, 3rd, and 5th
Mahaffey Elementary
Remind Communication: @e3494g
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MahaffeyKISD/
Peach Jar: Community Flyers
1/8: Students Return, Quarter 3 begins
1/15: Donuts and Grownups (7:00-7:35am)
1/20: No School, MLK Jr. Holiday
1/21: Big Kahuna fundraiser Kickoff
1/30: 5th Grade Musical at 6:30pm
2/7: Big Kahuna fundraiser ends
2/10-2/14: Student Holiday
2/28: Go Texan Day/Hoedown
Happy New Year and welcome back to school! With the New Year comes hope and excitement. At school, it means checking students’ progress and making necessary adjustments to help improve their learning. We will be starting the middle of the year MAP growth assessment for our Kinder-5th Grade students. This online test is used to measure what your student knows and how they are growing academically in Reading and Mathematics.
Please view the Klein ISD legislative priorities here. The district has created a website with an abundance of important information regarding the 89th Texas Legislative Session and how you can make a difference! We need your voice!
Quarter 2 Report Cards will be posted to Family Access on January 10th. For information on how to access Skyward Family please click here.
Our goal from Mahaffey is to have 96.5% or higher for our daily attendance. Last year our average was 95%.
23-24 School Year: 95%
24-25 School Year Goal: 96.5%
End of December: 95.5% (November was 95.9%)
Information From PTO
If you are interested in joining the PTO Board, please email ptomahaffeypres@gmail.com.
If you'd like to volunteer please email volunteermahaffey@gmail.com and we'll get you set up!
KISD Volunteer Application Annual approval is required each year. Process typically takes 5-7 business days.
PTO Mahaffey
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ptomahaffey/
*1/16 Rotolo’s Spirit Night
*1/17 Donuts and Grownups 7:00-7:30am
*1/17 PTO Meeting at 7:00 am in the library
*1/29 SmallCakes Spirit Night
*2/7 Big Kahuna $2 sale ends
*2/7 PTO Meeting at 7:00 am in the library
*2/22 PTO Winter Formal (4:00-6:00pm)
Intermediate School Course Selection Information
It is time for 5th Grade course selection! Forms will be due at the beginning of February. Students will visit the campuses as scheduled below:
- Hofius - February 21
- Hawks Course Selection Event English
- Hildebrandt - February 19
Our Great Kindness Challenge will be the week of January 27-31. Please view the schedule of dress up days and activities and encourage your student to participate!
Memory Books
Memory books are now on sale at Balfour.com!! Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Prices will increase after winter break!! Get yours today!
October 21st- January 17th- price is $40 (early bird special)
Price increase after Jan 17th is $45
Final deadline to order May 16th
5th Grade students can purchase an add for an additional fee.
Visitor Lunch days
Monday: 2nd Grade
Tuesday: EC/PreK/3rd grade
Wednesday: Kindergarten & 4th grade
Thursday: 1st Grade & 5th Grade
Friday: Special Request (call to front office)
*ACCESS follow grade level schedule
Visitors are required to present a valid ID before entering our schools and district facilities. You will see this sign on all our front doors.
Please make sure to have you license ready to show the camera when you ring the door bell.
Once admitted in, you will let the door close behind you not holding the door open for anyone behind you.
In Klein ISD we use the Standard Response Protocol in case of emergencies. We review these items with the students throughout the school year.
- All exterior doors require a keycard to enter
- Our resource officer along with administration conduct door checks throughout the door
- Our students are taught to NEVER open the door (this includes for fellow students or staff members).
Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the principal a certified copy of the court order affecting any other person’s right to their children. Should you have any questions please call Heather Lord at 832-375-8220 or email at hlord1@kleinisd.net
Mahaffey PLAID Core Values
In Klein ISD, EVERY student enters with a PROMISE and exits with a PURPOSE.
To help achieve this goal, our district has created the resources at the link below.
Mahaffey Scotties help bring our Promise2Purpose to life through our PLAID values: Positive Purpose, Learners Leading, Aspiring Academics, Innovative Ideas and Dedicated Discipline.
Mahaffey Elementary
Website: https://mahaffey.kleinisd.net/
Location: 10255 Mahaffey Road, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 832-375-8300
Twitter: @MahaffeyKISD