Webber News
May 17, 2024
Webber Families,
Well, so much for a Michigan weather forecast! We are planning our Fun Run for Monday; the weather is supposed to be fantastic! Make sure that students bring their water bottles.
We have three full weeks left in our school year, please remind students that we still need to work hard and make good choices.
Have a great weekend!
Jennifer Goethals
Webber PTO Fun Run - May 20th
Fun Run Cookies -Peanut/Tree Nut Free - Oreos alternate snack for food allergies
Webber Cereal Drive!
Webber PTO Family Fun Night - May 29th
Webber PTO Dine to Donate - Panera
New to LOCS! Care Solace
May 19th - 1:00 p.m. Jimmy John's Webber Day
May 20th - PTO Fun Run - Parents are welcome to watch on the playground
3rd Grade - 8:30 - 9:00
2nd Grade - 8:50 - 9:20
4th Grade - 9:10 -9:40
1st Grade - 9:30 - 10:00
DK/K - 9:45 - 10:20
5th Grade - 10:10 - 10:40
May 20th - 25th - Cereal box drive - please send in a regular size box of cereal
May 23rd - June Birthday Lunches with Mrs. Goethals (Invites to come)
3:15 p.m. P2 Student Advisory Meeting
May 24th - Field Day
9:30-10:30 4th/5th
12:30-1:30 1st/3rd
1:45-2:45 DK/K/2nd
May 27th - No School - Happy Memorial Day!
May 29th - July Birthday Lunches with Mrs. Goethals (Invites to come)
5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Webber PTO Family Fun Night
May 31st - Half Day for Students - dismissal @ 11:30 a.m.
4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Webber PTO Dine to Donate - Panera
Community News
Lake Orion Community Schools is launching a program in 2023-24 to recognize LOCS staff members for their excellence.
The intent of the Distinguished Dragon program is to ensure that staff members who go above and beyond their regular duties are appreciated. The additional effort or support can range from helping an individual to helping a group or any effort that seems worthy of praise.
The staff member can be nominated by a student, parent, community member or a colleague by completing the form at LakeOrionSchools.org/DistinguishedDragon. We ask for the submitter's name and contact information to follow up with specific questions if necessary. Please make sure to select the appropriate school/department form so the message is routed in the proper direction.
Please complete the form entirely so the individual can be appropriately honored for their contributions.