Bobcat Blast
June 15, 2023

August 29, 2024
Reminder: No School on Monday
Principal Message from Ms. Rosenquist
Dear Families,
I couldn't be happier with the joyful start we've had to our new school year! Thank YOU for supporting your children with the earlier start time and all the ways you prepare them for school each day. 💜
Next Wednesday, September 4th, we are hosting our Back-to-School-Night from 6-7 pm (see flyer below). This event is for PARENTS/GUARDIANS to meet with teachers to learn about the daily schedule, curriculum, classroom procedures, and other information to help you stay informed and connected. If you have childcare available, we encourage you to utilize that option. For families without care, we will provide supervision in the gym with quiet activities while adults attend the session(s). Teachers will be doing the same presentation two times to allow for families with siblings to attend both.
Session 1 is from 6:00-6:25 pm.
Session 2 is from 6:30-7:00 pm.
If you only have one child, you only need to attend one session (you can choose the earlier or later session). My principal message will be a recording that you will be able to play at your convenience. Stay tuned for that! 😎
Enjoy a wonderful 3-day Labor Day weekend ahead! I look forward to seeing you all next week.
P.S. Congratulations to our new Kindergartners who made it through their first week of school! Next week they get to come all day like the big kids! 🎉
With gratitude,
Ms. Rosenquist 🌹
Important Events
- 2 - Labor Day Holiday, No School
- 4 - Back to School Night, 6:00 pm
- 11 - PTO Meeting on Zoom
- 12 - Vision Screening, All School
- 27 - Jog-A-Thon
Click on the Link Below for the full school year calendar
Bring your Paper Pal to Back to School Night or Anytime
About Mrs. Hussain
Last April our librarian, Mrs. Hussain, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has been undergoing chemotherapy over the past few months and just completed phase one of her treatment. Your children may have shared that they have had a substitute teacher during library class this week. We are grateful to Anjana Nair, our wonderful volunteer coordinator and highly trained library sub, who will be filling in on the weeks that Mrs. Hussain is home recovering from her next phase of chemo.
At this time, Mrs. Hussain is planning to work as much as she can when she is feeling well enough, although we can't predict how the treatment will impact her. We haven't yet told the students, but we will find an age-appropriate way to explain her illness and need for rest to each class.
Mrs. Hussain would like me to extend her appreciation for the love and support she has received from colleagues and parent volunteers who have offered to help in her absence. I will keep you posted if there are other ways that our community can support her in the future. For now, we ask for your prayers and wishes for healing and a future recovery. We miss her and look forward to the days when she can return to Bethany. ❤️
Classroom Snacks
Most classes have a designated snack time. It is helpful if families send a healthy snack to school each day. We understand that some families may not be able to provide additional food, and if this is the case, we will provide a snack, so no child goes without. We have a limited budget to purchase snacks. Families are welcome to donate snacks to their classrooms (ask your teacher for suggestions). You can also donate to the general school supply by bringing snacks to the office. All snacks need to be individually wrapped. It would be safest for children with food allergies or dietary needs to bring a snack from home (or let us know if you need assistance). Thank you! 💗
Vision Screening
Vision screening will be conducted by the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation, for all of our students on Tuesday 9/12/24. Students who wear glasses should wear their glasses for the screening. Parents will only be notified if follow up care is recommended based on vision screening results.
Please notify Esperanza Pietrok at esperanza_pietrok@beaverton.k12.or.us if you prefer that your child not participate in this vision screening. Students who are absent during school screenings will be screened individually with a parent request.
Our Jog-A-Thon is September 27th
We are all very excited for this year’s jog-a-thon!
The jog-a-thon takes a lot of hands to make it a fun and successful event for the kids and the school. This year’s jog-a-thon will be on Friday, September 27th and we have a fun theme planned! If you are interested in learning more about this year’s jog-a-thon, where we are with planning, and/or are interested in helping, please join us TONIGHT, 8/29/24, at 7:00pm. (Zoom details below)
If you can’t make it or if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Melissa at Bobcatsmom32@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you on the field!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 3039 0691
Passcode: 9BL9js
Volunteer System Needed To Attend Jog-A-Thon
Our Jog-A-Thon needs a lot of volunteers to cheer on children and help with their count cards. If you would like to help or just come to cheer on your child, you will need to have your background check completed. There will be a Spectator Area this year, but it will not be close enough to interact personally with the runners as they go by. If you want to High Five runners you will need to have done your background check. Do not wait until the week before the event and then be disappointed when you can not go outside and watch.
Volunteering At Bethany
We currently have 326 Approved Volunteers.
We want to thank all of our parents who have signed up in the new volunteer system.
We had our first volunteer project this week and are so thankful for the following volunteers who spent many hours putting together 4th grade books.
- Lara Mestyanke
- Leslie Linn
- Hannah Reed
- Christine Tom
- Katie Luckeroth
- Beth Pacyk
- Bree Tanner
Additional opportunities will be available shortly, so please watch your emails via ParentSquare for notifications regarding assistance required.
If you have not yet registered but wish to engage in activities, field trips, and class parties, please click on the link below.
School Supplies
Please click on the links below and help us by donating.
You will not find a school supply list for Bethany. Rather than every family having to do their own shopping, we collect money for supplies. We began this a few years ago and it has worked well. This year we are asking for a donation of $35.00 per student.
These donations are flexible, and confidential--only the office knows who donates and how much.
We understand that some families are not able to afford the cost of supplies. All children will receive the same supplies, regardless if they are able to contribute towards the cost. Some families may be in the position to make an extra donation towards helping others. If you would like to help by giving extra money, please click on the "Donations" tab that appears on your child's grade level page.
Bethany Spirit Wear
It is back to school time! Our spiritwear store which is where all of our Bethany Bobcat branded merchandise is sold, can be purchased and a portion of the proceeds come back to school! Right now through September 17th there is a 30% off everything on the site. Use our Bethany exclusive link to shop so we get credit and also so you shop merchandise with the correct logo and school name. We can't wait to see everyone sporting new Bobcat gear this fall!
School Meals
Free Meals for All
Starting this school year, all BSD students will be eligible to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch at school daily.
Families do not have to apply, and there are no income requirements. This change is due, in part, to more generous eligibility requirements at the federal level and more funding through the state’s Student Success Act. Research indicates that universal free meals improve student health and attendance in addition to reducing bullying and behavioral issues.
Student meals include an entree, sides and a milk. Students must take the entire meal to be eligible for the no-cost option; students who only opt for milk do not qualify for free milk. This is a federal requirement meant to encourage students to eat a well-balanced, school-made meal.
The district will continue to charge for à la carte items such as milk, second entrees and snack items.
Bethany Elementary School
Bethany Elementary
Email: BTHY-Communications@beaverton.k12.or.us
- School Office Hours: 7:15am - 3:30pm
School Hours: 7:45am - 2:20pm
Phone: 503-356-2030
Attendance Line: Call the school number and push 1 when prompted for Attendance
Website: https://bethany.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethanyBSD