Lebanon School District
Monthly Superintendent Update

Lebanon School District
Information for Our Cedar Families
February 2024
This communication is intended for our Lebanon School District families. It includes information about an adjustment to our building schedules for the 2024-25 school year, a third place national finish, Portrait of a Graduate initiative, and information about a parent/guardian listening session with the Superintendent of Schools.
2024-25 School Building Time Changes
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, the Lebanon School District will reconfigure it's district school buildings through the addition of Lebanon Junior High School and transformation of Lebanon Middle School to Lebanon Intermediate School.
Students in grades 7 and 8 will attend Lebanon Junior High, at the address of 1100 South Eighth Street. Lebanon Intermediate School, will be located in the current middle school, at the address of 350 North Eighth Street, and will house the district's sixth grade students for two years. Beginning in 2026-27, both fifth and sixth grade students will attend Lebanon Intermediate School. The chart below details those changes.
Through the reconfiguration, the district must adjust school schedules beginning in the 2024-25 school year. In accordance with the Pennsylvania School Code, transportation must be provided for students residing beyond 1.5 walking miles from school for grades K-6 and beyond 2.0 walking miles for grades 7 through 12. The relocation of our 7th and 8th grades from the town center to the high school campus necessitates the busing of students who may have previously walked to school.
Regrettably, the adjustment in timing is necessitated by our transportation services to ensure punctuality for students utilizing district-provided transportation and those bussed to other local schools, such as the LCCTC.
LHS Wins Third Place in a National Contest!!
Our Mass Communication students, led by Mr. Musser and Mrs. Rodriguez, placed third in the nationwide Jostens Epic School Revamp contest!! This competition required a video submission that communicates the need to revamp our school through the rebranding of our culture.
As we begin our Portrait of a Graduate profile, we will identify the core values we believe are important to the success of our students. This award will help us brand and incorporate the values into our schools.
If you see any of the following students or staff members, please thank and congratulate them on this award:
- Naitzabel Lopez Rodriguez
- Elliott Schappell
- Jaryn Beaver
- Zianna Whigham
- Jose Valentin
- Ameri Rogers
- Keiara Thompson-Conlin
- Amy Liriano
- Karmia Scotland
- Hermilys Vazquez
- Mr. Musser & Mrs. Rodriguez
- Mr. Minaya
Portrait of a Cedar Graduate
We Are Looking for Parent/Guardian Team Members!
The Lebanon School District is currently revising its Comprehensive Plan. Part of the plan includes looking at the mission and vision statements of our district. Through the process, we developed a Portrait of a Graduate Committee to identify the skills, character traits, and/or social-emotional competencies that students need to succeed in college, career, and life.
Our Portrait of a Graduate Development Team held its first meeting this month and is still looking for parents to join our team! If you are interested in joining our team, please sign up here!
What Skills or Attributes Do Our Graduates Need Most?
Part of our Portrait of a Graduate Project is to identify the skills, attributes, and competencies we believe our students need to be successful in the future life. Your input is an important part of this process. Please select the top six skills, attributes, or competencies you believe our students need.
Who is a Lebanon Cedar and what are they expected to be?
Weather-Related Information
Future Snow Days
If the district is forced to close school due to inclement weather, we will implement our FID (Flexible Instruction Day) plan. This communication was sent to our district families on 1/26/24. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or building principal.
Dr. Nicole Malinoski - Superintendent of Schools
Dear Cedar Family,
I am writing to informally introduce myself to you as I begin the journey of Superintendent of Schools for our school district. It is both an honor and a privilege to serve in this capacity, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Let's embark on this journey together as I share more about myself and my vision for our district.
My roots trace back to Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, the proud home of Mrs. T's perogies. I attended Cardinal Brennan High School before moving to Lebanon in 2000. Celebrating 27 years of marriage this December, my husband Michael and I are blessed with two wonderful children – a 14-year-old daughter with an undeniable passion for basketball and a 12-year-old son who excels in music and the arts. Their diverse needs, strengths, and passions have shaped my commitment to ensuring a holistic education for every child in our schools. When not cheering on youth sports, our family enjoys outdoor activities like fishing, camping, biking, skiing, boating, and attending Penn State football games.
My educational journey includes a bachelor's degree from Bloomsburg University, a master’s degree from Wilkes University, and a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from Drexel University.
I began my service to public education in 1999, contributing to both the Cornwall-Lebanon and Cumberland Valley School Districts in various capacities. From a math and computer science teacher to a technology director, and later a high school principal, I've also coached track and field and basketball.These experiences have deepened my comprehension of various aspects of the educational landscape, including but not limited to student engagement, diversity & inclusion, teacher advocacy, curriculum development, teamwork, and the cultivation of a positive learning environment.
In 2022, I joined the Lebanon School District’s leadership team as the Secondary Director of Teaching and Learning. With the passing of Dr. Abrom earlier this school year, I was named Substitute Superintendent and was appointed Superintendent of Schools in January 2024.
My unwavering commitment is to make our district the best it can be, and I genuinely believe we have the capacity to achieve this greatness. We stand on the edge of an exciting future, and together, we must progress forward for our students!
This month, I will host a Superintendent listening session with each of our stakeholder groups. I invite you to join me at a Parent/Guardian Listening Session scheduled for Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at Lebanon Middle School. This session is designed to hear your perspectives about our district.
As we embark on this journey together, I invite open communication and collaboration and welcome your insights, suggestions, and feedback. By working together, I am confident that we can ensure that every student receives a high-quality education and has the opportunity to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally both in school and in their future life.
With Pride,
Dr. Malinoski
Superintendent Listening Session for District Parents/Guardians
Tuesday, Mar 5, 2024, 06:00 PM
Lebanon Middle School, 350 North 8th Street, Lebanon, PA
Superintendent of Schools
Lebanon School District