The Panther Press
September 30, 2022

October 25, 2024
Greetings Panther Families!
Staff Shout Outs!
If you see someone doing something you want to celebrate, please use the link below to give them a "shout out!"
Mark Your Calendars!
28-Nov. 1: Red Ribbon Week
28- Spirit Night: Chic-Fil-A
31- Storybook Character Parade
1- K/5th Yearbook Pictures
5- 3rd ISD
6- Student Council Meeting, 4th ISD
7-Fall Benchmark: 5th Science, 5th ISD
8- Fall Benchmark: 3rd/4th Math, Progress Report 2 Ends, 5th Field Trip
11- Veteran's Day, 2nd ISD
12- Fall Benchmark: 5th Math/4th RLA, K ISD
13- Fall Benchmark: 5th/3rd RLA, 1st ISD
14-15: Field Day
19-3rd ISD
20-4th ISD
21-5th ISD, Thanksgiving Lunch, Spirit Night: Marco's Pizza
22- Staff Work Day/Student Holiday
25-29: Thanksgiving Holidays
School and Office Hours
Charger Fest
Beanstack Class Challenge
Counselor Corner
Red Ribbon Week
Book Character Parade
Field Day- Save the Date
Field Day save the Dates:
Nov. 14 Pre-K, Kinder, 1st, 2nd and SLC
Nov. 15 3rd, 4th and 5th
Below is the link to Field Day donations!
Thanks for all your support!
Volunteers sign up will be coming out in a few weeks!
2025-2026 Rezoning Information
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees approved new secondary campus zones for the 2025-2026 school year, and I am writing to inform you of some important changes that may affect your child’s campus assignment starting in the 2025-2026 academic year if they are currently in grades 5 - 11. To determine if you and your family will be impacted by the rezoning, please follow the steps below.
- Go to the Lamar CISD website – www.lcisd.org
- At the top of the page, click on “Find My School” Using the dropdown arrow next to “School Year 2024-25”, select “School Year 2025-26”
- Begin entering your home address in the search bar
- Once you see your address, click on that address
- On the left hand side of the site, you will see the elementary, middle school, junior high school, and high school that your home is zoned for in Lamar CISD
Families who are impacted by the rezoning will be directly contacted to provide detailed information regarding these changes later this school year.
Should you have any immediate questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Enrollment Management directly at 832-223-0424. You can also reach out to me if you have any questions as well. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Specials Rotation
FOM Spirit Shop
Please visit the Friends of Morgan spirit shop to get your 2024-2025 Theme shirt! Everyday our Panthers are “Aiming high and shooting for the stars” please help us celebrate by wearing every Monday and all school field trips!
Friends of Morgan
Follow our Friends of Morgan on Facebook and the website by clicking the buttons below. Friends of Morgan is our Parent Teacher Organization that will support the faculty, students and parents of Morgan Elementary.
Since we are a new school, they are currently working through the process for being able to fundraise to provide amazing opportunities for our Morgan Panther staff and students.
We love volunteers! As we work to build our volunteer base and systems, FOM will be working with the campus to coordinate volunteer activities. More information to come.
Campus Expectations
Dress Code
Students at Morgan Elementary are not required to wear uniforms. We follow the Lamar CISD dress code.
Early Pick Up and Transportation Changes
If you take your child out of school before dismissal time, you will need to report to the office to sign him/her out. Your child will stay in the classroom until you arrive. If it necessary for someone other than the parent/guardian pick up your child, that person must be signed, dated note with the child. The person picking up your child must show photo identification to the office staff. Accumulated time of early pick-ups is calculated by minutes in lost instruction time. Request to check out your child must be done prior to 1:45 p.m.
Any changes in the normal transportation of your child must be stated in writing with a parent/guardian signature. We ask for everyone's help in not making changes frequently. However, we understand that in rare cases, unexpected changes will need to happen. These can be called in to the front office by 1:45 pm. We are not able to process changes after 1:45 pm. This includes parents that come to the campus without prior notice to pick up their child. Any change in transportation arrangements for any student requires a note to the teacher. Make sure you write your child's first and last name, teacher's name and indicate the date(s) for the change and how the child is going to go home. We ask that the parents not email the change since there maybe times that a teacher is not in attendance or does not have a chance to read their email.
Please note on early release days the latest you can pick up is 11:00 am!
Electronic Use Policy
General Traffic Overview
The entrance and exit onto the campus grounds are located right off of 1093, directly in front of the Weston Lakes subdivision.
Parent Drop Off
Cars will turn left to enter the “parent entry” as illustrated on the traffic flow map.
Cars will enter the path in a single file line. The path opens into two lanes, and vehicles will need to merge as they get closer to the point of student drop-off in front of the school. (Please see traffic flow map below)
Car Rider Arrival Guidelines
- Our doors open at 6:45 am. Please do not drop off your child before then as we do not want them left unattended.
- Please drive all the way up to the first drop-off point where a staff member/safety patrol student will be ready to receive cars. We ask that your child is ready when it is time to unload. This includes having their Morgan lanyard w/Smart Tag on, water bottle/lunch kit and backpack on.
- For safety reasons, we are not able to unbuckle safety restraints.
- All students will exit the car on the passenger side.
- Please stay in a single-file line and refrain from passing any vehicles.
- For safety reasons, the only place parents/guardians are permitted to drop students off is at the “parent drop off” in the front drive of the school, where staff and safety patrol will be positioned daily to help students exit safely from cars. Please help us keep our students safe by adhering to this guideline.
- The staff and visitor entrance will be coned off beginning at 6:45 am during morning arrival daily. For the safety of everyone, parents are not permitted to park in the front parking lot and walk students up to the front door. The staff and visitor entrance will be coned off at 6:45 am during morning arrival daily. A staff member will be stationed there to assist parents who might need front office assistance.
Car Rider Dismissal Guidelines
- Please remember that the school day ends at 2:40 pm. All cars should be in line by this time so that we can effectively coordinate dismissal.
- Please place your car rider tag on your rearview mirror with the number facing out. A staff member will be walking the line, recording your car rider tag number.
- You will pull up to the first available cone and the staff member will match the car rider number on your car tag to the number on the child’s transportation tag. If you are carpooling, you must have the tags of all the students you are picking up. We will not release any students without an official car rider tag.
- If you do not have the car rider tag, you will need to park and come into the building to check your child out in person, making sure you have valid identification.
- Check-out from the office will occur once the car rider line is clear.
- For safety reasons, we are not able to buckle safety restraints.
- Please do not attempt to pass another car while in the car rider line.
- Please stay in a single file line until you exit the driveway.
- If you arrive after all numbers have been inputted into the system, you will be advised to park and check your child out in the office.
Morgan Elementary Parent Handbook
This handbook has been designed to give you a quick, brief list of answers to questions, which
may arise, concerning Morgan Elementary School’s operational procedures.
Our campus wide newsletters will supplement the information herein, but if procedure or policy questions are still unanswered you may refer to the Elementary Student Handbook or contact our school to clarify these concerns.
After School Program
Microsoft Teams
Lamar CISD has moved from Zoom to Microsoft Teams. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are very similar in what they provide, but we understand transitioning to a new system can always provide challenges. Resources have been added to the Student Toolbox Canvas course so that parents have somewhere to go and learn more about Teams meetings. This course is a public course, so the pages can be accessed without logging into Canvas.
Information is provided to help parents log in either with a computer or a mobile device. It also has information on the layout of the program and guidance on options that are available.
Here is a direct link to the Teams Meeting landing page:
The resources are available in both English and Spanish.
Versa Trans My Stop
Starting the 2024-2025 school year, Lamar CISD is moving from Smart Tag to Versatrans My Stop. You can access your student’s bus route through the MyStop e-link to view:
- Route number
- Bus stops
- Estimated arrival/drop-off times
Click here to login: https://mystop.lcisd.org/elinkrp/Login.aspx
All you need is your student(s) ID number and date of birth to login. To view instructions on accessing the e-link: https://youtu.be/nmd_284gp9U.
You can also download the Versatrans My Stop App to view your student(s) active bus route’s arrival time to the designated bus stop. Guardians can register one student. If they have more students within the district, they will be added to the same account. To login, you need your student(s) ID number and date of birth.
For more information, please visit https://www.lcisd.org/transportation.
We will update our page as often as possible to share as much as we can about Morgan and the achievements of the students and staff, as well as other relevant campus and district information.
Messages for school staff will not be checked or responded to on Facebook. If anyone would like to reach school staff, please do so by calling the campus or emailing the appropriate staff member for assistance. Our campus phone number will be posted soon.
Fletcher Morgan Jr. Elementary
Sara Ballard, Asst. Principal sara.ballard@lcisd.org
Elizabeth Pena, Counselor elizabeth.pena@lcisd.org
Kelsey Marks, Counselor kelsey.marks@lcisd.org
Website: https://www.lcisd.org/campuses/morgan/home
Location: 32727 School Hill Road Fulshear, Texas
Phone: 832-223-6200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FletcherMorganES