Back To School 2024
Central Elementary
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year
Contacting The School
Call 269-488-1000
Email Mrs. Nieboer lnieboer@parchmentschools.org
Email Mrs. Kaemming jkaemming@parchmentschools.org
Check their newsletter for their direct phone numbers and emails. Their phone numbers and emails are also on Central's page of the district website.
School Website
Start Time and Dismissal Times
Dismissal is at 3:46. The young 5s, kindergarten and 1st graders will be picked up in the parent parking lot by the basketball hoop. The 2nd and 3rd graders will be picked up in the circle drive near the flagpole. You need to stay in your car and follow the flow of the cars. We will bring your child right to your car. If you did not get your car tag at open house, then you can get it at the office the first day of school. If you would like to get out of your car, then you can park in an available parking spot and meet your child at the pick-n-go by the basketball hoops.
1/2 day dismissal is at 12:05.
If your student is going to be absent please call or email the office in order for it to be marked as an excused absence. If you do not call or email the office then it will remain unexcused.
First Day Shoe Fund (page 1)
We are once again participating in the First Day Shoe Fund this Fall. First Day Shoe Fund provides new athletic shoes to students at Central Elementary at no cost. Any caregiver who needs shoes for their elementary aged student can order online at www.firstdayshoefund.org/order or by scanning the QR code on the order form. Online ordering opens on August 19th and will close on September 10th. If you order online, you will get an email confirmation; please keep this email as it acts as a receipt for your order. Students will also receive a paper order form once school starts and caregivers can order by returning this to their school if ordering online isn’t possible.
First Day Shoe Fund (page 2)
Shoes will be fitted and distributed on October 1st at
school. If you choose to complete a physical copy, they must be returned to the school by 9/6/24. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Adam Prister at adam.prister@parchmentschools.org
Breakfast and Lunch
Birthday Treats
Picture Day
Parent Facebook Page
Facebook is not a way to reach the school or staff. If you need something from the school, please email or call the office or teacher directly.
Mrs. Kaemming
Email: jkaemming@parchmentschools.org
Phone: 269-488-1000
Mrs. Nieboer
Email: lnieboer@parchmentschools.org
Phone: 269-488-1000