WMHS Newsletter
October 2024
Wildcat Students of the Month
WMS Wildcat Students of the Month
We had NINETEEN Wildcat Students of the Month at WMS this month. They are pictured below:
-Zachary Bernier
-Nicole Botelho
-Caleb Carrancho
-Cameron Costa
-Adeline Feigo
-Madison Holewka
-Isabella Krzyszton
-Brea Martins
-Harriet McGonigle
-Ella Medeiros
-Londyn Medina
-Faith Mello
-Jude Moitoza
-Elianna Ponte
-Ethan Sousa
-Sammie St. Pierre
-Lorenzo Stapleton
-Jordan Thomas
-Hank Vieira
Congratulations Wildcats! We are so proud of you!
WHS Wildcat Students of the Month
We had TWO Wildcat Students of the Month at WHS this month. They are pictured below:
-Jaylin Boudria
-Madeleine Melnyk
Congratulations Wildcats! We are so proud of you!
WMHS School Updates
Term 1 Report Cards
November 4, 2024 marks the completion of Term 1! Report cards will be available on the Community Portal by Friday, November 8.
Please note that progress reports and report cards are not mailed home at WMHS. If you are having difficulty accessing the Community Portal or need an account, please email Jackie Corey at jcorey@westportschools.org.
As a reminder, students who are failing more than two classes are academically ineligible for all after-school activities, including sports, clubs, dances, and all social events. Additionally, students who fail to meet the WMHS Citizenship Rubric standards will be placed on a social contract. Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information.
WMHS Parent Teacher Conferences
As Term 1 comes to an end, Parent Teacher Conferences have been planned for both buildings.
WMS Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, November 12 from 6-8 PM in person. WHS Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 13 from 6-8 PM in person. Teachers will be reaching out to schedule appointments.
2024-2025 MCAS Testing Schedule
Collaboration with Westport Fire Department
WMHS will be collaborating with Westport Fire Department to bring educational awareness to our students on a variety of safety topics. Presentations this year will be offered to fifth and sixth graders.
Student Absences
To ensure we have the most accurate attendance records for your child, please note the following:
1.) If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please call them out.
2.) If your child is going to be absent due to Covid, a fever, etc., please contact the school nurse (Teresa for MS or Suzanne Walinski for HS).
3.) If your child is going to be absent due to a reason other than illness, please contact our attendance clerks. The MS number is 774-309-3022. The HS number is 508-636-1050.
Please make sure all excusal notes are brought in within 48 hours of your child's return to school.
Administrative Appointments
If you would like to speak with a building administrator, please schedule an appointment to do so. MS appointments can be scheduled by calling 774-309-3022. HS appointments can be scheduled by calling 508-636-1050.
We appreciate your assistance with this!
School Organization Updates
The Westport Middle-High PTO is already working hard this school year supporting our students in grades 5-12! We have many events planned and need your support! Please consider donating a few hours to support our efforts and events!
**Please join us at our next meeting on Thursday, November 7th at 6:30 PM ~ Whites of Westport. **
Important Dates
November PTO Meeting Thursday, November 7th, 2024 - 6:30 PM @ Whites of Westport
Cookie Fundraiser - October 15th - November 13th
WES-MAC PTO Holiday Fair - December 7th - Visit our booth for Wildcat Swag and holiday gifts! Volunteer to help at our booth HERE!
December PTO Meeting - Date, Time, and Location TBD based on Cookie Pickup Date
Cookie Fundraiser Product Pick-up - Week of December 12, 2024 - Date, Time, and Location TBD
PTO News:
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip News & Updates
Trip Information and downloads can be found on the 8th Grade Washington D.C. Page
Payment #2 Due Friday, November 15th, 2024
No Fuss Fundraiser
Support the PTO and Donate Today!
Cookies & More Fall Fundraiser - October 15, 2024 - November 13, 2024
Cookies & More Fall Fundraiser!! Register your Student and start selling today www.shopfund.com/parentregister
Student Incentives:
Grades 5, 6 & 7- Top Seller will receive $100, 2nd Prize $50, and Third Prize $30!!!
8th Graders & International Exchange Travelers: Earn money for YOUR trip with this fundraiser. 35-40% of each item that YOU SELL will go to your account to help defray the cost of your trip.
Please sign up HERE to stay informed and find out how you can support the Westport Middle-High School PTO mission of enhancing the educational experiences for the children of Westport!!
Visit our Website for the latest PTO Information meeting schedules or to make a DONATION.
If you have questions or need to contact us, please email us at whspa02790@gmail.com.
Thank You for your continued support,
Westport Middle-High School PTO
Dear Friends,
The Westport Athletic Boosters would like to congratulate all of our Fall teams for a great season!!! Thank you to ALL of our players, coaches, staff and our AD for all of your hard work and dedication!!
As we get ready for our winter session... Please consider volunteering at our concession stand. We are a small group and need help!!! If you are interested: Please email us and as we get closer look out for our volunteer sign ups on Facebook and by email.
We also have some GREAT news, our Wrestling Event is BACK for 2024!
Please Save the Date: December 15, 2024 Bell Rings at 5 PM and Doors open at 4 PM.
The event will be held at the Westport Middle-High School Gym, which will be transformed into an authentic wrestling ring featuring renowned wrestlers from the area.
Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available in the event bight link below... OR please call us at 508-493-7671 for more information.
Event Bright- WAB Wrestling Event 12-15-2024
LIVE Pro Wrestling Fundraiser for Westport Athletic Boosters 2024
Get ready to experience an electrifying night of live pro wrestling and support the Athletic Boosters!! Doors open 4pm. Bell rings at 5pm.
This is our biggest fundraising event of the year, and all proceeds directly benefit our students and the Westport Community Schools Athletic Program. We truly need your support to make this event a success!
Looking forward to seeing you there....
Westport Education Foundation
Dear Friends,
Thank You all for you unwavering support this past year.
Because of our generous donors and volunteers we were able to support the following programs last year:
SAT Prep at the High school
Sponge Bob-Middle School Drama
AP class to Southwick
The Wildcat Newspaper
Garden Club
RI Philharmonic
Sister Act
International Exchange Support
Body World
Watershed- Macomber pollinator Garden
Leap Program
Solar eclipse
The Highschool Presentation of Lyn Dillies - Your Vote is Magic!!!
We are happy to announce that we have already begun accepting and reviewing grants for the 24-25 school year. Our team, teachers and administrators work tirelessly to ensure our students have access to the best programs available. We are happy to help support them.
Keep an eye out for NEW programs/ clubs supported by WEF.:
The Virtual Math Support Program
The Math Counts Club
Amplify Desmos Class Project
ALL Drama Productions 24-25 and Pep Band support
We could not do any of this without you! If you would like to sponsor a program or donate to our foundation or IF you are interested in finding out more about joining WEF, please email us at westporteducation@gmail.com.
Wishing you a great year ahead!! Go Wildcats!!
Athletics and Activities
WMHS Athletics
WInter Sports Registration will begin on October 29th and run through November 26th. Tryouts begin December 2nd. Sports offered this winter are Cheerleading, Girls Basketball for Middle School, JV and Varsity, Boys Basketball for Middle School, Freshman, JV and Varsity, Co-op Ice Hockey (with Diman), Co-op Swimming & Diving (with Bishop Stang)
Fall Sports
- Congratulations to our Golf Team for winning their first Mayflower Conference Tournament Championship! Senior Bryton Graham also qualified and competed in the MIAA Division 3 State Championship.
- The rest of our Fall Sports will also qualify for the MIAA Tournament and await their seeding this week. Field Hockey, Boys Soccer, and Girls Soccer repeated as Mayflower Conference Champions! Volleyball has also had a great season and will make the MIAA Tournament this year.
- Junior Varsity Volleyball had a great season with a record of 16-1 and Junior Varsity Boys Soccer is currently 10-0 with 3 games remaining in their season.
WMS Student Council
On behalf of co-advisors Trish Paiva and Michelle Tripp, here is this year's WMS Student Council:
- President: Bailey Hart
- Vice President: Connor Cowell
- Secretary: Autymn Pereira
- Treasurer: Adrianna Smith
- 8th Grade Representatives: Nicholas Jusseaume, Brexton Carvalho, Margaret Twomey
- 7th Grade Representatives: Maya Egbe, Isabella Krzyszton, Cameron Cote, Leah Hathaway
- 6th Grade Representatives: Marcus Gallant, Madison Goldrup, Quinn Huard, Molly Wilcox, Baxter Hall, Alivia Wenson
- 5th Grade Representatives: Allistair Babbit, Olivia Fhmy, Kayleigh Solomon, Janelle Ferreira, Penelope Levrault, Eloise Wood
Homework Club
Homework Club is open to any WMHS student! It runs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school from 2:15-3:15 PM. There is no sign-up required.
WMHS Activities
Start Em Young Pep Band (Grades 6-8) - Chris Nunes
Robotics Club - Judy Graham
Math Club - Debbie Milton
Makerspace - Rebekah Gendron
E-Sports - Rick Monast
Newspaper - Betheny Borges
WMS Drama Club - Liz Carvalho
WHS Drama Club - Jarrod Russell
WMS Student Council - Trish Paiva and Michelle Tripp
WHS Student Council - Melissa Avila
WMS Yearbook - Kim Barone
WHS Yearbook - Rick Monast
WHS Environmental Club - Jordan Silva
WHS Medical Club - Suzanne Walinski
Music Club - Liam Sullivan
GSA - Jen Borelli
Please be on the lookout for additional announcements and messages regarding clubs at WMHS!
No School for Student - Election Day
There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 5. Staff training will take place.
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024, 07:30 AM
MS Veterans' Day Assembly
Our MS students will be joined by Westport's local veterans to honor their service to our country with an assembly beginning at 9:45 AM in the Auditorium.
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 09:45 AM
No School - Veterans' Day
There will be no school on Monday, November 11 in honor of Veterans' Day.
Monday, Nov 11, 2024, 07:30 AM
WMS Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences will begin at 6 PM. Please enter through the Main Office doors to retrieve your student's schedule.
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024, 06:00 PM
WHS Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences will begin at 6 PM. Please enter through the Main Office doors to retrieve your student's schedule.
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024, 06:00 PM
WHS Homecoming Dance
This year's Homecoming Dance will take place at White's of Westport. The dance is scheduled from 6-10 PM. Tickets will be on sale through November 6.
Friday, Nov 15, 2024, 06:00 PM
White's of Westport, State Road, Westport, MA, USA
Polished Dental
Polished Dental will be here to meet with any MS student who signs up. Please contact Teresa Babb for more information.
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024, 07:30 AM
Early Release Day
Dismissal will be at 11 AM today as we begin Thanksgiving Break! Happy Thanksgiving to all our Wildcat families!
Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024, 11:00 AM
Thanksgiving Break
There will be no school on Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 in observance of Thanksgiving. School will resume a normal schedule on Monday, December 1. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Wildcat families!