Fall Curriculum Newsletter
To keep you informed about all things teaching and learning
Professional Learning Communities
Department Updates
Our math teachers on the vertical articulation team have been hard at work to revise the curriculum. Utilizing the New Jersey Department of Education newly released instructional units, teachers from each grade level are working together to align instruction for our students.
Social Studies
In the Science Department, we are getting ready to say goodbye to Dr. Michael Klobus, who has been our Chemistry teacher for 25 years. He will be leaving us in early November. We thank him for all of his dedication to our students and we wish him well in his retirement.
Mr. Kavan Kirk, our Physics teacher, is running a new Engineering Club. We will keep you posted on the activities that the students will be doing.
World Language
Our world language teachers are also unpacking their newly revised 2020 standards and developing Integrated Performance Assessments which fuse all 3 modes of communication: Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational to provide a well-rounded assessment for world language students.
Visual and Performing Arts and Business
Our Visual and Performing Arts teachers are hard at work providing any opportunities that they can find to provide for their students. Mrs. Lowndes had classes outside and Dr. Nishimura had lessons outside. The Art teachers have been setting up materials lists and packets for students to use at home to create. All of our students have had opportunities to be involved with the arts.
Our Business Department has been gearing up for the DECA Football project, the Pink-Out!
As a reminder, the game is Friday, (10/23), and all proceeds from the shirts are going to a Breast Cancer Awareness organization.
Small Group Interventions
October 12 Professional Development Day
Teachers share their love of learning by adopting a growth mindset
Balancing curriculum, instruction, and assessment to improve student learning
We have come a long way with virtual instruction since March 2020!
Please reach out if you'd like to speak to us!
Suzanne Greco, Humanities Supervisor sgreco@butlerboe.org
Website: https://www.butlerboe.org/
Location: 38 Bartholdi Avenue, Butler, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-492-2025