What's Up Willowbrook
November 15, 2024
Important dates
Tuesday, November 19
- School Store - during lunch for all grades K-5
Wednesday, November 20
- PTO Special lunch - Noodles & Company
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
- Holiday break - No school
**Parents are welcome to join us each Friday at 8:45 a.m. for our Flag Raising Ceremony**
Lew Blond Run - ready, set, register!
Sunday is officially six months away from the 24th annual Lew Blond Memorial 5K Run/Walk happenign May 17 and we hope you will join us for a day of family fun and philanthropy!
The below early-bird Lew Blond Run pricing runs Sunday through New Year's Eve:
- Adult 5K - $40
- Adult 1 mile - $35
- Adult Bundle, 5K and 1 mile - $50
- Youth 5K - $30
- Youth 1 mile - $25
- Youth Bundle 5K and 1Mile - $40
- Little Lew is always $10; free for children ages 0-6 who register for any races above
Popsicle Party Challenge returns
Starting Sunday, the Popsicle Party Challenge returns with a friendly contest between the three schools of Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 – Wescott, Willowbrook and Maple – to see which school has the most students register for the race. The winning school will win a popsicle party for all students in May! Will Willowbrook take the title again this yearr? Game on!
Celebrating a strong 1st trimester & supporting good attendance
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Today marks the end of the first trimester of the school year, and what an incredible few months it has been! Getting to know so many of you and your children has been a pleasure. I've watched relationships grow among students and enjoyed seeing the student-teacher connections deepen in each classroom.
This trimester, we've celebrated many Character Counts Awards, fostered kindness, shared popsicles, raised funds for our new podium, performed the 5th-Grade Musical, collected over 1,200 items for the Northfield Township Food Pantry, walked the Walking School Bus together, and danced with Dr. Cool & Pride—and we're only a third of the way through the year!
These experiences make school such a vibrant place, and they are opportunities for your child to grow academically and socially. However, these events and connections are only possible when students are present. Regular attendance is crucial to a student's success. To support this, we will notify you if your child has currently missed 10% (or six school days) of the school year. The state of Illinois defines chronic absenteeism as missing 10% of school days by the end of the school year (18 days), and we want to partner with families at this current threshold to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know. Here's to a successful second (and third) trimester!
Warm regards,
Katie Compagno
Willowbrook School Principal
How to help guide 'yellow feelings'
This month, we are focusing on the yellow quadrant of The Mood Meter, which is home to emotions that feel pleasant and have lots of energy, like lively and brave. Being in the yellow quadrant is beneficial in situations where having a lot of energy is helpful. Now is a great time to start a project, be physically active, or get things done. Want to move out of the yellow? Try taking a walk, listening to music, or taking deep breaths.
How to recognize, express, and regulate high energy and emotions that feel unpleasant.
How yellow feeling words can impact us in different environments.
How to correctly label the emotions we are feeling.
Reinforce the idea that being in different quadrants on The Mood Meter is normal.
Have each family member share a time when they were in the yellow quadrant.
Ask your child: How do you know when you have a yellow feeling? What are the clues? Can you think of a time when you noticed a friend in the yellow quadrant? How did you know?
Thank you 5th-grade student ambassadors
Our 5th-Grade School Ambassadors formally began their roles, supporting arrival and serving as an additional friendly face and support for students and parents every Friday. These students were identified for their responsibility and leadership in the grade and will serve as peer models or guest speakers in our learning spaces!
Click to see 'Dragonfly Magic!'
Congratulations to our 5th-grade students and Mr. Barker on a wonderful performance of "Dragonfly Magic." This creative musical used nature to promote kindness and that your actions speak for themselves. Bravo!
School store opens Nov. 19!
Celebrating American Education Week!
We are thrilled to celebrate American Education Week starting Monday! Parents, please help us in thanking our dedicated teachers and staff that make our public schools such strong and special places. Your kind words and feedback about your child's learning and growth make a world of difference. And thank YOU for the time you give to support your student(s), to volunteer, and to be a partner in our District 30 community. The combined commitment of our parents, teachers and staff, administrators and Board of Education make District 30 a truly wonderful place to learn and grow!
Multicultural Night is Jan. 31
Get ready to embark on a global journey right here in District 30! The District 30 PTOs are thrilled to invite you to our Multicultural Night on January 31 from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. at Maple School!
Multicultural Night is not just an event; it's a celebration of the rich tapestry of families that make up our vibrant community. We encourage you to be a part of this special evening by hosting a table and showcasing the unique beauty of your chosen country or culture.
Why host a table? It provides platform to share the wonders of your culture. Set up your space with engaging activities, and treat attendees to delicious ethnic snacks that represent the essence of your heritage. Consider creating eye-catching posters or trifold displays filled with fun facts about your country.
Multicultural Night serves as a window into the diverse cultures within our community, allowing students to explore and appreciate the richness that surrounds them. It's also a fantastic opportunity for families of different backgrounds to proudly showcase their heritage.
How to participate: Ready to create a memorable table with your friends? Sign up now by clicking the button below. For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact the committee chair at amandadae@gmail.com.
Let's come together, celebrate diversity, and make Multicultural Night an unforgettable experience for our District 30 family!
How to Participate: Ready to create a memorable table with your friends? Sign Up now by clicking here or the button below. For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact committee chair Sana Chaudry at s.r.chaudry@gmail.com.
Multicultural Night student performance
Want to share your family’s culture through a student performance? Sign up your student to perform at Multicultural Night and share cultural traditions through:
Traditional and modern dance performances
Musical presentations (vocal or instrumental)
Cultural demonstrations
And more!
This enriching evening offers your children a unique opportunity to explore and celebrate the magnificent tapestry of cultures within our school community through student performances.
Ready to showcase your culture? Register your performance today! Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged.
Attention 5th-grade students
Wrestle at Maple!
Interested in joining the Maple Wrestling Team? 5th-graders welcome!! Please complete the interest form and join us for our upcoming open mat sessions at Maple! See details below:
Open Mat Sessions:
Monday, November 18 - 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 20 - 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 21 - 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Parent informational meeting (in person) at Maple, Monday, November 18 5:30-6:00 p.m.
Parent form submission meeting (quick drop off of forms), Monday, November 25 3:45-4:30 p.m. (forms can also be emailed to Mrs. Rathge @ Jrathge@district30.org).
Special Lunch volunteers needed!
Volunteers needed for lunch
Staff Shout-Out
As we embark on another exciting school year, we want to recognize and celebrate our staff members' incredible dedication and hard work throughout the school year.
We are launching a "Staff Shout-Out" initiative to acknowledge and appreciate their efforts. This is an opportunity for you, our valued parents and guardians, to highlight the exceptional work of any staff member who has positively impacted your child or family weekly throughout the school year.
Click the button below to submit your "Staff Shout-Out"
Lost & Found
Please take a look at our lost & found in the foyer by the front office. It is overflowing with jackets and sweatshirts. Thank you!
A pair of apple AirPods Pro were turned into the front office. If you child is missing them please have them come to the front desk.
Quest lunch service
Quest lunch service
Quest Food Management Services offers a preorder system via myMealOrder
- The meal will consist of an entree, side, fresh fruit, and vegetable, including milk or water.
- All orders must be placed at least three days in advance.
Visit mymealorder.com to open an account, learn more about our preorder system, and view the menu. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ashley Jenkins, Food Service Director for Quest at ajenkins@questfms.com.
Board of Education elections
Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 will have three school board seats to be filled at the Consolidated Election on April 1, 2025. Candidates who are elected will fill four-year terms expiring in April 2029.
Candidates for the office of the school board can now circulate nominating petitions for signatures. The period for filing nominating petitions concludes November 18.
A candidate for the school board is required to file the nominating petitions, Statement of Candidacy, and receipt for filing their Statement of Economic Interests with the applicable county election clerk and not with the school board secretary or the administrative offices of the school district. The county clerk may have petition forms available, or blank petitions may be downloaded from the State Board of Elections website, elections.il.gov.
Report an absence
Find events in our community!
Want to know what's going on around the community? District 30 uses a "Virtual Backpack" to share community information while saving paper, costs, and lightening the loads our students bring home. Please click the button below to view upcoming Community Events.
Safe2Help Illinois
Any time a student feels unsafe, any adult in their school can help!
But sometimes, students or parents wish to reach out for help in a different way or after school hours. Safe2Help Illinois offers students a safe way to share information 24/7 that might help prevent any threat to school safety, including bullying, self-harm or other serious concerns.
The goal of this program is to get students to “seek help before harm;" it is not intended to suspend, expel, or punish. Safe2Help Illinois also offers a Mental Health Toolkit that provides resources for parents and educators reinforce the components of this program.
Safe2Help Illinois offers around-the-clock help via:
- Hotline: 844-4-SAFEIL
- Text line: 72332
- Email HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
- Plus a website full of resources for young people seeking help for themselves or a friend. Its Ways To Get Help page is a directory of specialized hotlines, and other sections of its website provide practical steps for dealing with depression or helping a distraught friend. The checklist called "20 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Feel Like Giving Up" can help older children overcome a bout of anxiety or depression.
Willowbrook School
Willowbrook School is part of Northbrook/Glenview District 30, which exists to create an inclusive community that inspires learning, fosters resiliency, and cares deeply for every child. We honor childhood and foster intellectual, physical and social-emotional growth. District 30 serves more than 1,200 students in pre-K through 8th grade across Willowbrook, Wescott and Maple Schools.
We prohibit harassment and discrimination of all forms within our district and follows all policies and procedures to ensure a safe environment for all.
Main Office: 847-498-1090
Health Office: 847-400-8860
Location: 2500 Happy Hollow Road, Glenview, IL, USA
Website: district.30.org/willowbrook
Facebook: facebook.com/ngsd
Twitter: @district30