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February 1, 2021
Dear Tigerhawk Family,
February brings us many celebrations! Our winter athletic teams are having really great seasons, students attending school online have decreased, and the number of students that have been ill or in quarantine have been dramatically reduced.
If you remember, I have mentioned the "Funding Cliff", when the incentive money from the state no longer will come into the district, this is over $600,000 from the General Fund that the district will stop receiving at the end of fiscal year 2022. Due to declining enrollment over the years, we are about 65% of the way to our goal, thanks to our retirement incentive. General Fund money can be spent on a variety of items, the largest being staffing, at over 80% of expenses.
Facility maintenance and update are areas that need attention. Our district buildings are structurally sound. West Union Elementary (WUE) is in immediate need of a heating system. The original 1959 steam supply lines and unit ventilators have begun to wear through the piping. This is not unusual for a system of this age. Additionally, other buildings have areas that are in need of replacement due to wear or inefficiency.
Just like funding much needed repairs and upgrades at your home, we are working on prioritizing the list. The problem we face is that WUE needs so much attention, there will be very little money left for regular maintenance and efficiency improvements at the other buildings. In the upcoming months, we will be working to solve these issues.
The NFV Board of Education and Administration are committed to being fiscally responsible while extending the life, usefulness, and safety of our facilities.
Around the District!
Heavy Equipment Simulator
Hard at Work
Middle School Basketball
Leader In Me!
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Habit four is based on the effective paradigm that there is plenty out there for everyone and that one person’s success is not achieved at the expense of others. We teach students to have an “abundance mentality” and to achieve this we encourage them to stop comparing themselves to others, celebrate their own unique strengths and contributions, celebrate others’ successes, and share compliments, praise, credit, and rewards liberally. We also teach students to be courageous by being honest and sharing their ideas with confidence, as well as being considerate by demonstrating respect and acknowledging other people’s ideas and opinions. This is also referred to as the Habit of Mutual Benefit.
Efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have been one of the top priorities at North Fayette Valley. The number of students that have been home due to illness or quarantine have been minimal for the last few months. We attribute this to students wearing masks while at school and families being cautious when out in the community. Consistent and proper mask wearing continues to be an area that we are working on with both students and community members. Please be sure to visit with your student about the importance of wearing masks properly. Additionally, I would like to remind visitors that masks are required when attending events and activities at NFV.
ISASP- District-Wide Assessment
District-Wide Assessment:
Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) will be administered to NFV students starting in late March. This test replaced Iowa Assessments/Iowa Tests of Basic Skills 3 years ago, with the intent to improve a measure of student progress on Iowa Core Curriculum Standards. Third through 11th grade students will participate in the following battery of tests: Mathematics, English Language Arts (reading, writing & language). Students in grades 5, 8, and 10 will also take a Science portion. Student achievement results are expected to be available for district review by the fall of 2021. Reports will include student numeric scores, growth, and performance level: Advanced, Proficient or Not-Yet-Proficient.
Look for a spring newsletter in April.
Proud to be NFV!
Email: jgriffith@nfv.k12.ia.us
Website: www.nfvschools.com
Location: 600 North Pine Street, West Union, IA, USA
Phone: 563-422-3851
Twitter: @NFVtigerhawks