End of Quarter 1 Update
September 27, 2024
Hello Falcon families!
As we approach the end of the first quarter, I want to take a moment to reflect on what has been a dynamic and productive start to the school year. Together, we have navigated new challenges, celebrated our students' achievements, and watched them grow in both academics and character. I’m incredibly proud of the hard work and commitment demonstrated by our students, staff, and families.
Today marks the conclusion of our first quarter, and we will begin a well-deserved two-week fall break. I hope this break provides your family with an opportunity to relax, recharge, and enjoy some quality time together. When we return on October 14th, we will dive into the second quarter with renewed energy, ready to build on the foundation we’ve established.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. If you have any questions, email me at jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us. I look forward to seeing everyone after the break!
Ms. Jamie Keith
EMS Principal
- September 30th - October 11th - Fall Break
- October 14th - School resumes, Quarter 2 begins
- October 17th - BUSD Board Meeting, 5:30 pm in the Board Room; Q1 report cards go home with student
- October 24th - Trick or Treat for Canned Goods: 5:30 - 7:30 PM (start at TPE or DBE)
- October 29th - EMS Halloween Concert at 7 pm in the theater
- October 30th - EMS Fall Social - 12:30 - 2:30 pm in the quad
Quarter 1 Students of the Week!
6th Grade
- Eva Arroyo (nominated by Ms. Formosa) - I only have Eva in Team but she is always happy, always trying, ready to participate, says Hi when she sees me around school, is always so respectful and is starting out with great grades as we get really to wrap up Quarter 1! Keep it up, Eva!
- Kamari Bob (nominated by Ms. Goodwin) - I am nominating Kamari for student of the week due to his amazing participation in class. He has been a great role model for other students.
- Hazel DiBerdino (nominated by Ms. Pridgen) - I'm nominating Hazel for student of the week because Hazel is a very hard worker and has an extremely positive attitude every day she comes to class. She takes pride in her work and is helpful to her classmates. Hazel is a great participator and a joy to have in the classroom.
- Jaxon Eckler (nominated by Ms. Pridgen) - I am nominating Jaxon because he is an extremely hard worker, is very conscientious about doing his personal best, and always greets me with a kind word and a friendly good bye each day.
- Calvin Hartnett (nominated by Ms. Goodwin) - I am nominated Calvin for student of the week becasue has been working very hard on his reading skills!
- Kaylanna Klaus (nominated by Ms. Pridgen) - I'm nominating Kaylanna for student of the week because she is so uplifting to others around her and brings so much positivity to the classroom. She is a hard worker, always gives 110% and is extremely respectful and kind to others.
- Amiya Lozado (nominated by Ms. Pridgen) - I'm nominating Amiya for student of the week because she a great participator in all the classes she has with me. She takes great pride in her work, she is kind and respectful to others and she has made a great transition to the middle school.
- Alessandra Oregel (nominated by Ms. Pridgen) - I am nominating Alessandra for student of the week because she is a great participator in the classroom, takes pride in her work and is a kind and respectful friend to all.
- Sophia Pistello (nominated by Ms. Pridgen) - I'm nominating Sophia for student of the week because she loves school and takes pride in her work-always give 110%. She comes to class with a positive attitude each day and is kind and respectful to her classmates and me.
- Olivia Wilken (nominated by Ms. Pool) - I am nominating Olivia for student of the week because she is new to Excelsior and has adapted to her new environment quickly and very successfully. She has an admirable work ethic and is developing study skills that will certainly help her in all aspects of life. Olivia you are an outstanding role model for you fellow classmates!
7th Grade
- Joel Cordova (nominated by Ms. Lindell) - Joel is a bright, kind student. He is eager to help his peers, teachers, and our school. Joel is very dependable and brings bright energy to Excelsior.
- Elvis Delgado (nominated by Ms. Byrd) - I'm nominating Elvis because he is always on top of his assignments and when he finishes he walks around to assist others that are having challenges.
- Ariella Gasanov (nominated by Ms. Formosa) - I have had the pleasure of having Ariella for 6th and now 7th grade. I can always count on her to participate in class and add value to the class discussion. She is a high achiever but she also values her connections with friends and teachers. I appreciate her respect in class and the value she places on education.
- Hayley O'Day (nominated by Ms. Formosa) - Hayley is always striving to do her very best! She amazes me with her try hard spirit. She actively participates in class, gets all her homework done, is a part of Yearbook, is an active role in the play Peter and Wendy, keeps amazing grades, is kind to other students, and does it all with a smile on her face!
- Tyler Pickering (nominated by Ms. Formosa) - Tyler has started out his 7th grade year really strong. He tries in class, completes his work, has stayed focused and overall been a super pleasant student to have.
- Niyha Bob (nominated by Ms. Byrd) - I'm nominating Niyha for her tenacity and ability to be open about her challenges as a student. She shared with me that she will use these experiences to educate others so less individuals with albinism will deal with person's that treat them differently because of lack of their lack of knowledge of the genetic mutation.
- Spencer Tinkham (nominated by Ms. Lindell) - Spencer is a thoughtful student. He engages with the curriculum and goes beyond basic or simple answers. He's kind and respectful, as well as entertaining. I'm glad to have Spencer in class.
Our next PTSA Meeting is on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 pm. We are meeting in room B1 or you can join us on Zoom!
Interested in joining our PTSA? Please click HERE! The money collected through our PTSA memebership dues goes towards school activities and improvements!
Congradulations to Patti Labrador for winning the membership drive candle basket!!
Mark your calendars - EMS Dine Out on Wednesday, November 20th, at the Panda Express on Brentwood Blvd/Sand Creek Rd. Fliers will be sent out prior to the event!
PTSA Reflections Contest - Deadline 10/18/24
Reflections is back!
EMS PTSA’s Reflections program runs through 10/18/24.
This year’s theme is Accepting Imperfection.
- Step 1 – Make Art.
- Step 2 – Write an Artist’s Statement.
- Step 3 – Submit your art. Turn in your artwork and entry form to the office, e-mail them to the Reflections e-mail address ExcelsiorReflections@gmail.com, or use https://tinyurl.com/EMSReflections24 to submit online by Friday, 10/18/24.
- Step 4 – Our judges will review your artwork.
- Step 5 – All entries will be recognized. The top entry in each category wins art supplies and moves on to represent EMS at Delta Council, competing against 20 other schools.
Be creative. You can write, draw, choreograph a dance, make a movie, compose music, or take a picture. You can only enter each category once, but you can enter more than one category. That means you can’t draw something and paint something. However, you can paint a picture and write a poem. Remember, this should be your own work, so no copywritten images or fan fic.
What is an artist’s statement? It’s a 10-100 word statement explaining your entry and how it relates to the theme. For example, “I accept imperfection when I __________, so I drew a picture of ______________.”
Our judges are not supposed to know who is submitting the entries, so please put your name on the BACK of the artwork. Use something to write with that won’t bleed through to the front. If you are submitting a video file, you can put your title in the video, but do not say your name.
- Videos should be in .mp4, .avi, or .mov and less than 5 minutes long.
- Audio files should be in .mp3 or .wav and less than 5 minutes long.
- Photographs should be at least 640x960 pixels and 300 dpi (resolution) and should print no smaller than a 3x5 and no bigger than an 8x10.
Have more questions? Look on Schoology for more information or ask an adult to e-mail us at ExcelsiorReflections@gmail.com.
Have fun! We can’t wait to see your submissions!!!
Parent Volunteer Process Fall Deadline 9/30
We want you on our campus and in our classrooms! For safety reason, all volunteers must be cleared following the below steps. The clearance process is available twice a year, dates below. If you plan on going on a field trip with your student, want to help in the classroom, or elsewhere on campus please start the process now to get cleared. At the middle school level, our greatest need is volunteers to support field trips, lunchtime activities, extracurricular activities (sports, plays, clubs), and leadership activities (socials, dances).
Volunteer Applications and Volunteer Driver Applications are ONLY accepted twice per School Year:
- School Registration through the first day of fall break (September 30th)
- February 1st through the first day of spring break (March 17th)
The process to get cleared to volunteer is quick and easy. Please CLICK HERE to access further information on our BUSD Volunteer Process. If you are already cleared or were recently cleared at one of our elementary sites, you do not need to resubmit any volunteer information unless your TB test has expired or you plan on being a driver this year (all driver info including DMV Driving Record, License, and Insurance Info must be up to date).
Community Announcements
A message from Mr. Huckabye, Principal at Liberty High School
Dear Liberty Community,
To ensure a safe environment for our students and attendees at football games, I would like to remind you of our expectations and share a few additional safety measures we are incorporating.
- Student ID Requirement: Liberty High students and those from the visiting team must present their physical school ID upon entry.
- Supervision of Other Students: Students from other schools, including middle schools, must be accompanied by a parent or an adult aged 25 or older.
This form outlines the responsibilities of adults supervising children during the event, including:
- Actively supervising the child(ren) throughout the event.
- Ensuring the child(ren) remains in designated spectator areas.
- Assisting the child(ren) in following all school rules and guidelines while respecting the facility, staff, and other attendees.
- Acknowledging that Liberty High is not responsible for the supervision or safety of the child(ren) under your care during the event.
- Being reachable at the cell phone number provided and responding promptly if contacted by event staff in case of an emergency.
Thank you for your cooperation and for helping us ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all. Go Lions!
"Defend the Den - Play Hard, Study Harder, Win with Pride!"
Efa Huckaby, Principal - Liberty High School
Excelsior Middle School
Email: jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7530
Twitter: @EMSFalcons