The Hawks Nest
Looking Back at 2024... And... What's to Come in 2025!
Pike County R-III (Clopton)
Website: https://www.clopton.k12.mo.us/
Location: 28176 Highway Ww, Clarksville, MO, USA
Phone: 573-324-3546
Facebook: facebook.com/PikeCoRIIIClopton
Twitter: @CloptonSchool
*Important Update - BUS SNOW ROUTES*
"The Clopton Administration is watching the incoming weather closely. In preparation for possible bus snow route usage, we have posted SNOW ROUTES tab at the top of the Clopton website. Go to clopton.k12.mo.us for more information".
***Inclement Weather Season is upon us. Please make sure that you have your contact updated into our system to make sure you are getting the Clopton School District messages. If you have any questions, please contact our offices (573)242-3546***
Welcome Back! - Updates and Information
- We have been monitoring the weather closely and will keep everyone updated. Be on the lookout for messages, all-calls, and social media for any information regarding school, as well as pending changes to the Clopton Tournament.
- School will be back in session on Tuesday, January 7th, which starts 2nd Semester!
- We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday break, all of our staff is eager to see our students back in the halls!
- School is back in session! Make sure you have the proper contacts turned in to the school for any updates through our TeacherEase portal! Ms. Jane or Ms. Mindy can help if you need!
- Parents/Guardians, if you have not already seen Dr. Smith's inclement weather letter, it is attached below!
- ATTENDANCE MATTERS! Parents and Guardians, please make sure we are limiting absences and informing school if a student is out, absences are becoming an issue across education - as a reminder 8 absences allows for students to put on attendance probation, in which students risk losing CREDIT for that class! If students attendance is suffering, they may be requested to complete a Saturday School to make up some of their minutes!
- Please check your lunch balances for your student and make sure payments are sent in to Ms. Kathy! - They can be found on TeacherEase
- Be sure to check our school website and socials to stay updated on our activities throughout the month! #HawkPride
We have educated our bus riders as we started the year again, but help us remind them of proper safety and discipline policies! We want all of our riders and drivers safe on the roads and thank you for the extra help! And make sure you have seen the updated SNOW ROUTES tab on the website.
Bond Project Updates on Campus!
Elementary Security Vestibule
Middle School Gym added New Audio, Projector and Stage Lighting
New All-Weather Track
New Softball/Baseball Field
From the Elementary!
January Calendar
Looking back...!
PTO Fall Festival was a Hit!
Kids Love THE Hawk Sqwuak Cart....!
Fire Safety Day at Clopton Elementary!
Peno Creek Pumpkin Patch!
Elementary Music Concert directed by Mr. Big Mike!
Another Show Stopper! Great job to Big Mike and his elementary music students, and a special shoutout to the traditional surprise guest we had 'Dancing Blitzen Boogie' (aka our awesome PE Teacher, Mrs. Kelsea Calvin). Great job to all! We look forward to next years performance!
Clopton Students at PLTC!
Congratulations to Clopton’s Zane Smith on obtaining his PLTC Passport, as well as his early graduation. Zane has been a part of the Law Enforcement Program at PLTC. We thank Zane for his service as he starts his career with the National Guard and wish him well! Congratulations Zane! #HawkProud
PLTC Student of the Month from September - Larson Hall
PBS Update!
December Assembly!
Top point earners were highlighted, as well as class milestones reached. The game for December was a fun Holiday Kahoot, where students had to work as a team amongst their grade level. The Students of the Month were also recognized and rewarded!
PBS Highlights
1. Monthly Assemblies - Middle school and High school students have a month assembly during Hawk Time to celebrate any accomplishments and get an update on point standings. The top 5 students in each grade level with the highest amount of points are recognized and the classes compete to earn more points with a team building game.
2. Class Incentives - While students are encouraged to earn points individually, they are also rewarded with class incentives when their grade level reaches a class average. So far students have earned ice cream parties and chip parties in Hawk Time.
3. Student of the Month - Throughout each month, staff has the opportunity to nominate any middle or high school student for exemplifying one of the five pillars of P.R.I.D.E. At the end of the month, staff then votes on the nominees to select a winner from each grade level. Middle and High school are then put into a drawing of the winners to win a gift card.
*We have great students and this is a way to incentivize their positive behavior throughout the year. Students earn points all year long by showing Hawk P.R.I.D.E! We appreciate the community support of this program!
Top Class Averages
High School Students of the Month
Middle School Students of the Month
In Case you Missed November's Students of the Month...! Congratulations!
2024 Highlights
Throughout this semester in 2024 the students have been able to make connections with our military as well as several colleges and technical schools. Some of the highlights have been Mizzou, State Tech, William Woods, Missouri Valley, National Guard and the Army.
Red Ribbon Week 2024: This year Red Ribbon Week launched drug awareness facts through hawk time. Each hawk time was able to create a drug free door decoration and then were entered into a contest. We also teamed up with Student Council for a dress up week to support being drug free.
PTO Trunk or Treat 2024: NHS helped out this year at the PTO trunk or Treat event. NHS took care of the crafts, games and brought a photobooth for all families to use.
NHS held their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Clopton MIddle and High School students were able to collect food items to support families in our district during the Thanksgiving Holiday Season.
The 8th grade class had a great presentation from Pike Lincoln Technical Center. They learned about all the programs that are offered there which helped as students began creating their ICAPs. An ICAP stands for Individual Career and Academic Plan and learning about careers will help them develop a plan that could include classes at PLTC. Our Sophomore class also had the opportunity to tour Pike Lincoln Technical Center. This event gave the students the opportunity to see first hand all the programs that are available during their junior and senior years. We want to Thank PLTC for helping our students prepare for their futures.
Coming up this semester...
- ASVAB testing in January 22nd for all Juniors at Clopton
- NHS induction of new members in January (date TBA)
- Workkeys Testing (Possibly Feb) at PLTC for all Seniors
- Scholarships will be coming out more rapidly now so check our school website for more information
Spring EOC and MAP Testing - More Information to Come
Clopton's FFA - Make sure to follow the Clopton FFA Facebook Page!
Trapshoot Team
From our Band and Mr. Koenig!
Highlighted Events from this year:
The marching band was able to participate in multiple parades this year, including Paynesville, Louisiana Colorfest, and Clarksville Applefest. The band performed well, and won 3rd place during the Louisiana Colorfest marching contest.
"All of the bands, from 6th grade to high school, had a successful concert December 5th, where multiple pieces were performed to satisfaction. This concert featured key instruments, including kazoos and trash cans, for providing variety".
Upcoming events:
- "Our Spring Concert will again involve all the bands, and possibly Mr. Koenig's biggest alternative musical piece yet".
- Jr. High All District Band is approaching, and Clopton has had three students qualify for auditions in January.
Clopton's Student Council!
- We hosted the back to school movie night in August, featuring Twisters and we have also introduced junior high officers this year to help include our middle school students.
- In September, we hosted our annual blood drive, in which we collected 26 units, which helped us surpass our goal.
- The student council also helped with sponsoring Red Ribbon week, to help raise awareness about drug and alcohol abuse.
- In October, we hosted our annual haunted house, which was a huge success. The Student Council also sponsored their annual Halloween dance for the junior high.
Finally, we celebrated the holidays with Disney character themed Christmas trees, a festive Spirit week, featuring ugly sweaters, movie characters, and Grinch vs. Santa day, and a door decorating contest for junior high. For our annual Stocking Stuffer fundraiser, we raised over $600 and helped provide Christmas presents to a family in need in our community.
Clopton's Missouri Youth and Government
In November, three of our students attended Youth and Government sponsored by the Missouri YMCA in Jefferson City. Over the course of three days, Finn O’Brien, Kyle West, and Tristan Malloy, attended the legislative simulation that was held in the chambers of the Missouri General assembly. The boys debated and worked on various proposed bills by members of the mock Senate, and the mock house.
From Mrs. Henderson and the Speech and Drama Department!
- Speech and Drama attended a Fine Arts Preview Day at Hannibal LaGrange University in November.
- We are gearing up for our competition season with EMO Speech taking place at Wellsville in mid-February.
- We have also had our first read through of our spring production "The Norse Mythology Ragnasplosion" which will be performed in late April.
Clopton FBLA
Members attended the Cardinals Career Day at Busch Stadium in September. Students listened to a speaker panel of media professionals and members of Cardinals front office staff. Students also attended a college career fair and enjoyed a Cardinals game.
Students volunteered their time selling concessions at the girls softball games in Eolia.
- FBLA members attended the Missouri State FBLA Leadership Conference in St. Charles October 9 & 10. Members attended leadership workshops and networked with students from across the state.
- Members signed up for their leadership competitions and studied for their events this Fall. During their December meeting, members feasted on Olive Garden and took their online tests.
- Members are planning for the District 7 Leadership Conference to be held at Clopton on January 27.
Fall Leadership Conference
Fall Leadership Conference
FBLA Concessions
Update from our Clopton Yearbook and Mrs. Hall!
- Staff members attended the Walsworth Fall Workshop held at South Callaway High School. Members learned the basics of page design and photography.
- Staff Members spent a day selling business advertising in Pike and Lincoln Counties.
- Members learned throughout the first semester about page layouts and began their first pages in the 2025 Yearbook.
***2025 Yearbooks are on sale by visiting www.yearbookforever.com for $40 until April 1. Yearbooks MUST be pre-ordered. Extras will NOT be ordered.
Yearbook Layout Project in Class
Yearbook Ad Sales
Clopton Travels Abroad!
British Isles + Ireland (2024): This past summer, students went with Ms. Davis to England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. It was a 14 day trip where students learned about the history of the British Isles and Ireland while also being exposed to a variety of different cultures and cuisines. Many of the students' favorite part of the trip was when they went to Salisbury and visited the cathedral there.
New Zealand + Australia (2026): Ms. Davis is taking students to New Zealand and Australia for a 12 day trip.
**There are still spots available if you are interested. Contact Ms. Davis if you have any questions!**
Clopton's FCA
- Clopton FCA , sponsored the annual See You at The Pole, in September. This is an annual event where students and staff meet at the flagpole to pray for our school and our nation.
- In late September, we held our annual tailgate party at the Lady Hawks senior night for softball and watched them defeat Monroe!
- Our FCA will be hosting their annual winter party in January! Stay tuned for a date!
Science Club Fun with Mrs. Jones!
Science Club Highlights:
- Boo at the Zoo Field Trip - Science Club took 16 students to Boo at the Zoo in St. Louis in October. Students enjoyed lighted displays, seeing the animals, and interacting with the stingrays!
- Holiday Party - Science Club met on the last day of school before break to celebrate the end of second quarter. The students made slime, had Hot Chocolate, and wore their most festive gear.
From our Art Department
From Mrs. Wilson
3 new advanced high school classes for the art department:
3D Art and Design
Advanced Drawing
- We have a brand fully installed new kiln and 2 pottery wheels that will be able to be used when we come back from Christmas break!
- The ceramics class created a 7-foot Christmas tree out of cardboard that helped make the high school halls and elementary choir program a little more festive.
- 3D Art and Design class has created art with yarn, old computer parts, cardboard, hot glue, paper, paint, polymer clay, and paper mache.
- Ceramics class has created pottery out of newspaper, toilet paper clay, polymer clay, vessels out of computer parts, printmaking with linoleum carving blocks and ink, constructing with cardboard, and working with clay that's ready to be fired in the new kiln.
- The Advanced Drawing class has created perspective drawings, 3D line cubes, large-scale grid drawings of a mylar balloon, personal logos, gingerbread houses, paper line drawings, still life drawings of fresh flowers, still life drawings of hands, drawing texture, values, and shades.
- The elementary side of art has been able to create lots of fun projects using tempered paint, watercolor, oil pastel, chalk pastel, glitter, scissors, glue, paper, crayons, markers that have been used to help foster the creative side and introduce them to the elements and principles of art. We were able to have a huge representation from Clopton at the Apple Fest Art Show this past fall. There were 2 students who were recognized for their art and came home with award-winning ribbons.
From Mr. Cordes
- In 2024 the Art Club has been busy working on several different art projects. During the last school year, the students started working on painting some wall murals within the weight lifting room. This school year the Art Club has been working on finishing these paintings and adding some more to the walls. The Art Club has really enjoyed working on this project and looks forward to creating some more of these in the future.
- Another project that the group has been working on consists of using large pieces of cardboard to create abstract paintings. The cardboard is divided into sections for each student to work on. The students get to create their own design within their section and paint it. These large paintings are then attached to the ceiling. So far, the group has created four of these painted panels and a few smaller ones that can be viewed in the art room.
- The Art Club is getting ready to start one of its bigger projects of the school year. Each year the students are involved in creating several large painted backdrops for the school play. Working alongside with Mrs. Henderson and the Speech and Drama club, the students will create different painted scenes for the set design. The Art Club has been creating these painted backdrops for the school play for the last twelve years. This is one of the projects that the students always enjoy working on.
Fall Sports
Clopton Softball
Record: (13-11)
- Lost to Paris 4-3 in the District Semi's
- Won the Louisiana Consolation Championship
- All-Conference: 1st Team Infield - Rileigh Kuntz; 1st Team Utility - Calleigh Noah; 2nd Team: Ashlyn Noah and Charleigh Spoonster
- All-District: 1st Team: Rileigh Kuntz (Infield), Calleigh Noah (Utility/DP), Danica Graham (At-Large); 2nd Team: Ashlyn Noah, Charleigh Spoonster, and Jaden Williamson
- All-Region: 1st Team Infield - Rileigh Kuntz; 2nd Team - Calleigh Noah
Clopton Cross Country
Cross Country runners had a great season and were able to send four runners to State! Congratulations to our runners who went to state: Ava Bankhead, Josh Harvey, Coleman Palmer, and Jason Hoffman!
Fall Baseball
Record: (3-5)
Won the Higbee Tournament defeating Atlanta
**Be on the lookout for information regarding winter workouts and the upcoming spring season!
Clopton Quizbowl
The Clopton quizbowl team has already gotten off to the start of their season.
- In November, the team won the consolation at the Culver Stockton invitational quiz bowl tournament.
- In December, the team took part in the Washington high school invitational tournament where they won five games and lost five games.
- Our regular season starts on January 8 with a home meet at Clopton.
Winter Sports Update
From the Middle School
Middle School Boys Basketball
8th Grade Record: (16-3)
3rd Place in Elsberry Tournament
1st Place in Bowling Green Tournament
6th/7th Grade Team made tremendous strides and finished up with a couple wins
Middle School Girls Basketball
8th Grade Record: (18-1)
1st Place in Elsberry Tournament
1st Place in Bowling Green Tournament
6th/7th Grade Team went 5-5 making a lot of improvement over the season!
Middle School Cheerleading
This was the year Clopton Middle School Cheerleading kicked off and it has been an instant hit! Our cheerleaders love having the opportunity to show their school spirit and support their classmates! Many cheerleaders enjoy the "basket" stunt - we look forward to seeing them on the court in future years!
From the High School
Clopton Swimming Co-Op
In the 2nd year of the Clopton-Louisiana Swimming Co-Op, the girls have continued to make a splash and look to build on last years success!
Upcoming Meets:
- 1/10 @ Principia
- 1/11 @ Fort Zumwalt North Invite
- 1/16 @ Principia
- 1/21 @ Twin Pike YMCA (Hannibal/Holt)
- 1/29 @ Twin Pike YMCA (FZS/North Point)
- 2/3 @ Hannibal
- 2/6 @ Twin Pike YMCA
- Class 1 District 1 Tournament - February 15th
Check out the link to see our girls place at the state level with MSHSAA-top 32 performances are guaranteed to entry to 2024 MSHSAA Class 1 State Championships in February
Clopton Lady Hawks Basketball
Our Lady Hawks are (8-1) on the year and currently ranked in the Top 10 in their class in Missouri! Recently, they won the Montgomery Tournament. Ashlyn Noah was named to the All-Tournament Team, while Charleigh Spoonster was the tournament MVP!
Clopton Hawks Basketball
Our Hawks are currently (5-4) and recently won the Montgomery Tournament Consolation Championship, while Senior Kain Eivins scored his 1,000th point!
Shoutout to our Cheerleaders!
Our cheerleaders continue their hard work and support our teams day in and day out. We applaud their talents and commend their effort!
Be on the lookout for information regarding the "Mini Cheer Camp", tentatively set for February 1st for the camp and 14th for the performance!
Clopton Tournament 2025
- 2nd Semester has started! 3rd Quarter midterm is February 5th, Quarter Ends March 7th.
- FFA Bingo Night - February 20th
Farmers Breakfast - February 21st - January 24th- COURTWARMING vs. North Callaway
***Courtwarming will take place between the JV and Varsity game - January 16th - Board of Education Meeting @ 6pm
- Juniors will take the ASVAB - January 22nd!
- FBLA Blood Drive - March 4th
- Spring Sports... START MARCH 3RD! Make sure all paperwork is turned in prior to the office!
- Spring Break is March 21st - March 25th
2025 Courtwarming - January 24th
The "Courtwarming Ceremony " will take place BETWEEN the JV and Varsity game, approximately 6:45pm. The ceremony will also be in the Dale Miller Gymnasium The Varsity boys game will proceed the ceremony. After the game, we hope to have a "Courtwarming Dance" for our Clopton students.
***Check back and/or socials for more details on the Sophomore Dinner that night!
Class of 2027
- Boo Grams - Class of 2027 had an outstanding selling of Boo Grams during Halloween. Students were able to raise funds for their Junior Prom (next year.)
*Be on the lookout for tickets to our Class Dinner in February!
Infor for Prom 2025!
- Prom will be held on May 3rd, 2025
- at Central Park in Eolia
- The theme is "Night at the Gala"
***Students must be eligible to attend and meet attendance requirements