Quote of the week:
Self Awareness- Lesson 12
Introduce Video: Say, “Today, we will talk about a famous quote from Oprah Winfrey and how it relates to our strengths.”
Watch Video: Oprah Winfrey Quote (1:08 minutes)
Reflection questions are included in the video. Be sure to pause the video at each question to allow adequate time for students to respond. Students may respond verbally in class discussion or write their thoughts on paper.
Reflect on the Oprah Winfrey quote.
Name 3 things you are really good at. What are your strengths?
Do you think feelings are temporary or last forever? Explain your answer.
Terrific Kids: Please complete the spreadsheet for November/December, if you have not.
The spreadsheet for January/February has been shared.
Character traits:
January: Self-Discipline-To exercise positive self control.
February: Trustworthiness-To be worthy of confidence