Greenville Splash Masters
May - June News Splash
Check Out Our Newest Swimmers!
Adult Learn to Swim Instructors
Thank you so much to our 2024 Adult Learn to Swim Volunteer Instructors! Your passion for swimming and helping others helps to keep our community safer. We want to thank the following swimmers for volunteering: Katie Broussard, Amy Browning, Allan Byer, Michelle Carpenter, Kacky Elliott, Emily Egeln, Athena Jones, Olivia Kayye, Teri Laliberte, Becki McGee, Melinda Menzer, Carolyn Moore, Leslie Scott, Janine Serell, Brenda Stephens, and Maureen White
Coaches Message
Our 2024 Adult Learn to Swim Program was an epic success! Thank you to our brave swimmers and all of our volunteers for making this event so special this year. We had over 50 swimmers participate in our lessons this past April. Our participants have so many interesting reasons for taking our lessons. Here are a few of the reasons: needing to be able to swim for an upcoming honeymoon, to keep their children safe in the water, going on a fun vacation near the water, and to fulfill their bucket list. We had some swimmers that never had the opportunity to take lessons when they were young so they were so appreciative of this experience.
Aqua Angels is looking for volunteer instructors for their summer lessons at Brookside Pool and other areas. Let us know if you are interested.
Team swag is here! Make sure to show up to pick up your team swag from any coach. If you are unable to pick it up at the pool, let Coach Leslie know where we can meet.
Send Leslie results and pictures of your events for our next newsletter. Feel free to email Coach Leslie at greenvillesplash@gmail.com or give me a call if you need any help with anything: 864-283-1328.
Happy Anniversary Greenville Splash!
Upcoming Events
May 18: Low Country Splash, Charleston, SC 2.4 and 6 mile open water swim Click here to enter:
June 2: First Open Water Group Swim at Devil Forks State Park. Meet at 8:30 am, in the water at 9:00 am. Make sure to RSVP to greenvillesplash@gmail.com for more details.
June 8: Beaufort River Swim, Beaufort, SC 1 and 3 mile open water swim: Click here to enter:
June 8: Lake Lure Open Water Swim: 1.5 and 3 mile Click here to enter:
June 16: Open Water Group Swim at Devil Forks State Park. Meet at 8:30 am, in the water at 9:00 am. Make sure to RSVP to greenvillesplash@gmail.com for more details.
June 22 USA Olympic Swim Trials Team Social at Coach Carolyn's Home at 7:00 pm: Pot luck bring your favorite dish. RSVP to get directions.
June 20-24 USMS Spring Nationals at IU Natatorium in Indianapolis, Indiana. This meet will coincide with the USA Olympic Trials at the Lucas Oil Stadium June 15-23. Click here for more info & to enter:
*We will not be hosting the Greenville Splash Invitational this year due to USMS Nationals
July 21 Open Water Group Swim at Devil Forks State Park. Meet at 8:30 am, in the water at 9:00 am. Make sure to RSVP to greenvillesplash@gmail.com for more details.
July 27- Aug 4 Olympic Swimming Events Paris, France
August 17 USMS Coaches Certification Class in Augusta, Ga Click here for more info:
August 18 USMS Stroke Clinic in Augusta, GA Click here for more info:
Sept. 21 Upstate Splash Charity Open Water Swim, Lake Jocassee: Hosted by Greenville Splash
Click here to enter: This event sells out every year. Only 30 spots left!
Film Premiere of Beyond the Shoreline: Channel of Bones
"Beyond the Shoreline: The Channel of Bones” Film wins Best Documentary Feature Film at the Crown Point International Film Festival in Chicago.
You can watch the film on INdB. Click here to buy or rent:
It will also be shown in Spartanburg on Friday May 10. Click here for info:
What is the film about?
This is an inspiring documentary film that tells the story of Greenville Splash swimmer, Steve Leitch. The film showcases Steve Leitch’s harrowing 28 mile journey across one of planet earth’s most treacherous water ways, The Ka'iwi Molokai Channel. Journey alongside Steve & his wife, Kelly as he battles the tumultuous waters, and illustrates resilience, faith, and the power of the human spirit. Plus there are a few fun cameos of some Greenville Splash teammates.
The film celebrates one man’s vision and determination to use his talent for endurance swimming as the sweat equity to serve others. The film supports a mission close to Steve’s heart; the building of long-term sober living facilities and providing mental health counseling for the foster community. Steve's mission is to raise money in future swims that will help with counseling support for foster children placed with Miracle Hill Ministries’ foster families, and the vision of long term sober living communities in Greenville county.
Meet Our New Sponsor for Upstate Splash!
Upcountry Lifeguards provides well-trained, friendly, professional Red Cross lifeguards for community pools. We're a different kind of lifeguard company -- we believe in paying guards a living wage, providing in-house training and certification, and mentoring our guards throughout their time with us. Better lifeguards mean a better, safer pool experience for everyone. Learn more about us by visiting our website at upcountrylifeguards.com.
Splashing Accomplishments
Congratulations to Mary and Mark Whiteman on their baby boy, Liam! He was born at 28 weeks so please keep this sweet family in your prayers.
Many accolades to Steve Leitch for completing the SCAR challenge in Arizona.
A Special Shout out to Becki Mckee for helping to obtain sponsors and volunteering at the Best Buddies Prom in Simpsonville. Becki secured donations that allowed over 100 special needs students and their families to have a fun prom. Students from area high schools attended along with alumni. Thank you so much for our members that donated to this awesome cause to make our community feel important.
SCAR Swim in Arizona
Check out our video: 2024 Adult Learn to Swim!
Having Fun In and Out of the Water
Pub and Roll
Olivia's Baby Shower
Look at these two fast friends: Mary and Olivia!
Fun Olympic Fact
Upstate Splash is Partnering with Aqua Angels
Aqua Angels Swim Station is the newest premier swim school in Upstate South Carolina, dedicated to making swimming accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Their certified instructors are passionate about teaching and bring a wealth of experience to the program. Whether you're a parent looking to introduce your child to the water or an adult eager to improve your swimming skills, they have tailored lessons for you. They offer private lessons, semi-private lessons, and small group lessons to suit your preferences and needs. To become a part of the Aqua Angels Swim Station family, simply visit the Aqua Angel website and fill out o registration form and one of their amazing instructors will reach out to you soon. Join the journey to become a confident and skilled swimmer! Aqua Angels is located inside Crunch Fitness at 1332 Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville 29605.
Aqua Angels is also looking for volunteer instructors to help teach at Brookside Pool this summer. Let us know if you are interested.
Greenville County Aquatic Complex:
It's Long Course Season! Coached workouts: TuTh 5:30-7:00 am, TuTh 6:30-8:00 pm, Tu 9:00-10:30 am, F 7:00-8:30 am & 9:00-10:30 am, Sat 7:00-8:30 am informal workout
Veterans Swim Program Mon & Wed 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Kroc Center:
Coached workouts: MWF 6:00-7:00 am
Please Note: Due to lane space and safety concerns we require swimmers to circle swim at all workouts at both pools.
Here's Some Fun Workouts For You!
Swim on Your Own....Need a Workout?
Make sure to check our website to see our Greenville Splash workouts that we do every week. Coach Carolyn and Coach Leslie are working hard to post them every week!
Make a Splash in Life, Swim!
Technique & Informational Articles from USMS
Upstate Veterans Swim
Come join us for the best part of your day!
Making A Difference One Swimmer At A Time!!!!
Thank you so much to all of our swimmers that volunteer for Greenville Splash! Your efforts help to make our community safer in the water and provide fitness and competition activities for swimmers.
We host several big events every year:
Adult Learn to Swim
The Greenville Splash Invitational LCM Swim Meet
The Upstate Splash Charity Open Water Swim
Upstate Veterans Swim
We have taught over 400 adults how to swim!
The Upstate Splash has raised money to provide swim lessons for over 3,400 children!
We are proud to be a team that gives back to our community!
Advisory Board
Meet the Greenville Splash Advisory Board:
Sara Bopp, Amy Browning, John Decker, Mark Kothe, Kristin Knowles, Carolyn Moore, Casey Oliver, and Leslie Scott
Please, reach out to these board members with any suggestions for the future success of your Greenville Splash Masters team. Email: advisoryboard@greenvillesplash.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, instagram and our website for more information about our USMS club. We also have FB messenger for each of the pools, let us know if you want to be added. We always welcome all swimmers to any of our workouts, events and socials. Join the fun!
Facebook Links:
Greenville Splash Masters
Email: greenvillesplash@gmail.com
Website: www.greenvillesplash.com
Location: Greenville County Aquatic Complex and Kroc Center
Phone: 864-283-1328 Head Coach Leslie Scott
Facebook: facebook.com/greenvillesplash
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greenvillesplash/