Federal Programs Directors' News
January 2024 Edition
Chief of Federal Programs/ ESSER
Director of School Safety & Security
ESSA/Title I, Part A/PFE/Testing
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
McKinney-Vento Homeless / Title I, Part C Migrant
Bilingual/ESL - Title III, Part A
Title I, Part A/ Title I, Part D/ Title II/PNP
Promising Practices
Once the application window closes, all entries are reviewed by a committee, rated using a rubric, and then 3-4 of the top rated are selected to receive an award at the Annual PFE Statewide Conference held each year in October. In addition to receiving the award, selected schools/districts are invited to present their practice at the conference, as well as recognized on the PFE Statewide Initiative’s website and in our newsletter.
To apply or nominate a school you can either scan the QR code below or click the picture. It will take you to a Google form that needs to be completed by March 29, 2024.
Click on the flyer to join the monthly Zoom chat sessions.
Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting
Report Guidance - ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports Resources &
TEA Unsafe School Choice Option Guidance Handbook
TEA released information from the Department of Grant Compliance and Administration regarding the upcoming Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting. This report OPENED on October 1, 2023, in the TEA WorkApp. Please use the link to access the TEA News Bulletin.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this required reporting, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or Ray Vasquez (ray.vasquez@esc18.net).
Click below to register for the McKinney-Vento and the Migrant Education Program (EOY) Session.
Maria Mata, Consultant
2023-2024 Statewide T3 Engagement Series
Free opportunities for emergent bilingual families of school districts and open-enrollment charters
Parent Engagement Watch Party
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Registration closed
Family Engagement Watch Party
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Registration closed
Community Engagement Watch Party
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Parent Flyers
Program Reminders:
Title I, Part A (TIA)
Implement: TIA activities for LEA campuses and eligible PNP Students, as approved in the application.
Monitor: Campus program implementation timeline (coordination, parental involvement, and professional development activities).
- The use of supplies, materials, and equipment used under the PNP:TIA program
Evaluate: Mid-year review for Effectiveness of Program Activities.
Title I, Part D (TID)
Plan: Use prior year data for the current year and ensure the program is considered with the DIP as appropriate as a reaction to identified needs.
Implement: LEA reviews provisions and assurances for program implementation and fidelity.
- Identify items that need to be addressed for the coming year.
Monitor: Facilities as appropriate (current), report any new facilities, and participate in data verification (if requested).
Evaluate: Current program outcomes and deliverables and review prior year’s outcomes to prepare for current year implementation.
Private Nonprofits (PNP)
Plan: Consult with PNP on equitable services and determine PNP(s) intent for the coming year.
- Check the LEA district for additional PNP(s) to be added.
Implement: Ongoing PNP meaningful consultations with school officials and review program instructor(s)/third party contractor(s).
- Revisit TIA rosters for minor adjustments of student(s) served.
Monitor: Review budgets for current and upcoming services, program specifics, and timelines/deadlines. Continue documentation with PNP officials on data collection/data for TIVA (Title IV, Part A) activities, meaningful consultation, and TIIA Professional Development requests review.
Evaluate: Consult current PNP officials on equitable services, implementation, and effectiveness under Title programs.
- Consult and Document stakeholders' input and feedback for the current year in Title programs.
Click on the flyer to register for all the upcoming sessions.
Program Reminders:
Title II, Part A (TIIA)
Plan: Meaningful Consultations and coordination of professional development.
Implement: Meaningful consultation and work on descriptions regarding the DIP for TIIA activities and alignment with Challenging State Academic Standards.
- PNP participation
Monitor: Retain documentation that can be used to establish compliance.
Evaluate: Meaningful Consultation and (possible) mid-year evaluation of the program.
CTE - AWS Welder and Inspector Certification Workshop
This 3-day workshop is for Beginner and Advanced Certifications for welding teachers. Beginning Certification will include AWS D1.1 and AWS D9.1. The advanced will include the AWS Certified Welding Inspector Specialist certification. Certifications should be renewed within 3 years. Please read all details and refer to the list of items the teacher must provide. Beginners must attend all 3 days.
Important Session Information:
Tailor-Made districts are $75. If not from a Tailor-Made district, the fee for this session is $350.
Trainer - Richard Depue, Certified Welding & Testing Co. Inc.
DAY 1: Basic Welder Qualification
A quick review of basic welding processes, theory and equipment as well as Oxy Fuel Welding and Cutting. Overview of online learning curriculum, welder and inspector certification. AWS Welding Symbol system and the AWS A3.0 and 2.4 Standards.
DAY 2: Advanced Welder Qualification
Basic TEA welder certifications, how to conduct, log in, submit and view certifications. Review of AWS D1.1 Tack, AWS D9.1 Fillet Testing, AWS D1.1 and ASME BPV Code Fillet Testing. Intor to advanced certifications: D1.1 V-groove and API Pipe welder qualifications.
DAY 3: Practical Welder Qualification
Instructor demonstrations of all TEA welder testing joints. Teacher practice, testing and certification of AWS D1.1 and AWS D9.1 welder qual Tests.
Texas Career and Technical Education Engagement Opportunity
In January and February, representatives from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will host regional stakeholder events to provide guidance supporting implementation of the refreshed CTE programs of study and to collect input on proposed updates to the 2024 Perkins V State Plan.
Six in-person events will be held between January 15 and February 1, 2024:
- ESC 11 in Fort Worth, January 16, 2024
- ESC 15 in San Angelo, January 18, 2024
- ESC 7 in Kilgore, January 22, 2024
- ESC 17 in Lubbock, January 24, 2024
- ESC 20 in San Antonio, January 30, 2024
- ESC 3 in Victoria, February 1, 2024
A virtual event will be offered on January 26, 2024, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. for those unable to participate in person. To register to attend one of the sessions or for more information, please visit TexasCareerTour.com. For additional questions, please contact the TEA CTE team at cte@tea.texas.gov.
New Technology Applications Newsletter
TEA has begun publication of a technology applications newsletter. Technology applications-specific information will be addressed throughout the year, such as:
- the revised Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for technology applications;
- timely topics with frequently asked questions (FAQs);
- relevant information from external technology applications organizations; and
- other news related to technology applications.
Sign up for the newsletter by visiting this link and selecting “technology applications” under the section for academics.
FAQ: CTE & Special Education
This document addresses common questions received by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) relating to CTE and students served by special education. All students should have equitable access to CTE courses, with supports as specified in the IEP. The content of this document provides clarification for the following categories:
ARD committee membership
Teacher certification and classroom roles
Special education services, including adaptations to course content and requirements
Vocational Adjustment Class