Principal Welch's Weekly Update
September 9th, 2024
Next Week: Parent-Teacher Conferences/Schedule Appointments Today
Thursday, September 19th: Title I Parent Meeting 4-4:30 pm Cafeteria
- This meeting is an informational meeting for parents interested in learning where Title I funds come from, how much of this funding our school receives, and how we utilize Title I funding at Rincon to directly benefit our students.
Thursday, September 19th: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30 pm
- Please reach out to teachers via email to schedule 10-minute time slots to privately speak with teachers you would like to meet for a conference. Teacher emails can be found on the website at Faculty & Staff (tusd1.org) or on ParentVUE.
- Walk-ins are welcome, but you may have to wait until the teacher is free of pre-arranged appointments, so it is best to schedule a specific time to meet in advance, for your convenience.
Friday, September 20th: Student Half Day Release at 11:25 am
Support Rincon Activities with an AZ Tax Credit Donation
Many families and community members are looking to support our local schools. Here’s a great way to do so, that is a tax write off. Donations can be designated to a specific club, program, such as a fine art, or sport. If you’re not sure where you’d like the funds to go to, undesignated tax credit fund usage is reviewed and voted on by the Ricon site council to fund class field trips and expenditures that directly benefit students.
An individual may claim a nonrefundable tax credit for making contributions or paying fees directly to a public school in this state for support of eligible activities, programs or purposes as defined by statute. The public-school tax credit is claimed by the individual taxpayer. The maximum credit allowed is $400 for married filing joint filers and $200 for single, heads of household and married filing separate filers.
This is a great way to give to our community while gaining a tax break benefit.
Donate to Our Schools (tusd1.org)
Be sure to select Rincon High School in the drop-down menu. Then you will find a list of tax credit eligible activities to designate where your contribution goes.
Sporting Events
Please note, tickets for events can be purchased in our finance office ahead of time, or online. Until further notice, events will be CASH ONLY. Reminder: clear bags only, no backpacks.
Our Fall Sports season is off to a great start. Girls Volleyball and Football both had wins for their first home games!!!
Our football season opener against Washington High School from Pheonix was an exciting win. Rangers came back from a 0-9 deficit at halftime, to win 18-16, in an exciting game! Our extraordinary band, color guard and cheer team are equally fun to watch, adding to the excitement.
Cross Country Girls took first place and Boys took fourth at a 52-team event in Chandler last Saturday.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates. Come out to support our teams and be a part of the action!
Home Games
Freshman/Sophomore Football: September 12th 6 pm vs Safford
Girls Volleyball: September 12th 4/5/6 pm vs Boulder Creek
RHS College & Career Readiness (CCR) Center: Sept. 9-13, 2024
Click HERE to View upcoming events, activities and news from your Rincon High School College & Career Readiness Program.
Please help Fund Rincon's College and Career Readiness Program activities, Thank You!
Faculty and Staff Shout Outs
Elyse Damiani: Ms. Damiani is a CTE teacher for our digital photography and yearbook teacher here on campus. Congratulations to her on another great year of Technical Skills Assessment results for her Photo program!
What is the Technical Skills Assessment - it's an Arizona statewide test for all students who have completed 2 years of Photo classes. The test is a 100 question multiple choice test that covers content students learned over the course of 2 years.
Schools/students in the Digital Photo programs that are satellites of the PimaJTED again had the highest average score of the state
Several TUSD high schools had the top 20 highest average score in the state.
***Rincon High - Elyse Damiani (100% pass rate) 🎉🎉🎉
Congrats on this notable achievement demonstrating that we have some of the highest performing Photo students in the state. Thank you, Ms. Damiani, for your hard work preparing our students to shine!
Tina Rowe: Tina Rowe is the Rincon Office Manager who manages multiple facets of the day-to-day operations at Rincon. Our school could not run as smoothly as it does without her behind the wheel. This month, Rincon got a new office assistant, who Tina has been training alongside ensuring that every day functions don’t fall through the cracks. Not only is Mrs. Rowe valuable as our Office Manager, she is someone who is always eager to help anyone and everyone, with a smile on her face and a positive enthusiasm that is contagious. Thank you for all you, Mrs. Rowe!
Student Announcements
- The Rincon University Club Fair will take place on September 10th during conference period in the breezeway. This is a great opportunity to see what clubs are available on campus, but also to recruit members for your own club or even find like-minded students to create your own! If you would like to set up a table to advertise your club, please see Mr. McDonough or Mr. Ollanik. Otherwise, we’ll see you there!
- Please remember that backpacks are NOT allowed at sporting events. You will not be allowed to enter the game with one, nor will you be allowed to leave them somewhere on campus. This will be strictly enforced. Please leave your backpacks in your car or at home. Only small, clear bags are allowed.
- Rincon seniors - make your appointment with Dodson photography as soon as possible to have your senior portraits taken. You must go through Dodson, we will not accept outside images.
- The Teen Mobile Clinic will be on campus the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 8:30am-12:30pm. If you would like to be seen, you must sign up in the health office to get on the schedule.
- If you’re interested in joining the RHS MESA club which competes in engineering competitions run through the University of Arizona, come to room 113 on Tuesdays during conference period to see what it is all about!
- Interested in bringing the Anime Club back to RUHS? Stop by Counselor KJ's office in the Rincon Admin building before school, during lunch, or after school for more information about joining.
- The Library would like to remind all students that School IDs or StudentVUE are required in order to check out books. You can also renew your checked-out book ahead of time to avoid overdues. And please avoid eating in the library, and throw food trash away in the hallway bins.