Learning More in Grade 3/4!
Ms. Barrington's Weekly Newsletter
Week of June 24th, 2024
The Week Ahead
Monday (Day 4):
- Grs. 3L, 3Po, 3Pa, 3/4B Waterpark Field Trip (10:30 am-1:15 pm)
- Music Monday
- Music
Tuesday (Day 5):
- Hot Lunch: Booster Juice
- Pyjamas & Pancakes
- Art
Wednesday (Day 1):
- Div. 1 Awards Assembly (9:30 am)
- Div. 2 Awards Assembly (11:15 am)
- Classroom Awards
- Christina Gordon Bubble Send Off (3:15 pm)
Upcoming Events
- June 24th - Grs. 3-4 Waterpark Field Trip
- June 24th - Last Week Celebrations (Music Monday)
- June 25th - Last Week Celebrations (Pyjamas & Pancakes)
- June 26th - Last Week Celebrations (Classroom Awards)
- June 26th - Awards Assemblies
- June 26th - Last Day/Bubble Send Off
- August 20th - Office Reopens
- September 2nd - Labour Day (No School)
- September 3-6th - ECDP Orientation Week
- September 3rd - Grs. K-1 Orientation Day
- September 4th - Grs. K-12 First Day
- September 9th - ECDP First Day
Notes From the Office
CG Gear: Our online store is back up and running for the year. Check out: https://christinagordon.entripyshops.com/ to order school clothing. There is a wide variety of styles, logos, and colours to choose from!
Student Demographic Confirmation: If your student is a current FMPSD student, you can now do their demographic confirmation to register for the 2024-2025 school year at: https://www.fmpsdschools.ca/registration/confirm2425.
Supply Lists for 2024/25 School Year: Supply Lists are now available for the 24/25 school year. Families can go directly to: https://schoolstart.ca/, and click on the following:
- Parents Shop Here
- Purchase School Supply Kits
- Select Province, then City, then School
- Lastly, click on the grade and proceed from there
If families would like to view the lists but not purchase from School Start they can view the lists on our website: https://christinagordon.fmpsdschools.ca/parents/school-fees.
Final Week: Students in our classroom will be helping to pack and clean up our classroom, including sorting and bringing their own belongings and extra school supplies home. If you DO NOT want school supplies sent home and would rather they stay and be donated to students in need next year, please let me know and I will set them aside. We will also be putting the final touches on a few of our final lifecycles (ie. bean plants) and building and testing (ie. kites) projects and finishing our story structure review (ie. comics) and data analysis and measurement units. Please do not worry if your student will be missing a day or two due to any vacation plans. We recommend that all students continue to practice multiplication and division facts and read daily throughout the summer. If you already know that your student will be absent for a day or two, please let me know as soon as possible. Your student will need time to finish gathering and packing their belongings. Below are some of the special, year-end activities that we have planned for our class during this week:
- Monday, June 24th - Waterpark Field Trip: Our class will visit the Parson’s Creek Water Park from 10:30 am-1:15 pm. The bus will depart the school at approximately 10:30 am and leave the Waterpark at approximately 1:00 pm. Students will need to bring the following items: bagged lunch and snacks, a water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, a hat, a bathing suit (wear under clothes if possible), a towel, and toys such as frisbees, balls, sidewalk chalk, etc.. Please note, NO WATER GUNS or balloons ARE ALLOWED AT THE PARK! No skateboards, scooters, or rollerblades are permitted. While there the students will be supervised by staff and volunteers all of whom have a current and valid Criminal Record Check, if you would like to volunteer and have a current and valid CRC please let me know. CRCs will need to be on file with the school. We are looking forward to this exciting field trip. Please let us know if you have any questions.
- Tuesday, June 25th - Pyjamas & Pancakes: Students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school and to enjoy a pancake breakfast together. Students will be working in small groups to prepare a sheet pan pancake recipe which we will bake and enjoy eating together! Similar to our previous taste tests throughout the year, students and families who wish to contribute sliced fruit or other ingredients can sign up on the provided Google Doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oZEJP7sJVbx328ajHWf5Bwv0_hBKHFmT8YZPQgY0VvI/edit?usp=sharing) or send me an email/message about which item you will be providing. We appreciate items being pre cut or sliced when possible.
- Wednesday, June 26th - School & Classroom Awards: Students will attend the Division 1 and Division 2 Awards Assemblies to celebrate the accomplishments of their peers. Families of students who are receiving a school award will receive an invitation to attend this assembly. Due to the large size of our student population, only families of students receiving an award will be able to attend in-person. Students will return to their classrooms for a small, in-class award presentation where each student will receive their own, individual award.
Isopods: If there are any students and families that are interested in continuing to care for some of our classroom isopods this summer, please let me know. I will send students home with the vivariums (containers) next week. Their care and maintenance is fairly easy and straightforward:
- Leaf Litter - When the vivarium (containers) is running low on leaf litter, more will need to be added (this is what they eat). I collect leaf litter from outdoors while on a walk, etc. Then when I boil enough water to cover the leaves for at least one hour. This will help to get rid of any "hitchhikers" (ie. other insects) so that the isopods remain the primary organism in the vivarium. I add the mostly dry but still damp leaves to the vivarium.
- Mist (Water) - Isopods are crustaceans, so they actually breathe through gills. I use a spray bottle every 2-3 days to keep the soil in the container damp but not wet. It doesn't take very much. If you do not have a spray bottle, a little water gently poured in one corner of the container would be fine; just make sure it isn't enough to soak the entire bottom so they can move.
And that is it! Please let me know if anyone is interested. Students can return the colonies in September when school returns.
Christina Gordon Bubble Send Off: At Dismissal on Wednesday, June 26th, students at Christina Gordon will bid farewell amid a sea of bubbles, as Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out” plays in the background. To keep this an exciting and safe experience, we ask you to please note the following:
- All students will be dismissed through the main entrance at the front of the school for that day.
All parents and guardians will be asked to remain outside the roped area as students leave the school and are dismissed (area marked by red lines on provided map).
Students in ECDP- Gr. 3 will be kept inside the roped area until handed over to a parent/guardian.
Students in Grs. 4 - 6 will be dismissed as indicated on the map (Digital Take Home Folder).
The Drop-Off lane will not be available on that day, nor will any vehicles be permitted in the fire/bus lane at the front of the school; lane will remain accessible to emergency vehicles if needed.
The parallel parking lane in the parent parking lot (highlighted in yellow) will be reserved for buses and other special transportation - pass required.
We do understand that this will cause parking concerns for that day, and ask for your patience and understanding as we celebrate the school year by giving all students an exciting send off. This may be a great day to walk if that is an option.
Northern Stars Cricket: Christina Gordon has been fortunate to host a guest coach in Phys. Ed. from the local, Northern Stars Cricket Club. Students who are interested in learning more and joining cricket this summer are welcome to do so. Students from Christina Gordon will have the $40 registration fee waived. For more information on how to register, please see the attached poster (Digital Take Home Folder).