Amy's Weekly Write-Up
Questions? Questions? Whose got the questions?
If you are anything like me, you probably have no shortage of questions swirling through your head right now. I've heard it said a lot in the last few weeks that every solution brings so many more questions and boy, isn't that the truth! I've resurrected the questions/concerns/ideas document as a place to put our thoughts so they, hopefully, don't keep us up at night! Please feel free to add to it. I will answer in an alternate color (even if the answer is "I don't know yet") so that you know I have seen it.
Optional Staff Meeting
I would like to hold an optional staff meeting next week just to have an opportunity for folks to get together with me and I can give you an update of where things are at. The meeting will be on Wed. July 29th at 1:30. I will send along the invitation in a separate email.
Task Groups
As we work on finalizing our reopening plans at the district level, there are also several things that we will need to look at that are specific to our school. I'd like to put together some volunteer task groups to help me with that. These groups will meet a couple of times over the next few weeks to look at specifics such arrival and dismissal routines, social distancing recess games, lunch routines, bathroom use, etc. Those things that we do without thinking that we will now need to do differently. If you are interested in helping out, please click the red button below. I will close the form on August 1st.
A couple of weeks ago, I was able to watch Hamilton and LOVED it! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. Then I saw this and thought it was too funny not to share....
Hamilton Mask-up Parody Medley