Nelson Elementary
Winter Newsletter

Principal Message
Greetings Navigator Families!
As we move into 2025, we want you to know how grateful we are for our partnership with you! We are incredibly proud of the growth that our students are making both socially and academically. The new year is the perfect time to adjust our systems to maximize both student learning and safety. Beginning on Monday, January 13, 2025, since our school dismissal time is officially 4:00 PM, our classrooms will continue instruction until that time and then move outside for parent pick-up and buses. If you pick your student up after school and are parking across the street, please use the crosswalk. We want to set a good and safe example for students. Also, in the morning when dropping students off, please remain with your student and in the loop until 9:15 AM. This allows for our staff to be in their assigned locations for supervision. Your help is appreciated.
Happy New Year!
Tami Nelson (Principal) and Liz Smith (Assistant Principal)
506 Form
The title VI program is designed to address the unique cultural, language, and educationally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students. who are:
A member of an Indian tribe or band, as membership is defined by the Indian tribe or band, including any tribe or band terminated since 1940, and any tribe or band recognized by the State in which the tribe or band resides;
A descendent of a parent or grandparent who meets the defined above;
Considered by the Secretary of the Interior to be an Indian for any purpose;
An Eskimo, Aleut, or other Alaska Native; or
A member of an organized Indian group that received a grant under the Indian Education Act of 1988 as it was in effect on October 19, 1994.
ED506 Form (click the link to fill out the form)
Highly Capable Referrals
What is the definition of highly capable?
Highly capable students are students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments. Outstanding abilities are seen within students' general intellectual aptitudes, specific academic abilities, and/or creative productivities within a specific domain. (WAC 392-170-035)
Highly Capable Referrals - Due January 31, 2025
Anyone (parents, teachers, community, etc.) can refer a student to be tested for potential qualification for next year's highly capable programs. Students from Kindergarten - 7th grade can be referred. Referred students will be tested in the school building in February and March. Results will be sent home through postal mail to families by the end of the school year. Click the button below to complete the referral form online or get assistance with the referral from the school main office.
The referral form can be found here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqYDnn3zacTeqW7e0hAvj2zl9Q5kohc5bX40g3M0Qp_D_lcg/viewform
Elementary School Program:
Challenge (Grades 1 -5 Pull-Out Program): Challenge is a 1-day per week pull-out program. Students are bused from their home school to Camas Prairie Elementary where they attend class with peers from other elementary schools. Buses return to the home school at the end of the school day. While at Challenge, Students focus on lessons and projects that require critical thinking. Students participate in creative problem solving through performance projects, puzzles, mind-benders, and class activities. In addition both fiction and research writing are emphasized.
For more information visit- https://www.bethelsd.org/programs-departments/highly-capable-program
Crosswalk Flags Coming Soon!
Coming Soon:
You may soon notice that there will be crossing flags at our crosswalk both before and after school. The flag system is such that when a person is crossing, they grab a flag to carry across the street and then place the flag in the holder on the opposite side of the street. Thank you for helping us model for our students how to safely cross the street.
Drop-off, Pick-up, and No Parking Area
We've noticed a safety concern that we need your assistance with. When dropping off or picking up students at school, please avoid parking on the parent-loop side of the road. This area should be left clear for the traffic entering the loop. Vehicles may park on the Frontier Middle School side of the road.
We would also like to request that if you are picking up your student early or dropping off your student late that you please park in a designated parking spot instead of pulling up to the curb by the front of the building. We need to reserve this space for some of our buses that pull up to the front of our building as well as emergency personnel.
Student safety is our top priority, so thank you for ensuring that vehicles are parked in a safe area.
Winter Dates to Remember
Read Across America Spirit Week (March 3-7th)
Counselor Corner
A note from our school counselor, Mrs. Septon -
As I look to another year ahead, I often wonder how the years can go by so quickly?! As the old adage goes, time surely does "fly when we are having fun." As it is such a joy and pleasure to work with such amazing students and families here at Nelson Elementary, the years simply zoom! I strive to share and model that when we focus on the positive aspects of our days, and utilize a positive and growth mindset, we find success no matter our circumstances. Did you know that a growth mindset is the belief that your skills and talents can 'grow' through practice? Did you know that a growth mindset can influence your thoughts and behaviors? Thus, a growth mindset promotes resilience and can lead to healthier ways of dealing with anxiety and frustration; which in turn makes for a healthier, happier life! Our staff is focusing on continuing to model and help build capacity for our students to have a 'growth mindset' in all they do. The trick is to train yourself and practice using kind and encouraging words to yourself and others. As we all plan and experience the year ahead, let's keep in mind that the way we treat and talk to ourselves and others is the basis for success, and really fun days! Just know that those fun days will feel like they are zooming by, so make the most of them. May the year ahead be the best one yet!
Attendance Communication
We know that sometimes your student needs to miss school whether it is for an appointment or because your student is not feeling well. It is important that we hear from your if your student is going to be absent. There are several ways to report that your student is going to be absent - entering an absence on ParentVue, calling in to the office 253-800-6400, or by emailing Mrs. Riley at lriley@bethelsd.org.
If you know that your student will be out for 3 or more days, we ask that you please fill out a pre-arranged absence forms. The forms can be located here - https://www.bethelsd.org/resources/pre-arranged-absence-forms
Do you have the Parentvue App?
We encourage all parents/guardians to download the ParentVue app. The ParentVue app works in tandem with our new tardy check-in and early release system. The ParentVue app allows for parents/guardians to sign their student out quickly and efficiently.
Attendance can also be submitted through the app! If you need any help with logging in to ParentVue or getting set up, please contact our office at 253-800-6400.
Lost and Found
We have noticed that there is quite a few items in lost and found daily. Periodically we will donate our lost and found, however, before we make any donations, we make sure to walk all of our students through the lost and found to see if they notice any of their items. We also make sure to check each item for names. Any items labeled with a student name are returned to that student. Please help us keep our lost and found numbers down by putting your students name in all coats, hats, umbrellas, water bottles, etc.
Nelson PTA
Join Nelson PTA Today!
Why join the PTA?
Your membership supports the PTA in our mission to advocate for every child, along with being able to provide academic enrichment activities for students as well as putting together staff appreciation events! The PTA also creates fun, family friendly events throughout the school year. Some of these include Trunk or Treat, the Holiday Bazaar, Book Fairs, spiritwear, and school fundraisers.
Do I have to volunteer as a PTA member?
Your participation as a PTA member is very flexible to your personal schedule. Volunteering and attendance at PTA meetings is not a requirement for PTA members. While volunteering is an important part of being able to put on PTA events and fundraising throughout the year, we appreciate any amount of time families are able to give, big or small! All volunteers require a current Bethel background check. Background checks can be completed online by going here - https://bethelvolunteers.myschooldata.net/
Membership Fees:
Individual Membership $12
Click here https://nelsonelementarypta.givebacks.com to join!
If you have any PTA questions, please feel free to reach out via email - info@nelsonnavpta.org
Volunteer Opportunities - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYXy1YywMRsVjmGzL0LO_kmYWSLqJe14RzVkic-J_MVeLn1A/viewform
Field Day
Save the Date - GBA Scholarship Auction
End of Day Transportation Changes
If you have any end of day transportation changes, please contact the office prior to 3pm on a regular school day or by 11am on an early release day. Changes to end of day transportation can either be made by sending a note with your student or by calling the office at 253-800-6400.