Anglo European School
Bulletin w/c 7th October 2024 - Week 2
Open Evening and Morning Tours
Thank you to our students, staff and of course parents for supporting our Open Evening last week. Once again, the school was buzzing with activities, tours, and presentations designed to showcase the school’s academic achievements, extra-curricular opportunities, and supportive learning community. Prospective parents and students were greeted by student ambassadors who took their groups around the school campus and proudly shared experiences of their school. One parent said "I noted how friendly everyone at the school was, and they were especially impressed how well the students presented the school, how proud they were of the Anglo and that they enjoyed going to school and showed appreciation for everything that the Anglo offered."
We are currently running our Morning Tours, where prospective parents and students can come along and visit the school in session. If you know someone who might be interested in attending one of these sessions please direct them to https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/admissions/open-evening-and-tours/
Black History Month
During assemblies this week Miss David celebrated the achievements of influential Black people whose contributions to Science and Technology continue to impact our lives today.
Gladys West - without her mathematical knowledge of coding we would not have Google Maps or Waze
Mark Dean - he developed coloured screens, without his input computers and phones would still be in black and white
Dr Shirley Ann Jackson - responsible for fibre optic cables used in telecommunications
PC Ian Burgess
PC Ian Burgess visited the Year 7 students during their assembly today to talk about being a good citizen and a positive influence in their community, social media and how to be safe on-line, and how they should report any concerns.
Congratulations to our MEP students
Our fantastic Year 11 MEP students sat the HSK Chinese Language Proficiency Test last year at Level 3 (equivalent to GCSE). There were a lot of fantastic results, with the majority achieving above and beyond the 60% required to pass this challenging proficiency test. This is testament to their hard-work and diligence studying Mandarin Chinese. Not only are they awarded a certificate by the HSK Committee, but the Mandarin Excellence Programme also acknowledges this achievement with their MEP Gold and Silver Awards. Well done to all and good luck for your GCSE exams.
Hello Yellow
We will be supporting the Young Minds' Hello Yellow campaign next week in school. There will be assemblies throughout the week and some special activities on Thursday 10th October in order to mark the day. We will allow students to wear a yellow accessory to their uniform on Thursday, and we encourage Sixth Formers to join staff in wearing something yellow on that day. Please note that this is not a non-uniform day, just an opportunity to add something yellow to your school uniform. Students will learn more about the Hello Yellow campaign in assembly next week.
Break the Vape Workshop and active searches for vapes
This week saw the first of our Break the Vape workshops, run by the Children's Society. 30 students across Years 9, 10 and 11 were invited to attend. The initial feedback received from the students involved was positive and this may be something that we are able to expand and offer to other students in the future.
Alongside these workshops, we will be conducting a series of proactive searches in school in order to ensure we are eradicating vapes on site. We want our school to be a vape free site, and the best way to ensure this is for us to check that students are not bringing vapes into school in the first place. Please talk to your children about this and please be clear that bringing a vape onto site, or using a vape, is likely to lead to suspension from school.
German Re-Unification Event
Over 40 people attended the recent event to celebrate the re-unification of Germany. Mr Marshall, who coordinated this event said "It was really interesting when people spoke of their experience, including one of our parents, about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification." Mr Jepson, Head of German also gave a presentation which was very well received. It was lovely that some of our students and their Frankfurt exchange partners were also able to attend this event.
The Bibliomaniacs Club
The Bibliomaniacs Club are currently reading books from the genre of Crime and Mystery. Taking on the Queen of Crime herself, Year 8 student, Shawn has reviewed his choice below:
It’s World War II, and while Britain struggles to keep the Luftwaffe at bay, they also struggle to keep away the “enemies from within” - Nazis posing as normal citizens. Nowhere is safe, Britain is being bombed, and lives are being lost. With increased tension, the Intelligence Services require the unlikely help from Tommy and Tuppence Beresford – former employees. Their intrepid mission is to seek out N or M, Hitler’s most trusted agents, from the most ordinary guests at the Sans Souci Hotel. But not everyone is who they appear to be. Then a murder happens, casting light on the spies and the whole story… It was adventurous, daring and ingenious. I absolutely loved it!
Mobile Phones
Thank you to all our students and parents for their continued support with our mobile phone policy. It really has made a big difference in school and we appreciate the fact that everyone is respecting our rules and understanding the decision making . There are a couple of queries that have come in from parents and we thought it would be useful to clarify these things for for everyone here.
- Confiscated mobile phones, and associated smart technologies, can only be collected by the parent of the student who has had their phone confiscated. Please do not ask us to hand over the phone to friends or other relatives, or give the phone back to the student.
- The rules about confiscation, as with all our school rules, apply to all students. There is not a separate rule for Sixth Formers. If you have your phone confiscated, your parent has to come and collect it, even if you are 18.
- There is no ' last chance warning' system with phone confiscation, so please do not ask us to change the rules based on your individual circumstances or mitigation for why the phone was seen, heard or used.
- The rules about mobile phones are specific to the site, and not the time of day. If a student is seen using their phone on site at 3:45pm, they will have it confiscated.
Can you support our Careers Team - Calling all professionals and industry experts!
Can you inspire our students and help shape their career dreams? Come and join us at our Careers Convention, open to all Anglo European students on Wednesday 27th November.
We’re especially looking for representatives in Beauty & Wellbeing, Business & Finance, Environment & Land, Hospitality, Marketing, Retail and Sports & Leisure but please also get in touch from other industry sectors.
We look forward to hearing from you, or if you can recommend and share to someone you know. For full details and to volunteer, please contact: enterprise@aesessex.co.uk
Unfortunately, due to inclement weather our Year 7 Freshers' Fair did not go ahead as planned. This event will be rescheduled, so watch this space!
Little Princess Trust Fundraiser
Year 7 student, Magdalena has never cut her hair since she was born and has now decided to donate it to the Little Princess Trust to help children and young people with cancer. Please see her poster below and feel free to support her in this worthy cause.
AGM - Tuesday 15th October at 5pm
Thank you to all those parents who came to our first meeting of the term and thank you also to those who supported the Open Evening at the school last week..
Tuesday 15th October at 5pm we will be holding our AGM and we need volunteers to take some of key positions like Chair, Secretary and to take the lead on some of our key fundraising projects such as the lottery, refreshments at school events and Adventure Island Tickets. We look forward to seeing you then.
Year 11 Subject Fair
On Wednesday, Year 11 and 10 students visited our Sixth Form subject fair. All 27 subject disciplines hosted a stall to inform students about their A Level and IB courses, inspiring students to realise the many opportunities in our broad curriculum offering. Students have the choice of four academic route pathways and are supported to make an informed decision about the best one for them. Our applications process is now open on the school website for Year 11 students and we look forward to receiving their applications to study with us!
Local Labour Markets
See below information about the labour market of local regions. This week we are focusing on Epping Forest.
Year 10 Girls' Netball
Year 11 Boys' Rugby
Year 11 scored with the last play of the game to run out 28-24 winners. Stand out performances from Leonardo, Rex and Seb. Well done team!
Sophia, Future Lioness?
Following the success of the Lionesess in 2022 Year 8 student, Sophia decided to take up football and joined Chelmsford City Football Club. She has been at Chelmsford City for two seasons now. Within her first season she trained hard and developed and was part of the starting line up as they reached the final of the League cup and become the champions of Essex. She was then awarded the most improved player of the season. The following season 23/24 Chelmsford City were promoted to Division A within Essex league where they ended up 3rd.
Sophia is part of the PSG training academy within Anglo and has also been selected by 'She can play' Development Academy which will see her play teams such as Ipswich.
Sophia has worked hard and practices her skills at every opportunity.
Young Essex Assembly
What is the YEA?
Every two years, 75 young people from across the 12 Essex districts are elected to become members of the YEA. Additionally, every year, 7 of these members are chosen to represent Essex nationally on the UK Youth Parliament. They:
- Review Priorities: Identify what matters most to young people.
- Consult and Campaign: Engage with peers, adults, organisations, and decision-makers.
- Drive Change: Ensure young people's voices are included in decisions at all levels.
Why should you join the YEA?
- Make an Impact: Be empowered to be part of real change in your community and beyond.
- Boost Your Confidence: Help develop essential skills in public speaking, leadership, and teamwork.
- Expand Your Horizons: Opportunities for new experiences and connections with other young people across Essex.
- Foster Personal Growth: Support your personal and social development, preparing you for your future.
Key Dates and How You Can Help
- Election Applications: Open from Monday, 29th July – Thursday, 31st October 2024
- Eligibility: Any young person living in Essex (or attending an Essex School), aged 11-19, or up to 25 with SEN
This is a fantastic opportunity for students to make their voices heard in the community. Please see the Candidate Pack for more information or talk to Mr Hills or Mrs Wootton for further advice.
Key Dates
22nd September to 16th November - Year 10 Long Term Exchange to Frankfurt
14th to 18th October - Year 11 Geography Fieldwork Visit to Rhyd-y-Creuau
Monday 7th October - Year 11 Geography Fieldwork Visit
Monday 7th October - Brentwood Girls Cross Country Event
Wednesday 9th October - Brentwood Boys Cross Country Event
Wednesday 9th October at 6pm - Year 9 Information Evening
Thursday 10th October - Hello Yellow
Thursday 10th October - Indian Lunch Theme in the Dining Room
Friday 11th October - Year 11 Destinations Day
Tuesday 15th October at 6pm - Year 10 Information Evening
Tuesday 15th October at 5pm - AESA AGM
Wednesday 16th October at 6pm - IB or A Level: What is Your Future? - a webinar for Year 11 students and parents
Friday 18th October - Year 10 Art Study Visit to Duxford
Monday 21st October - Year 8 Hindu Temple Visit
Tuesday 22nd October - Yeas 8 Hindu Temple Visit
Wednesday 23rd October at 3.45pm - Dr Jack Lennon from Leicester University talking about History at University - for Years 11/L6/U6
Thursday 24th October - Year 10 Theatre Visit
Friday 25th October - Year 9 Individual Photos
Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November - HALF TERM
Key Dates for Academic Year 2024-25
Please see this link for all key dates for each year group. https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/parents/key-dates-and-term-dates
Term Dates 2024-2026 - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/assets/Documents/Attachments/Term-dates-2024-2026-1.pdf
Anglo Communication
Finance - finance@aesessex.co.uk
Admissions - admissions@aesessex.co.uk
Visits - visits@aesessex.co.uk
Attendance - use Edulink
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Website: aesessex.co.uk
Location: Anglo European School, CM4 0DJ, Willow Green, Ingatestone, UK
Phone: 01277 354018
Anglo European School is a distinctive, comprehensive school which seeks to develop ambitious, resilient and principled young people through inter-cultural understanding and a broad balanced, inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension informed by the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate.