Greenbrier Junior High School
Rooting for Each Other and GROWing together! #Watchusgrow!
"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is options."
~Roger Crawford
Upcoming Events
Orientation: TBD
First Day of School: August 22, 2022!!
Middle School tours GJHS
Congratulations to Connor Gartman and Blake Starr on their first place finish at the Arkansas High School Bassers Championship Saturday. Connor and Blake topped the field with 16.94 pounds and had the Big Bass of the tournament at 4.82 pounds as well.
Ms. Phillips, our GJHS Teacher of the Year!
Each month, the RISE team produces a newsletter to explore and promote the Science of Reading in Arkansas. Within the newsletter, there are lots of resources that you may find helpful as you help your child on their reading journey. Click here to check it out!