Sligo Weekly Newsletter
Week of 5/20/24
This Week:
May 23: Spring Choral Concert
Save the Date:
May 27: No School
May 30: PTSA Dineout at Nando's
May 31: Music in the Parks
June 10: 8th Grade Promotion
Sligo Spotlight
Each week, the “Sligo Spotlight” will showcase the excellent teaching and learning happening within our walls. Please check this link each week for new updates.
PTSA Dine Out
7th Grade Field Trip
Exciting news! We have a fun end-of-the-year field trip planned for the entire 7th grade to ClimbZone in Laurel, MD! The trip will be on Monday, June 10th. We will leave Sligo Middle School at about 9:40am and return around 2:10pm. Students will use their usual transportation to and from the school that day.
The cost for the trip is $27.00 per student, payable by cash, check made out to Sligo Middle School, or SchoolCash Online. Lunch (pizza, chips and a juice box) is included in the cost. If your child does not want pizza, they may bring their own lunch from home. Signed permission slip and full payment are due by May 31st. A waiver for ClimbZone must also be completed online by visiting https://waiver.roller.app/climbzonelaurel/
Please contribute if you can! The cost of these field trips can be prohibitive for some students. Please consider donating additional funds if you can. We want EVERYONE to attend! If you need to make special arrangements to cover the cost of the trip, please let us know in writing prior to the May 31st deadline. Everything will be kept confidential.
DATE: Jun 10, 2024
TIME: 9:40am - 2:10pm
Please have your student return the signed permission form with payment as soon as possible. We look forward to a fantastic trip!!! If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach us at Justin_S_Hoben@mcpsmd.org or Audrey_Lubitz@mcpsmd.org
SSL Deadline
The deadline to have Student Service Learning (SSL) forms turned in is Friday, May 31. All SSL forms for any service completed after June 1, 2023, must be submitted to SSL Coordinator, Ms. Monroe by the systemwide deadline of Friday, May 31. After May 31, SSL forms will no longer be accepted for service completed during the 2023–2024 school year or the summer prior.
8th Grade Class Shirt
The Class of 2024 T-shirt is here! The shirts are all adult sizes, and you may order as many as you like. There are two ways to order:
1) You can also fill out the form sent home with students Thursday and and return it along with $10 (payable to Sligo Middle School) to Mr. Davis or Ms. Venson-Yates.
2) You can also pay through School Cash Online.
How to Purchase Instructions: Select a size and quantity, add to cart; select next size and quantity, add to cart; repeat, until all selections have been made. Then complete your cart purchase. We encourage parents to use this online payment system, as it is economical, quick, efficient, and safe.
Yearbook Sales
Chromebook Best Practices
Hello families, we need your help to ensure students are ready to learn each and every day. Part of that readiness is ensuring that students bring their charged chromebook to school every day. We have an extremely limited number of loaner computers and are, at times, unable to accomodate the number of students who did not bring a computer. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your student is prepared for school every day.
After School Activities
Sligo MS is proud to host a robust offering of after-school activities, clubs, and athletics this year! Please review the link here to view all of the opportunities for students to get involved. This information is also present on the Sligo MS Website under the “After School Info” tab.
Please note the activity sponsor, dates, times, and location of each club. Some activities (Interscholastic Athletics, intramurals, and certain clubs) require permission slips, which students can ask the sponsors for. Any club requiring a permission slip will inform students at the first meeting. All grade levels are welcome in each activity, with the exception of the Interscholastic Athletics teams, which are for 7th and 8th grade students only. Please reach out to the activity sponsor or coach with any specific questions you may have.
Limited MCPS transportation is provided for activities on Tuesdays-Thursdays. Your bus stop may not be your regular bus stop. Please review the after school buses here. Speak with your students about their method of transportation home and how they will get home from activities safely.
We are looking forward to a great year of after-school activities!
Personal Mobile Device Policy- "Away All Day"
Personal Mobile Devices (PMD) such as cell phones, tablets, wireless headphones, handheld gaming systems, etc. will not be used during the school day. Students should expect to keep devices out of sight upon arrival, or keep their devices at home. PMDs can be used after school or after-school activities. Parents will be asked to pick up devices used during the school day.
Parents and caregivers, we appreciate your support in helping our students stay engaged in learning. If you need to send a message to your child during school hours, please contact the main office at (301) 287-8890. We are happy to relay messages to students during non-instructional times.
Below are useful parent resources about kids and personal mobile devices.