Honor – Integrity – Pursuit of Excellence
Happy New Year to our entire Davies family!
As I sit down to compose this January newsletter, I reflect on the past semester of time and the incredible journey we are on together at Davies High School. It's a perfect time for reflection, marking the midpoint of the school year and allowing us to express gratitude to the many individuals who contribute to our school's success. The sense of pride we all share in our school community is truly inspiring.
Our school stands as a beacon of excellence, thanks to the dedication of our staff, who are unwaveringly committed to the core principle of "Building Relationships, One Student at a Time." It's heartwarming to witness the collective effort of our students and staff in the pursuit of excellence. Together we partner to meet the unique needs and potential that each learner brings. This January Newsletter is always a point of reflection during the school year for me to take great PRIDE in the work that is being done each day by our staff to meet each child exactly where they are at.
As we press on ahead, we remain steadfast in our mission to encourage our students and staff to "Work hard, be Yourself, and Do the Right Thing!" The values of kindness and responsibility are integral to our daily conversations and actions. Each day, I reflect on the fact that Davies High School, with its diverse community, is akin to the 35th largest city in the entire state of North Dakota. Embracing this diversity, we work collaboratively with each student, appreciating the uniqueness they bring. Currently, we have 1260 students with the support of approximately 175 adults, representing 37 languages and encompassing over 7% English Language Learners, along with nearly 9% of students receiving special education services.
Let's mark a few important dates on our calendars:
- January 16: End of Semester / Proficiency Day
- February 19: 2nd Semester In-Person Parent-Teacher Conferences
- NO SCHOOL for Students:
- January 17: Professional Development for Teachers
- January 20: Dr. Martin King Luther Jr Day
- February 17: No School - Vacation Day
- March 17-21: No School - Spring Break
- April 17-21: No School - Holiday & Storm Days #1 & 2
- May 26: Memorial Day Holiday
- Graduation: @ Fargodome
- June 6: Rehearsal (REQUIRED) - Friday @ 8:30 am
- June 8: Graduation Ceremony - Sunday @ 6pm
Stay connected with our school's activities and your child's schedule through our newsletters and website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/davies.
Thank you for your unwavering support of Davies High School.
Troy A. Cody
Students who do NOT meet the threshold(s) in that class would come to school and focus on completing missing assessments, re-assessing, and last chance proficiency attempts.
EBR Courses:
Students with Ns on summative assessments
Students with 1s as an overall enduring skill (resulting in a D or an F)
100 Point Courses:
Students with D or F as an actual or projected grade overall course grade
Students could choose to come in, but not mandatory, if:
They had one or more 1s on individual game assessments
They would like to improve their actual / projected grade
They have 0s on summative assessments (points class)
Time Length:
Required Students - Entire period
Optional Students - May be released by the teacher upon assessment(s) completion
Teachers will communicate with families and students IF your student is required to attend.
*If a student meets all thresholds, they do not come on this day.
*Normal bus schedule will be followed.
January 13 (M): Course Fair for current 8th graders at Davies 4:00-7:00pm
January 22 (W) - January 29 (W): Registration window for 10th and 11th graders and virtual students
January 23 (Th): Walk-in registration questions for counselors 8:30-3:30 (no appointment needed)
January 28 (T): Planned registration time for 10th and 11th graders during period 3
January 29 (W): 9th graders enter their course selections during English class / Registration window for 10th and 11th graders and virtual students closes
All three comprehensive high schools determined that the grade captured date/time for Semester 1 needed to be changed. It is currently listed as 4:00 pm on January 17th. The grade captured date has changed to Tuesday, January 21st at 8:30 am.
Over the holidays, the singers of Davies choir have performed numerous times! They caroled out in the community at the mall, at many senior living centers, the district office, at Discovery, and several elementary schools in the district!
Davies Management students take Runner-Up honors at the Junior Achievement Company Program Finals! Earning each of them a $750 scholarship.
Congratulations to the following students who made the Junior Achievement Company Program Metro Finals at Eide Bailly today!
Left to Right:
Mikayla Berglund, Henryline Bajebo, Andrew Lawrence, Cameron Miller, Jack Wheeldon, Peyton Persons, Quin Sims.
Divine Sips is their Company Name.
2nd Semester Parent/Teacher conferences will be held IN-PERSON on Wednesday, February 19th from 4:15pm - 8:15pm in Gym 1. Please make a point to stop by to visit with your students teachers on this day.
The 2024-25 yearbook price will increase to $60 on February 1. Order yours today through SchoolPay for $50.
Senior Pictures are due March 1, 2025. Seniors can submit either a color or black and white picture.
Senior pictures can be emailed to daviesyearbook@fargoschools.org. Make sure to follow the digital photo requirements found in the link below. You will receive a confirmation email when the picture is received.
- Hardcopy photos are accepted at a $5 charge. They can be submitted to the main office.
- A late fee of $10 will be charged to any senior picture received after March 1, 2025.
- Senior pictures will not be accepted after April 1, 2024.
If you have any questions please feel free to call Jenna Johnson Uphoff at 701-446-5751 or email at johnsoj3@fargoschools.org.
ACT Registration
- The ACT will no longer be paid for by the state of North Dakota and will not be administered at Davies.
- If students would like to take the ACT they can register online at www.act.org for one of the National Test Dates
- Information on cost: ACT Fees
- ACT Fee Waiver Program (Check with your school counselor to see if you are eligible to apply)
The 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open.
Any student, regardless of income, who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete the FAFSA form. Colleges and career schools will use the FAFSA form to determine how much financial aid students are eligible to receive. Not all financial aid is based on family income. It takes most people less than one hour to complete the FAFSA form.
Students will need to create a StudentAid.gov Account (FSA ID) before you can start your FAFSA form online. Also, any contributor to a student’s FAFSA form, will need to create a FSA ID. Click here for a link with more information about creating a FSA ID. It can take 1-3 business days for your information to be confirmed by the Social Security Administration before you can use your FSA IDs and complete the FAFSA.
Click here for a link with more information about how to determine who is a contributor on your FAFSA form.
Click here for a link with more information about the types of financial aid: loans, grants, and work-study programs.
Click here for a link to the FAFSA online form.
If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid office at the college or career school you plan to attend.
Orders for the 2024-25 yearbook can be made online through SchoolPay. They are $50 until February 1. After February 1, the price increases to $60. These yearbooks will be available for pick up in August 2025. Seniors will be mailed a postcard when they become available and ways they can be picked up.
Pertussis, or “whooping cough,” is a very contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. It is a vaccine-preventable disease that is usually mild in vaccinated children and adults but can be serious and even fatal in infants. All children attending child care facilities and entering schools are required to submit documentation of vaccination against pertussis.
Note: Bordetella parapertussis is a different disease than pertussis. Parapertussis is often confused for pertussis, by people who receive the diagnosis. Parapertussis is a far milder disease and does not typically require post-exposure prophylaxis of contacts as pertussis does. Parapertussis is not reportable in North Dakota. Parapertussis is not vaccine-preventable. Clinical recommendations for parapertussis patients and contacts should come from the diagnosing health care provider.
Read the full article HERE.
11-2021 Reference Mayo Clinic
- Nurse Beth
Kindergarten Registration Opens February 3
Going to kindergarten is important for children. It helps them build upon all the learning that they have done so far. In kindergarten, children will learn skills they will build on throughout their formal education and throughout life. It is important to register early to allow FPS enough time to plan ahead for the school year to give students the best experience possible.
Kindergarten Registration for Fargo Public Schools opens on February 3. If your child turns 5 by July 31, 2025, they are eligible to attend school in the fall. Visit FPS kindergarten registration webpage to learn more about the registration process.
Long-Range Facility Plan Survey
FPS is currently hosting a survey for our Long-Range Facility Plan in which anyone in our community can complete. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts! Thank you for your input.
January Mental Health Series
The January Mental Health Series calendar is attached below and tailored to the needs of Fargo Public Schools. The calendar provides January’s mental health resources and events including:
- Key Dates: Schedule of live webinars for December, with each event starting at 6 & 8 PM CT.
- Topic Highlight: District-selected focus topic tailored to the needs of your students, families, and staff.
- Access Details: Instructions on how to join live sessions.
Fargo Public Schools 2023-2024 Annual Report
The Fargo Public Schools 2023-24 Annual Report is a summary of the District’s efforts to carry out its mission of “educating and empowering all students to succeed” during the 2023-24 school year. Read the report for an in-depth examination of the District’s students, staff, schools, departments, and programs and a celebration of their achievements. And view key statistics regarding staffing, budget, demographics, and assessment data. Thank you for supporting Fargo Public Schools and allowing the District to serve its students and families and provide an exceptional educational experience. Access the full document at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/AnnualReport
Please make sure you are signed up to receive texts from Fargo Public Schools. This is for both parents and students! You need to Opt-in in order for anything to go through. This will be extremely important as we get into winter and possible delays or cancellations will be communicated out. Please take a second to do this today!
What is Eagle Hour: Eagle Hour serves as a dedicated intervention period, where each teacher is available twice a week to provide extra help, offer retake opportunities, clarify difficult concepts, and answer any questions students may have. This time is specifically set aside for academic support and enrichment, giving students the chance to reinforce their learning, stay on track, and improve their performance. These sessions will be voluntary or made mandatory if deemed essential by the teacher for student success.
Why is Eagle Hour Important? If your student is struggling or not achieving the grades they should be, Eagle Hour is the first intervention teachers will suggest. It’s a proactive way to address academic challenges before they become larger issues. By attending Eagle Hour, students can catch up on missed content, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and receive personalized support from their teachers. Regular participation in Eagle Hour can make a significant difference in a student’s academic progress and overall confidence.
Fargo Public Schools maintains close communication with local and national weather agencies, local government, and neighboring school districts in order to make decisions regarding inclement weather and other emergency situations that are in the best interest of the safety of our students, staff and parents. The decision to hold classes is based on the general weather conditions which exist for the majority of Fargo students.
Each weather event is looked at individually with multiple sources of information consulted before making the final decision on whether or not to hold school due to inclement weather. The decision to keep schools open or to close them results for weighing factors including excessive snow, temperature or wind chill numbers, wind speeds, road conditions, and the safety of bussing students.
The decision to close school will be made and communicated in as timely of a manner as possible. Closing our schools has a tremendous impact on our parents and community. We strive to make the decision if needed with enough time for parents to make arrangements for supervision of their children. However, at times, a decision the morning of a school day may need to be made to see what weather materializes overnight; if a decision is made in the morning, the decision will be made by 6:00 a.m.
Parents, please keep the following in mind:
If school is in session, and a parent decides that a student should remain at home due to weather conditions, that decision will be respected by the school. Parents should use their own judgment in determining if the weather is suitable for their children to make the journey to school. It is always up to parents to make the final decision about whether or not to send their student to school if they believe weather conditions present a safety issue. The absence for the day would be considered an excused absence.
If school is called off, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up-to-date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School cancellation information will also be broadcasted via local media, and will be posted across our website and social media sites (Facebook, X, and Instagram).
If weather or a situation develops during the day, and it is determined that an early dismissal is in the best interest of the students, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up-to-date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School closure information will also be broadcasted via local media, and the information will be posted on our website and social media sites (Facebook, X, and Instagram).
Scan or click the QR Code to view the Fargo Public School Districts website surrounding Standards-Based Learning.
Please view the link below to see additional videos and materials on EBR, provided by Principal Cody and Instructional Literacy Coach, Erin Sinner.
Students will be using an online learning management system called Canvas to access their courses and assignments. Parents and guardians will be able to monitor their child’s progress with a Canvas parent account. From inside PowerSchool Parent, parent/guardians can click the Canvas icon on the left side navigation options, under the “Custom FPS Links” heading. From there, a page with additional login information will be provided on how to connect. Parents will then be able to access Canvas from a link within PowerSchool. Teachers and media staff will inform students about Canvas features after school begins.
Click the image to access the site.
A detention will be assigned for each period of truancy and for every third tardy. Detention will be held on Monday through Friday 8:05am - 8:45am and from 3:05pm - 3:45pm. 3:05pm - 3:45pm detention can only be served if your student DOES NOT have an 8th period class. Detention will also be held on select Saturday’s from 8:00am - 12:00pm. View the list of Saturdays dates HERE.
Students who have detentions may NOT participate in selected school sponsored functions such as, homecoming dance, prom, and graduation ceremonies until all detentions are served.
The school MUST be notified when your child will be absent. There are 3 different ways to contact our attendance office which may be used 24/7.
1. Phone: 701-446-5611 for students last name A-J or 701-446-5610 for students last name K-Z.
2. Email: dhattendance@fargo.k12.nd.us
3. Text: 701-446-8471
For any appointments, a student should bring a note from the institution to the attendance office when they return to school.
Tom Glynn, is our MECA Sales Representative for letter jackets. Please review this order form for pricing. His contact information is: 651-341-2840 or email tglynn@mecasportswear.com.
If you or your family are in need of personal hygiene supplies, household products, food or clothing, the Student Services Office at Davies has a small variety of items. Students and families can access these items by contacting their school counselor. If you need additional community supports, the counselors are available to help connect you with additional supports to meet your needs.
The Insights.nd.gov is the state’s official source for information about public education across North Dakota. The information is provided by partner agencies through the Statewide Longitudinal Data System and is brought about through the collaborative work efforts of the following North Dakota agencies: Dept. of Public Instruction, Career and Technical Education, ND University System, Job Service ND, Dept. of Commerce, school districts and work force development programs.
Insights.nd.gov is intended to inform policy makers, agencies, researchers and communities on ND public schools and workforce development on many topics, including public education. The site is expected to contain more information as it becomes available.
Office Number.................................................. 446-5600
Troy Cody, Principal......................................... 446-5604
Dr. Dale Miller, Asst. Principal (A-J)............... 446-5607
Sean Safranski, Asst. Principal (K-Z)............. 446-5606
Lenny Ohlhauser, Activities Coordinator........ 446-5608
Kayla Dewey, Admin. Assistant....................... 446-5605
Kaity Dalzell, Activities Admin......................... 446-5609
Christina Hopper, Bookkeeper......................... 446-5619
Yorrick Byers, Restorative Practices................ 446-5629
Amanda Brown, Counselor (A-C).................... 446-5612
Ashlyn Skolness, Counselor (D-Ha)….............. 446-5614
Beth Weiler, Counselor (He-L)…....................... 446-5626
Sarah Nereson, Counselor (M-Sa)................... 446-5613
Anita Mahnke, Counselor (Sc-Z)...................... 446-5615
Janessa Berndt, Registrar (A-J)....................... 446-5616
Nicole Peters, Registrar (K-Z)........................... 446-5617
Jody Jahner, Career Center............................... 446-5625
Emily Bitz, CIS Social Worker............................ 446-5656
Alexis Rinas, McKinney Vento Liaison............. 446-5627
Derek Johnson, SRO.......................................... 446-5624
Cathy Pauly (A-J)............................................ 446-5611
Carrie Cacioppo (K-Z)..................................... 446-5610
Email........................... dhattendance@fargo.k12.nd.us
Text........................................................... 701-446-8471
Beth Kobbervig, School Nurse......................... 446-5621
Troy Cody
Dale Miller
Lenny Ohlhauser
Sean Safranski
Davies High School
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/Davies
Location: 7150 25th Street South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-5600