Congdon Park Weekly News 11/27/2024
Powerful Learning in a Peaceful Environment
Giving Tree
If you would like to help a Congdon family provide for their family this Holiday season, please click on this LINK. Please purchase the gift, wrap the gift and attach a tag with the gift number. Gifts need to be dropped off at Congdon no later than December 13th. There will be an area set up in the lobby for drop off. MORE GIFTS HAVE BEEN ADDED.
Important Dates
Nov 27 Prof Dev for staff - no school
Nov 28-29 Thanksgiving - no school
Dec 23 Prof Dev for Staff - no school
Dec 24- Jan 1 Holiday Break
Jan 6th PTA Meeting
Jan 17 - No School Report Card Day
Jan 20 No School - Martin Luther King Jr Holiday
Feb 10th PTA Meeting
Feb 17-21 No School - Winter Break
Feb 24 No School - Prof Dev for Staff
March 10th PTA Meeting
March 31-April 4 No School - Spring Break
April 15-17 MCA Reading Testing
April 22-24 MCA Math Testing
April 21st PTA Meeting
April 28-May 2 MCA Reading and Math Makeups
April 28-May 2 5th gr MCA Science testing
May 9th Spring Concert
May 5-9 5th gr MCA Science testing makeups
May 12th PTA Meeting
May 26 No School - Memorial Day
May 27 No School - Prof Dev for Staff
June 5 Last Day of School
MCA Testing 3rd-5th Graders
The dates have been set for MCA testing. Please do not schedule vacations or trips during this time. This is an important testing time for your students. Here are the dates:
Reading- April 15-17 grades 3-5
Math- April 22-24 grades 3-5
Make-ups April 28-May 2 grades 3-5
Science- April 28-May 2 grade 5
Science make-ups May 5-9 grade 5
Safety Drills at Congdon Park
Throughout the year, we practice several different safety drills in order to be prepared for an unexpected event at school. Below are the dates we plan to hold each of these drills.
Fire Drills:
September 10
September 24
October 4
April 30
May 20
Lockdown Drills:
September 18
November 13
January 14
March 12
May 12
Tornado Drill:
April 10
Skating Regional Champion
Evan Zhou, a 5th grader at Congdon Park Elementary School, won the regional champion title for the Upper Great Lakes (UGL) region at the 2024-2025 National Qualifying Series (NQS) figure skating competition. The UGL region includes eight states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Pennsylvania and Louisiana. This is Evan’s first time participating in the NQS. Congratulations, Evan!
Looking to purchase a Congdon tshirt, sweatshirt or hat?
Here is your chance to purchase some Congdon wear. https://dspondemand.com/collections/congdon-elementary-school
Our school counselor, Mrs. Sperl, has been visiting K-5 classrooms over the past month teaching lessons from our Second Step Anti-Bullying curriculum. Your student learned about the 3 Rs of bullying: Recognize, Report, and Refuse. Students learned about the power bystanders have to help stop bullying. 4th and 5th grade students also learned about cyberbullying. Ask your student about some of these concepts - it should lead to a good discussion. You could ask them how they know if something is bullying versus a conflict that might need their problem solving skills. Or ask them if they know what to do if they see bullying happen. Reinforce the importance of having empathy for others and treating all people with kindness!
Meghan Sperl (she/her)
School Counselor
Congdon Park Elementary
218-336-8825 x3085
Composite Photos from Jostens
Classroom composite photos have been reviewed and approved. Jostens will now start working on them on their end of the process. If you have already pre-ordered a composite, it will be shipping out in the next two weeks. If you did not pre-order a composite you still are able to do so. Individual photos and composites are available to order until June 2025. The composite should automatically pop up alongside your student's individual portrait. If you do not see the composite, just call 1-877-515-1447, option 1 or fill out the "Contact Us" option on the Jostens website.
As we enter the season of respiratory illnesses, here are some general guidelines to keep your family healthy:
When to Keep Your Child Home
Keep your child home from school if they:
- Have a fever of 100°F or higher (should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning)
- Have vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours
- Have a persistent cough
- Have open or draining skin sores that can't be covered
Tips for Maintaining Health
- Encourage frequent handwashing
- Ensure adequate sleep (10-11 hours for elementary, 9-10 for middle school, 8-9 for high school)
- Promote a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Encourage regular physical activity and outdoor time
- Maintain a smoke-free environment1
Preventing the Spread of Germs
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow
- Dispose of used tissues immediately
- Clean hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
- Stay home when sick
Bingo for Books
We will once again be having Bingo for Books on December 19th. We are looking for donations of chapter books. As always, please no donations of preschool books, religious or cook books. There will be a collection box in the lobby. Donations needed by December 8th please.
Volunteering opportunities:
Kindergarten and 1st grade lunch help: https://signup.com/go/tVGgadD
Thanks for considering and helping to make our Congdon community great! If you haven't joined as a member yet this year, you can sign up here: https://congdonparkpta.givebacks.com/
Who should I notify if my child is missing school?
If your child will be absent, coming to school late or getting picked up early please email the school attendance line at congdonattendance@isd709.org or call 218-336-8825 ext 2. Please include your child's teacher in the email. If we don't hear from you, the office will mark your student unexcused absent.
Getting dropped off late:
- Please park in the 15 minute parking spot by the main doors.
- Call the office at 218.336.8825 ext 0 to let us know you are dropping your child off.
- Send your child into the building and direct them to come to the office
- Office staff will check them in and send them to class.
Picking up early:
- Please notify your child's teacher by note or email on the day that your child will be getting picked up early
- Please park in the 15 minute parking spot by the main doors
- Call the office (218.336.8825 ext 0) and let us know you are here and where your child is going
- When your student gets to the office, we will sign them out and send them outside.
We have a list of staff and their extensions that you can access by clicking HERE. You can also find this on our website. Click on "About Us" then look for link on the right side of the page directly under the Classrooms title.
On the list you will also find their full name to use for an email:
email: (first name).(last name)@isd709.org
Teacher Wish List
Teachers have many needs for their classrooms. Our PTA helps to gather those requests and create a sign up for those parents that would like to purchase something for a teacher. Here is the sign up:
Community Activities
Join Us for Thanksgiving Dinner
The College of St. Scholastica invites community members from the Twin Ports area, including Superior and the Two Harbors area, to gather at the DECC for a Thanksgiving Day celebration. This year, we will serve a turkey dinner with homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, vegetables, dinner roll and cake for dessert.
- Thursday, Nov. 28
- DECC — Lake Superior Ballroom
- 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
- Free parking
Home Meal Delivery for Homebound Individuals
Home meal delivery will be available to homebound individuals within these communities (Duluth, Superior, Proctor, Hermantown, Esko, Cloquet and Two Harbors). We can deliver 1 or 2 meals, one for the homebound individual and their caregiver. Meal orders are due by noon on Friday, Nov. 22 at 5 p.m., to arrange for delivery.
DTA Transportation
DTA bus transportation in Duluth will be available. For more information, visit duluthtransit.com or call 218-722-7283.
Ready to help us serve a delicious feast? Creating our fabulous Thanksgiving Day Buffet takes many people, and we need YOU! Sign up now to volunteer.
About Us
Kathi Kusch Marshall - Principal
Website: https://www.isd709.org/congdon-elementary
Location: 3116 E. Superior St
Phone: 218.336.8825
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cpsduluth