MMS August Newsletter
August 23rd, 2024
Welcome back Musselman Middle!
We've had a great first week back and look forward to a great year! Please see the information below for important updates.
Updating Information
Please complete the emergency contact information forms found online: https://bcswv.jotform.com/241506457928060
and the technology acceptable use form students received at orientation or the first day of school.
MMS Tardy Policy
Students must be in the building and in homeroom by 7:30. If students enter the building 7:30 or after, they are tardy. Starting Monday, August 26, 2024 if students are tardy 3 days they will receive an After-School Detention.
Expectations and Information
Parent Drop-Off Map
Parent Pick-Up Map
Berkeley County Attendance Policy
MMS Cross Country
Is your student (grades 6-8) interested in running Cross Country? Practice begins Monday, August 26th and will be 3:00-4:15. Students must have a current sports physical on file to participate. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Hodgson at kayla.hodgson@k12.wv.us
Dates to Remember
September 4th No School--Labor Day
September 17th Interim Reports