Gage County Extension
April 2024
In this Issue
- Arbor Day- Office Closed
- Tree Planting and Pruning Workshop
- 2024 Tractor & Equipment Safety Training
Horticulture-Nicole Stoner
- Asparagus
- Start Seeds Indoors
- GroBigRed
4-H & Youth Development- Jacie Milius
- 4-H Enrollment
- Clover Kids
Water & Integrated Cropping Systems-Nathan Mueller
- Basic Cation Saturation Ratio Concept, Part 5: My Current Recommendations
Tree Planting and Pruning Workshop
Tree Workshop: Planting & Pruning
Tuesday, April 23rd at 5:30 P.M. at the Commissioners Room Pawnee County Courthouse
The workshop is $10
2024 Tractor & Equipment Safety Training
For more information check out go.unmc.edu/tractor-safety-training
Spring is here, officially, but that doesn’t mean we should get overly excited and go clean up our landscape beds just yet. However, Asparagus will soon be emerging from previous plantings and new plantings can be started soon. Continue Reading.
Start Seeds Indoors
Winter can sometimes be very long, especially for a gardener. It is hard for us to stay indoors in the cold weather when we want to be outside working in our garden year-round. However, you can start your growing season early by starting seeds indoors. I have taken up the hobby of starting seeds indoors and it has continually expanded every year because I am enjoying it so much. Continue Reading.
4-H Enrollment Now OPEN
Enrollment is open for the 2023-2024 Gage County 4-H year. The enrollment website is v2.4honline.com. All 4-H youth (ages 8-18), Clover Kids (ages 5-7), and leaders/volunteers are required to enroll online every year. Enrollment deadline is June 15. We encourage all members to enroll using a computer and not your mobile device. Call or email Jacie or Rachel at 402-223-1384 with any enrollment questions.
Please make sure to include or update your child's t-shirt size! This is the sizing guide we use to order the Exmark t-shirts for county fair! It is not a required field so can often be missed.
Updated help guides can be found on our website.
Enrollment fee is $12 for each 4-H youth to be paid online or in the office. There is no fee for Clover Kids or adults. We will not be accepting enrollments until we have received payment.
Gage County 4-H Clover Kids
Clover Kids is a special program for youth ages 5-7 who want to participate in 4-H. The program offers a variety of educational and recreational experiences in non-competitive environments. These opportunities are ideal for developing confidence, creativity, and competence during this stage of youth development.
Clover Kids have special opportunities to participate during the Gage County Fair by exhibiting Clover Kids static exhibits. To be eligible to participate, Clover Kids need to enroll through our 4HOnline system at v2.4honline.com
Basic Cation Saturation Ratio Concept, Part 5: My Current Recommendations
This is a 5-part series (previous parts at https://croptechcafe.org) on the basic cation saturation ratio (BCSR) concept. Summary of Part 1 & 2 was that authors Bear, Graham, and Albrecht of the BCSR concept in the 1940s-1970s suggested narrow basic cation saturation ratios existed, and a balanced cation saturation of the soil’s cation exchange capacity were needed, or plant growth will be reduced. Since then, several major flaws were identified by soil fertility researchers including that the same crop yield and quality can be achieved across a much wider set of basic cation saturation and ratios. Part 3 summarized results from two research studies conducted in Nebraska in the 1970s and 1980s supporting the current scientific consensus that the concept does not hold up. Part 4 highlighted the takeaways from two large scientific reviews published in 2007 and 2017 that assessed previous research and information in over 78 publications. They both concluded that current data from the 1930s through 2016 did not support the BCSR concept. Continue Reading.
Gage County Extension
Gage County Extension
How to contact us
For Horticulture & Entomology questions:
- E-mail Nicole Stoner at nstoner2@unl.edu
For Food & Nutrition questions:
- Call our office at 402-223-1384
For 4-H & Youth Development questions:
- Email Jacie Milius at jacie.milius@unl.edu
For Water & Cropping Systems questions:
- Email Nathan Mueller at nathan.mueller@unl.edu
For Agriculture Profitability questions:
- Email Anastasia Meyer at ameyer71@unl.edu
For Early Childhood questions:
- Email Ingrid Lindal at ingridchavarria@unl.edu
For Livestock Systems questions:
- Email Wayde Pickinpaugh at wayde.pickinpaugh@unl.edu
Email: gage-county@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/gage/
Location: 1115 West Scott Street, Beatrice, NE, USA
Phone: 402-223-1384