The Dragon Blast
October 2022 - New Palestine Music & Performing Arts
In this edition:
- Trunk or Treat is BACK
- Texas Roadhouse Rolls
- Fall Winds Chamber Concert
- Fall Concessions - Finish Strong
- COSMOSIS - update!
- Laundry & Dish Detergent Order Form
- ... DAD JOKE!
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Important Upcoming Dates
New Palestine High School
October 6th: NPHS Jazz Ensemble (period 6!) will be playing at the NPJH fall concert to introduce our JH friends to a different musical option we have at the high school! (marching band students who are in Jazz Ensemble will be excused from the majority of rehearsal that day so that they can be present for the whole concert)
October 7th: Final day to turn in Texas Roadhouse order forms & $$
October 7th - 6:30PM: All NPHS Percussion - Fall Concert
It would be great is the winds musicians could show support for the percussionists and attend!
October 14th @ the Football Game - SENIOR NIGHT: Senior parents, be ready to stand with your senior to help recognize their achievements and leadership! We love our Seniors!
October 27: Trunk or Treat!! Costumes.. Food Trucks.. Candy galore! Mark your Calendars! This is a great evening for the program, and the kids/parents LOVE IT.
November 9th: Texas Roadhouse rolls/butter PICK UP at the Band Barn
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Mark your calendar - OCTOBER 27TH
Flyers will be going out to the elementary schools in the district.
We're expecting around 400+ trick-or-treat'ers.
DEADLINE to reserve a space is 10/7
In anticipation of a big crowd, we're going to arrange for a few FOOD TRUCKS to be in attendance, too! As in years past, the NPHS Marching Dragons will be putting on a community performance after the trunks have closed. Invite family and friends to see this years show. A few weeks after this event, the season will be at an end.
It has always been the intention that this event be outside. Fingers crossed this is the year we can flex the full potential of this event!
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Our Texas Roadhouse fundraiser is winding down.
20% of the profits from this fundraiser are applied to student accounts, so this is a great way to chip away at any fees remaining for this year or get a head start on next year. I have physical order forms in the band room and have attached the form to this email for your convenience. Cost for all items is printed on the order form.
Order forms and money are due. They should be turned into the band box in an envelope with your child's name and Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser printed on it, please! The last day these can be submitted is 10/7.
PICK UP: On November 9th, orders must be picked up at the band barn (large building between admin and the HS soccer field). If you can't make it personally, please arrange for someone to pick your order up as there is not enough freezer space available for them to be stored.
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Winds Fall Chamber Concert
Large performing ensembles are what most of us are used to seeing at a NPHS concert. It's what our High Schoolers are most used to, too.
Playing in a chamber ensemble, tho - that's a different animal entirely.
Each voice is more exposed - no where to hide.
There is usually no conductor, so timing and tempo is a group effort.
It's a performance opportunity that can really showcase the chemistry between musicians.
That is exactly what the audience was treated to during this years Fall Chamber Concert. There were 18 Chamber groups that took to the stage playing several contrasting pieces like "Fortune Favors the Bold" and "Song Without Words".
There was a quartet of French Horns and larger ensembles of up to 20 musicians - and everything in between. The instrumentation highlighted all brass groups - all woodwind groups - and various mixtures of voices. It was a great evening of music!
There will be a similar concert featuring the NPHS Percussionists on Friday, Oct 7 at 6:30 pm in NPHS Auditorium. All winds are invited to show their support of their fellow musicians!
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Fall Concessions Sign Up
There are a few NEW concessions dates that need filled, as well as some lingering vacancies.
Tuesday: Girls soccer sectional; 1 managing adult and 5 student/adult volunteers
Thursday: Girls soccer sectional; 1 managing adult and 5 student/adult volunteers
Saturday: Girls soccer sectional; 1 managing adult and 5 student/adult volunteers
NEXT FRIDAY, 10/14: Varsity Football SENIOR NIGHT: 10 student/adult volunteers
Please take a look at the sign up genius and help when you can.
This is the home stretch.... please help, if you can!
Thank you to everyone that has stepped up this year!!! You are VERY appreciated!!!!
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THANK YOU to this years Platinum Sponsors
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With just 5 potential competition weekends left on the calendar, COSMISIS will soon be entering the 2nd half of it's season. If you have seen the transformation that has taken place from the first competition to this past weekend, you know the show is taking on a personality of it's own - and its gonna be awesome.
The final pieces will be added soon, and we'll see just how far this interstellar journey will take us!!
Good Luck Marching Dragons!!!!! We're proud of all of you!!!!!
If you'd like to see LOTS more images, please check out the New Pal Band Facebook page!! Parents and fans have been posting some great shots. Thank you for sharing your images with us!!
If you're not a member of the FB page, please join!! (it's free!) lol
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FUNDRAISER: Laundry, dishsoap, and trashbags
Thank you to everyone that continues to order from this fundraiser. Your continued support of our program is awesome. If you haven't tried it, go for it!
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After all this time I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes....
... Turns out it was the refrigerator all along.
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Pages & Links for New Palestine Performing Arts
Jr High Music Twitter Page
Intermediate Unified Arts Facebook