Susie Dasher Elementary School
February 2025
Saddle Up with PRIDE - 🐎
Greetings, STEAM Family:
Now that January is finally behind us, we are looking forward to a Fabulous February at SDE. Please check out the information below to make sure you stay in the know of all of this month's happenings, and plan your schedules accordingly!
Who are we?.... (You know the rest!)
Love & Basketball Info
Why Does Attendance Matter?
Research suggests that teacher effectiveness is the strongest school-related determinant of student success, BUT chronic student absence reduces even the best teacher's ability to provide learning opportunities. Simply stated - even the BEST teacher(s) can not teach students who are ABSENT!
Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. This relationship between attendance and achievement may appear early in a child's school career. For example, studies have linked dropout patterns with poor attendance beginning in kindergarten. Additionally, data shows that students who miss too many days have trouble mastering READING! By sixth grade, chronic absence is a proven warning sign that a student is at risk of dropping out.
Because we in DCS believe that early and ongoing engagement by family and community is critical to success, we urge all of our parents to assist us by ensuring that your child attends school DAILY, and communicate with the campus if your child can not attend school.
Elementary Attendance Recovery Program
Valentine's Day Information
Black History Month
Upcoming Family Engagement Events
SDE families are invited to join us for a night of family FUN! Check out the flyer below regarding our upcoming game night exclusive to our 2nd - 4th grade families.
Daily Reminders for SDE!
ATTENDANCE MATTERS - Parents, please make sure your child maintains regular attendance and arrives to school in a timely manner. Students are tardy at 8:15 am. Five (5) tardies and/or early dismissals count as one (1) unexcused absence. Student attendance will be a part of criteria used to determine eligibility for school-wide celebrations. Remember, every minute really counts!
- Weekly grade level newsletters will be sent home each Monday, so please check your child's folder and/or book bag.
- All book bags must be CLEAR or MESH.
- The dress code will be enforced DAILY at SDE! Any "Dress Down" days will be communicated in advance. Repeated dress code violations will result in students becoming ineligible to participate in school-wide and/or classroom PRIDE celebrations and events! Please make sure your child adheres to the required dress code. Remember, the P in PRIDE stands for "Personal Responsibility".
Additional Information
Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
Use the QR code below to check out the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for 2024-2025.
Hard copies are available upon request. Please contact our office at 478-353-8250.
Student Birthday Celebrations
2024-2025 District Theme
Introducing Irish Healthcare
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
Tuesday, Feb. 11th: Principals' Meeting (8:30 am)
Tuesday, Feb. 11th: LAST DAY for L&B Advance Ticket Sales
Wednesday, Feb. 12th: 3rd Annual Love & Basketball Game (9:30 am) @ DHS Gym
Thursday, Feb. 13th - Monday, Feb. 17th: Winter Break (NO SCHOOL for Students & Staff)
Tuesday, Feb. 18th: Students & Staff Return; Severe Weather Drill
Tuesday, Feb. 18th: CIT Meeting (PM)
Thursday, Feb. 20th: Family Literacy Game Night (5:00 pm - 6:00 pm)
Monday, Feb. 24th: LSGT Mtg (4:00 pm)
Thursday, Feb. 27th: Black History Program Dress Rehearsal (1:00 pm)
Friday, Feb. 28th: Black History Program @ DHS Auditorium (10:00 am)